Educational film catalog (1936)

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^12.4-613 EDUCATIONAL «LM CATALOG 612.4 Glands. Kidneys 612.6 Reproduction Endocrine glands. (Human biology ser.) % llmin 16-sd-$50 35-sd-nf-$100 1939 Erpi 612.4 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: AMNH Gal CFC Colu Geo Ind loS Ken Me NG NEEFA NH Ohio PGW PennTC SHS StA TexS Wash WashCE Wis WVa "Describes the nature and function of the parathyroid, pituitary, pancreas and thyroid glands. Shows the influence of calcium and parathyroid extract on muscular con- trol; the effect of pituitary hormones on egg development; the preparation and use of insulin in the treatment of diabetes; characteristics of hyper and hypothyroidism; and the stimulation of the mammary gland by pituitary and ovarian hormones. Film content correlates with general science, bi- ology, zoology, anatomy, physiology, psy- chology, and endocrinology courses." Pro- ducer "By means of diagramatic drawings and experiments on a goat, the film points out the affects caused from an improper func- tioning of the glands, the causes and rem- edies of faulty glandular actions." Cali- fornia "The photography and explanatory re- marks are quite good. Teachers of this topic, whether in High School or College Biology or Physiology, or in College Psy- chology will want to use this excellent pres- entation of a rather difficult topic. Due to time and footage all the glands are not discussed. Unusual, outstanding." Commit- tee on classroom films sh-c-adult Guide Fertilization. 8min 16-si-$12 1940 East- man 612.6 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: Ohio Wis "Suitable for definitely advanced biology classes, this film presents thru fairly good microscopic photography the basic phases of the process of fertilization of the egg by the sperm and shows the original cell- division. This definitely has more limited values than other films available on the subject, but skilful teachers might use it profitably for the specific purpose for which it obviously has been designed." Secondary educ. Guide How animal life begins. 9min 16-sd-$10; * rent $1.50 1939 Am. film center 612.6 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: B&H Geo loS NYU Wis Specially prepared and edited by the American film center from U.S. Department of agriculture film footage. The U.S. De- partment of agriculture film won 2d prize at the International Exposition of Agricul- tural Films, held in Rome, May 20-27, 1940 "This film sets forth the essential facts as to reproduction in mammals. In micro- motion pictures from life, supplemented by diagrams, it traces the development of the rabbit embryo from the fertilization of the egg to the 22nd day of embryonic life." Distributor ..h-c-adult Guide "Work of the kidneys, llmin 16-sd-$50 35- % sd-nf-$100 1940 Erpi 612.4 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: GFG Geo Ind loS Kan Ken NH Ohio SHS Tenn Wis "Several cinematic devices are used to present a detailed exposition of the kid- neys and their functions. First, an anal- ogy is drawn between machines which use selective devices and the selective pro- cesses by which wastes are eliminated in the kidneys. An animated diagram is next used to give an enlarged view of the kid- neys, and to reveal the processes of trans- fer and filtration. Laboratory experiments show the properties of the semi-permeable membranes which function in the kidneys to allow wastes to pass but restrict pas- sage of food materials. Content analysis charts compare glomerular fluid to urine. Next, anesthetized animals are used to study the factors affecting rate of urine formation, including blood sugar content and external temperature. As the film ends the narrator tells us that the func- tion of the kidneys is comparable to that of a gyroscope in that they maintain a balance between the blood and body tissue. This is an unusually well-organized presentation of the function of the kid- neys. Several different cinematic tech- niques are used to advantage, and the film is technically excellent in all respects. Suitable for classroom use from the junior high level through college." Educational screen "Excellent for science courses from the junior high school through the college level." California sh-c-adult Guide 613 Hygiene White battle front. (Films from Britain ser.) lOmin 16-sd-$15 1940 BritLib; Non-Theatrical; 16-sd-apply; rent $1.25 CFC 613 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: PC Gut PGW VES WFS "A well organized film pointing out the necessity of continuing and enlarging the fight against disease during the present war. The protection of the health and safety of civilians as well as soldiers Is emphasized as an important part of the nation's responsibility in this crisis. The part in this program of research, experi- mentation, clinics, medical treatment and advice, and emergency preparations is shown interwoven in a story of the daily life of a civilian family. Altho the material is of general interest at the present time it should be especially useful in health, hygiene, and social studies classes of the elementary and secondary schools at any time." Committee on class- room films "Doctors, dentists, nurses, and techni- cians labor in the laboratories, canton- ments, operating rooms, hospitals, etc., to prevent disease. The prevention of typhoid through inoculation, water purification, and insect riddance is shown. Note particularly how soldiers purify their drinking water. . . some 'shots' of American ambulances which have been donated to Britain. Su- perior film. Useful in science, health, current events, etc. Schools, hospitals, churches, clubs." PCW film service staff el-jli-sh-c-adu!t si - silent; sd . sound; f - inflammable; nf - safety; p - primary; el - elementary; jh - junior high; sh - senior high; c - college; trade • trade schools 82