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Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION 136.7-170 LIFE BEGINS— Continued promote the infant's welfare by periodical health examinations and supervision of his mental growth Gen 16 Ohio 16 NYH 16-loan SD 16 LA MATERNELLE; excerpt. (Human relations ser.) 22min 16-sd-apply Comm on human relations 136.7 sh-c-adult Guide May be rented only for educational pur- poses where no admission is charged Specially prepared excerpt from the French motion picture corporation film which deals with the psychology of insecurity and repres- sion. Marie, a six-year-old French girl, whose mother has deserted her, attaches herself to Rose, one of the helpers in her school. When Rose becomes engaged to be married, Marie feels deserted for the second time, and tries to commit suicide. Rose and her fiance agree that Marie must come with them and be their child BosU $3.50 NYU $3 Cal Okla $3 CPC $3 REACHING—PREHENSILE BEHAV- IOR OF THE HUMAN INFANT, (Child development ser.) 16-si-$21 1941 Warden & Gilbert 136.7 sh-c-adult "Development of eye-hand coordination is illustrated in this series of studies. The pic- tures begin with slow-motion closeups showing differences in the adult and the infant manner of prehending objects of various sizes and shapes. Then there follow successive pictures of the same child reaching for a suspended watch. "Pictures were taken periodically during the first 3 years to demonstrate the maturation of coordination." College film center "Very interesting study. Valuable in classes of child development." California CFC $1.50 STAGES OF CHILD GROWTH. 20min 16-sd-$85; rent apply 35-sd-nf-$190; rent apply 1931 Erpi 136,7 sh-c-adult By Dr Charlotte BUhler, professor of child psychology, University of Vienna Tests which have been devised to measure sensory acuity, reactions to social stimuli and powers of imitation in infants and children of pre-school age. In addition, his curiosity, body control and memory are tested. The sum total of the child's response to these tests indicates how well he will be able to adjust himself to his environment B&H 16-$4 La 16 BosU 16-$1.50 Okla 16-$2.50 CPC 16-$4 TexTech 16 Gen 16 West 16 STUDY OF INFANT BEHAVIOR. 20min 16-sd-$85; rent apply 3S-sd-nf-$190; rent apply 1930 Erpi 136,7 sh-c-adult Guide 15c By Dr Arnold Gesell, director, Yale clinic of child development This is an introduction to the clinical and research activities of the Yale clinic of child development showing the reactions of mfants in standardized situations. Recorded at advancing ages it shows the trends and stages of early mental growth. It is further an exposition of scientific methods, portray- ing the techniciues of the photographic dome, the cinemanalysis of behavior patterns, a diagnostic examination and the procedure of the Yale guidance B&H 16-$4 Gen 16 BosU 16-$1.50 IdP 16 CPC 16-$4 Okla 16-$2.50 ConnH 16-loan OreS 16-$1.50 TECHNIQUES OF ANTHROPOMET- RIC MEASUREMENT IN CHIL- DREN. 13min 16-si-$25; rent $1.50 1940 Cal 136.7 "Devised for use with students of child development, in order to familiarize them with the methods used in securing anthropometric measurements on young children for purposes of research. The procedures of taking fourteen different measurements are shown, identified by captions. In addition there are illustra- tions of children with different body-builds, a chart showing curves for two children who grew at different rates, and a pictorial se- quence of one child showing changes in this child from two to ten years of age. Although the film is not intended as a training device, a set of mimeographed direc- tions for taking these measures will be fur- nished on request. [Produced by thej Institute of child welfare, N. Bayley." California THIRTY-SIX WEEKS BEHAVIOR DAY. lOmin 16-sd-$50; rent apply 35- sd-nf-$100; rent apply 1935 Erpi 136.7 sh-c-adult By Dr Arnold Gesell, director, Yale clinic of child development The infant boy whose behavior day at 12 weeks was charted tin Baby's day at twelve weeks, listed above] is now 36 weeks old. His reactions are compared with those which he experienced twenty-four weeks earlier. His responses to the ministrations of his father and mother are commented upon. The very first successful creeping efforts are observed ConnH 16-loan Gen 16 NC 16 Okla 16-$1.50 TexTech 16 Wis 16-$1.25 140 Philosophical systems FOUR DAUGHTERS; excerpt. (Human relations ser.) 20min 16-sd-rent apply Comm on human relations 140 A specially prepared excerpt from the Warner Brothers production showing the in- fluence of environment and the reversion to type. May be rented only for educational purposes where no admission is charged BosU $3.50 Geo $3.50 Cal NYU $3 CPC $3 150 Psychology 170 Conduct AS WE FORGIVE. 15min 16-si-apply; rent $1.50 1936 Harmon 170 Guide 25c A modern boy, unwilling to forgive a friend, learns forgiveness by experiencing it himself IdP NC CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS; excerpt * (fish-hook sequence). (Human relations ser.) 12min 16-sd-rent apply Comm on human relations 170 jh-sh-c-adult Guide May be rented only for educational pur- poses where no admission is charged This specially prepared excerpt from the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film deals with fair play »1-silent: «d - sound; f - Inflammable; nf • safety: p - primary; el - elementary: Jh • Junior high; sh - senior hioii: 0 - college; trade - trade schools 83