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Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION 133-136.7 MORE ABOUT NOSTRADAMUS— Conf. "A second reel of the biography of the sixteenth century French astrologer and mathe- matician (for first reel see 'Nostradamus,' listed below) recounts predictions related to the present international situation. "Not only are pages displayed prophesying the use of submarines, torpedoes and planes but specific references are shown to the League of Nations, the fall of Belgium, the invasion of Norway, the battle of Britain and the ul- timate downfall of Hitler through the coopera- tion of Britain and 'her daughter.' "Recommended for history classes at the high school level and for social studies. Col- lege classes in psychology may find this film useful." Advisory committee AMNH $1.50 lo $1.50 Ohio NOSTRADAMUS. (Historical mystery ser.) IR 16-sd-rent $5 TFC 133 sh-c-adult An MGM production. Available only to schools "The story of one of the world's most famous soothsayers, Nostradamus, who was born in Prance in 1503, is given here . . . Recommended for history classes at the high school level. Suggested also for classes in English composition. College classes in psy- chology may find this film useful." Advisory committee AMNH $1.50 Ohio Geo $2 Okla $1.50 Ken $1.50 WITCH DOCTOR'S MAGIC. (Adven- tures in Africa ser.) 2R 16-sd-rent $10 TFC 133 A Warner bros. production. Available only to schools "Here a clever explorer settles a super- stitious issue in an African village. . . Highly recommended as one of the best possible for use in mental hygiene courses, personality studies, general biology, and other studies dealing with the effect of the mind on the body. Recoinmended also for social studies, grades 7 through 12." Advisory committee 36.7 Child study BABY'S DAY AT TWELVE WEEKS. lOmin 16-sd-$50 35-sd-nf-$100 1935 Erpi 136.7 sh-c-adult By Dr Arnold Grcsell, director, Yale clinic of child development In this picture the infant is followed through his domestic day from the time of his waking at six o'clock in the morning until the final breast feeding at ten o'clock at night. His dressing, bathing, feeding, day- time naps, play, and general care are pre- sented. An interpretation of the significance of his various reactions is offered ConnH 16-loan OreS 16-$1.50 Gen 16 TexTech 16 MassPH 16-loan Wis 16-$1.25 Okla 16-$1.50 BALLOONS. (Studies of normal person- * ality development ser.) 28min 16-sd-$60; rent $3 1941 NYU 136.7 sh-c-adult Produced by Department of child study of Vassar college Two boys, both between the ages of four and five, are subjects in a projective situation designed for the study of aggressive and de- structive impulses. It shows how differently two children, but a few months apart in age, and from similar backgrounds, respond to a graduated series of opportunities and invita- tions to break balloons NJM BEHAVIOR DAY AT FORTY-EIGHT WEEKS. lOmin 16-sd-$50 3S-sd-nf- $100 1935 Erpi 136.7 sh-c-adult By Dr Arnold Gesell, director, Yale clinic of child development Wholesome methods of child care are portrayed in numerous situations, including the administration of cod liver oil and orange juice, the bath, dressing, feeding, elimina- tion, floor play and daytime naps and sleep. Emphasis is placed upon the psychological implications and the educational significance of the infant's everyday experiences ConnH 16-loan Okla 16-$1.50 Gen 16 TexTech 16 111 16-loan Wis 16-$1 MassPH 16-loan BEHAVIOR PATTERNS AT ONE * YEAR. lOmin 16-sd-$50 35-sd-nf-$100 1935 Erpi 136.7 sh-c-adult Guide 15c By Dr Arnold Gesell, director, Yale clinic of child development Portrays the behavior patterns of a nor- mal infant fifty-two weeks of age. The baby's manipulation and other reactions to one, two, three and ten cubes are interpreted and dis- cussed by the narrator. Continues with the study of other test situations involving a cup and spoon, cup and cubes, pellet, pellet and bottle, ball, ring and string, paper and crayon, a performance box and a form board ConnH 16-loan Gen 16 IllH 16-loan MassPH 16-loan Okla 16-$1.50 Wis 16-$1.25 BY EXPERIENCE I LEARN. (Judy's diary ser.) 25min 16-si-$50; rent $1.50 1938 Wis 136.7 el-Jh-sh-c-adult Produced under the auspices of the Wis- consin State board of health. May be had on "loan" basis in Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota. Borrowers out of Wisconsin pay all transportation charges "Shows the development of Judy, the in- fant pictured in the film Judy's Diary (listed class 649) from the age of 9 to 18 months. She learns to walk, climb, feed herself, and play by herself and with others." U.S. Chil- dren's bur. "Throughout the film emphasis is placed upon the advantage of a regular schedule for the babe with opportunity for growth through self-activities. An excellent film for Homemaking classes, students in Psychology, mothers and others." Collaborator ConnH loan Ohio WashS CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS; excerpt * (school sequence). (Human relations ser.) 12min 16-sd-rent apply Comm on human relations 136.7 jh-sh-c-adult May be rented only for educational pur- poses where no admission is charged This specially prepared excerpt of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film deals with school life A schoolboy, son of a rich father, tries to rule the faculty and his schoolmates by bribery and threats. When he is punished for flagrant bad behavior he runs away and com- plains to his father of cruel treatment The father learns the truth, and sees that his absorption in business is partly the cause of his son's difficulties BosU $2 NEEFA Cal NYU $1.50 CPC $1.50 Okla $1.50 Geo $2 »I-«llent; sd-sound: f - Inflammable; nf. safety; p - primary; el - elementary; Jh ■ Junior high; $h ■ senior hiah; c-college; trade • trade schools 81