Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION 232-271 THE SAVIOUR IS BORN. 30min 16-sd- $175; rent $10 1941 Foundation 232 el-Jh-sh-c-adult "Photographed in natural color, this film tells the familiar Christmas story; the prophesy of Micah, the journey to Bethlehem, the con- spiracy of Herod. Costumes and settings are good, but the acting is unimaginative and the travel sequences so long drawn out that the story drags. The shepherds and Wise Men are portrayed as arriving at the stable simulta- neously. All ages will find the film interesting, if not inspiring. May be used in church and church school to supplement study of the life of Christ." Int. jour, of religious educ. B&H $175; rent $10 Ea $10 SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN. 30min 16-sd-$175; rent $10 1942 Foundation 232 "A reverent portrayal of some of the rep- resentative examples of Christ's ministry, filmed in a natural environment, with authentic cos- tumes." Movie makers Astor $175; rent $10 B&H $10 248 Personal religion MASTERSHIP. Harmon 23min 16-sd-rent $5 248 "The picture was produced in England [in 1934]. It was filmed in the slum regions of the east end of London. The story centers around an English middle class family, restless and irritable because it lacks any satisfying goal in life. Members of the family attend an evangelistic service and listen to the message of the famous English missioner, Lax of Poplar. He preaches on the Mastership of Jesus. , . He relates several incidents in his ministry, each of which is dramatized as a part of the picture. After the service the family return home and come to the conclusion that they too can find a way out of their restlessness and dissat- isfaction by accepting the great Master. "For American audiences the film is some- what handicapped by English accent. It was not always easy for the reviewer to follow the conversational episodes. However the evange- listic message of the preacher is strong and fine; his manner is natural and wholesome, and his voice is clearly recorded. Though the pic- ture lacks something in artistry, the total im- pression is good. It will be useful and profitable m any Sunday evening service, especially where an evangelistic appeal is desired." Int. jour, of religious educ. B&H IdP WORLD AT PRAYER. (Magic carpets ser.) IR 16-sd-rent $5 TFC 248 Jh-sh-c , 4" ^^\^ Century-Fox production available only to schools 264 Public worship SACRIFICE OF THE MASS. 30min 16- si-$48 1931 Eastman 264 el-Jh-sh Guide Made at the suggestion, and with the approval, of His Excellency Most Reverend John Francis O'Hem, late Bishop of Rochester Introductory scenes depict the Old and New Law Sacrifices, and the vesting of the celebrant. In showing the ceremony itself, much of the filming was done from positions close to the altar. Interpretive "visions" are inserted at various points to emphasize the significance of the Mass IdP NEEFA ScU 266 Missions STORY OF BAMBA. 40min 16-si-sale apply; rent $3.75 1939 Harmon 266 el-Jh-adult Guide Available on life time lease at $30 a reel Photographed in Belgian Congo for the 1938 Africa Motion Picture Project by Ray and Virginia Garner. Shows how Bamba be- comes a Christian medical worker through mission influences and how he is able to serve his people B&H IdP RFC 267 Associations YWCA, HARLEM, NEW YORK. ISmin 16-si-$25; rent $1.50 1940 Harmon 267 Price given is for a lifetime lease A negro girl writes home to her mother of the opportunities and activities offered in the YWCA of New York's Harlem. For her mother she visualizes the cafeteria, the busi- ness machine training, activities of the dress- making class and of the course in pressing and pleating. She writes of the course in beauty culture, of their classical dancing classes and dancing classes for the children of the neighborhood. She tells her of the practical nursing course, and the course in domestic science Such sports as swimming and archery are available and also various crafts. The "Y" also provides "beau" parlors for its girls 271 Religious orders CLOISTERED. 71min 16-sd-apply 35- sd-f-apply 1941 Nu-Art 271 Made in France this film shows the succes- sive stages thru which a novice must pass to become a nun. It is available in English, Span- ish. Portuguese or French f^.t^/i^® ,Hn»versaJ urge to pray, as mani- fested m different ways in widely separated parts of the world, is brought to us in this film. . . Recording of singing and other musical and sound effects contributes to the dramatic quality of the film. With captions Recom- mended for sociology and comparative religion grades 10 through college. Might be helpful .n'"., social studies classes, grades 7 through 10." Advisory committee BosU Geo $2 NC *i- silent; sd . sound; f - Inflammable; LIFE IN A BENEDICTINE MONAS- TERY. 30min 16-sd-$94.50 1939 Pic- torial 271 "This featurette portrays the life in a monastery in Normandy, showing the monks' rigid, frugal way of living; how they cultivate their soil; spin their own cloth; prepare their manuscripts in a way unchanged since Medi- eval times, and perform their daily prayers Actual recording of Gregorian chants and Latin prayers. An explanatory commentary high- lights those scenes unfamiliar to the lajrman " School management nf - safety; p . primary; el - elementary; c - college; trade • trade schools 89 Jh-Junior higli; sh - senior high;