Educational film catalog (1936)

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069-133 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION LIBRARY SERVICE ON STATEN IS- LAND — Continued St Georgre, Port Richmond, Stapleton, James Watkins Hughes Memorial, Great Kills, Tot- tenville, Huguenot Park; and several scenes are shown inside the Richmond Memorial Hospital which is given library service. Film closes as the ferry makes its way back to Manhattan 069 Museums CHILD EXPLORES HIS WORLD. 30min 16-si-sale apply; rent $3 1938 Harmon 069 el-Jh-sh Guide Depicts projects of The Brooklyn Chil- dren's Museum. Shows how any community may create a children's museum to help its children in healthy self-expression and charac- ter development Records with cues for use may be rented at $1.50 per showing plus transporta- tion. They should be ordered at the same time as film Ind $1.50 (out of state PCW $2 $3) TexTech NC 070 Journalism. Newspapers BEHIND THE HEADLINES. llmin 16-sd-apply IFC 070 el-Jh-sh-c-adult Produced by Motion Skreenadz Ltd. In Canada this film may be had on a loan basis from Vancouver daily province, Vancouver, B.C. or from the British Columbia Government travel bureau. Department of trade and in- dustry, Victoria, B.C. "The purpose of this film is to show quite completely, the operation of a large newspaper. We start by going to an im- portant fire, we then see the checking of the written report, making of headlines, set- ting of type, printing, checking of the proof, placing of the article-pictures-headlines on the front page, the press in action and the final preparations made for distribution. An excel- lent film showing the inside operations of a large newspaper. Photography and sound are good and commentary is excellent. [Should be useful for) social studies, journalism and en- tertainment." California BCTB loan NYU $1.50 BritLib $27; rent $1.50 BRAZIL GETS THE NEWS. lOmin * 16-sd-loan 1942 CIAA 070 Jh-sh-c-adult The activities of the editorial and technical departments of a great modern newspaper in Sao Paulo CIAA films have been deposited with film libraries all over the country, from which they may be secured for a small service charge. Try your state library and local distributors first. If unable to locate, write to the CIAA for nearest source DAY WITH THE SUN. 35min 16-sd-loan 35-sd-nf-loan 1936 Sun 070 el-jh-sh If more than 25 miles from New York apply YMCA Shows the making of the Sun and the development of the newspaper industry since 1833 Kan 16 Tay 16 INDUSTRY IN THE NEWS. ISmin 16-sd-loan 35-sd-nf-loan 1941 GM 070 Jh-sh-adult Intended to show that business can and does cooperate with the press of our nation toward a better public understanding. Shows in particular what General Motors does. Brings into the picture Arthur Robb, Editor of "Editor & Publisher", Roy Howard, President of Scripps Howard papers, and Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. and Paul Garrett both of General Motors JOURNALISM. (Your life work ser.) * llmin 16-sd-$50 1940 VGF 070 jh-sh-c-trade-adult Guide "This film is a rapid, though detailed, analysis of the newspaper business from the standpoint of vocational guidance. The film begins with scenes in a newspaper office and then shows the varied lives of newspaper reporters. Then it takes up the processes of editing, setting up, and printing the paper. "Next the film discusses the women's departments, and then it outlines one by one the departments of sports, finance, society, critical writing, columnists, editorial writers, political writers, and feature writers. A short sequence tells of the work of the country newspaper editor, who must be somewhat of a jack-of-all-trades. "Finally, the film analyzes general abil- ities needed for newspaper work in all branches. A good film; effective in doing the work for which it was intended. . . The film is of excellent technical quality." Georgia "An excellent film on vocational guidance for students of high school and college ages. Should be very valuable for those who wish to enter journalism." California This film is in so many of the state col- lege and university film libraries that we sug- gest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to VGF for nearest source THE SENTINEL. ISmin 16-si-loan 1939 New Haven 070 "This detailed study of how a school paper is written, printed, and circulated ought to be of interest to every school. Because the scenario, photography, and editing are ex- cellent, it ought to stimulate the production of school-made films and be extremely help- ful to any group engaged in such activities." Collaborator 080 Miscellany lOmin 16-sd- 080 ARTIFICIAL RUBBER. rent $1 B&H jh-sh This is a "Scientific American" newsreel of modern science. It not only depicts syn- thetic rubber but also shows that a snow sur- vey forecasts spring floods, "New Departure" contributions to transportation since the Gay 90's and animated dolls proclaim that good business is game of give and take 100 PHILOSOPHY 133 Prophecies. Occultism MORE ABOUT NOSTRADAMUS. (MGM miniature ser.) llmin 16-sd- apply TFC 133 sh-c-adult An MGM production. Available only to schools •■•silent: td-«ound: f - Inflammable; nf - safety; p • primary; el - elementary; Jh • junior high; sh ■ senior high; 0 • college; trade • trade schools 80