Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION 311-326 311 Staf istlcs FREQUENCY CURVES. 1929 Eastman 8min 16-si-$12 311 sh Guide "Gives the student a conception of fre- quency distribution and an interpretation of frequency curves. Tlie film is valuable in college classes for engineering, chemistry, biology, sociology, insurance, psychology, etc. Grains of a precipitate are classified according to size. It is shown, by animation, that as the number of classes increases, the accuracy of the representation increase, but so does size." Ohio Buck Ohio Ind 50c Wis 75c 320 Political science MAN THE ENIGMA. (Battle for life * ser.) 30min 16-sd-$126; rent $5 1942 Pictorial 320 jh-sh-c Outlines briefiy the survival of the fittest law of biology. Shows the working of a totalitarian state as the ants and bees live and work and presents the idea that the only satisfactory state for individuals working and planning for the ultimate good of the individual is a democracy. Some beautiful and unusual shots of animals and insects "Another of the fine Woodard pictures which depicts the working of Instinct in the animal kingdom, with its analogy to Man and the Social Order." A. J. Bradac 321.8 Democracy MILESTONES OF DEMOCRACY. lOmin 16-sd-$40; rent $2 1941 B&H 321.8 jh-sh-c High school social-science class discusses contributions of long chain of democratic mile- stones, such as Magna Charta, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc. Ohio VES 323.35 Communities GROWTH OF CITIES. lOmin 16-sd-$50 35-sd-nf-$100 1942 Erpi 323.35 jh-sh-c Guide 15c "Explains factors which determine the lo- cation and growth of cities. Shows the general trend toward organization throughout the Unit- ed States. Various types of cities and city plans are presented. Factors involved in the decentralization of the city into the metropolitan area are clearly presented. The film includes the presentation of the prevailing trends of city planning." "Wisconsin "Good technically. Doesn't cover the sub- ject adequately. Poorly presented. Good ani- mated maps and diagrams." Galifornia Geo 16-$2 Ohio 16 Ind 16-51.25 Wis 16-$1.25 323.4 Freedom of speech and press SAFEGUARDING MILITARY INFOR- MATION. lOmin 16-sd-loan 1942 OWI 323.4 jh-sh-c-adult Originally made by the Motion picture academy of arts and sciences as a training film for the U.S. Army. Stresses the importance of secrecy on the part of military personnel and workers engaged in defense activities, and shows the results of careless talk. Ship explo- sion, sabotage, and disastrous events result from thoughtless revelation of information to enemy OWI films have been deposited with film libraries all over the country, from which they may be secured for a small service charge. Try your state library and local distributors first. If unable to locate, write to the OWI for nearest source STORY THAT COULDN'T BE PRINT- * ED. llmin 16-sd-apply TFC 323.4 jh-sh A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production avail- able only to schools "The history of John Peter Zenger, pre- Revolutionary War printer and publisher, who was persecuted, arrested and tried for pub- lishing reports refiecting upon the honesty of His Majesty's Colonial representative. "Zenger's friend, John Alexander, sought and received the assistance of the able retired lawyer, Andrew Hamilton, of Philadelphia, whose presentation before the jury is a master- ly statement on the freedom of the press. Zenger's acquittal was one of the first victories for freedom of the press and contributed to the inclusion of this doctrine in the Bill of Rights. "Highly recommended for junior and sen- ior high school classes in civics, social studies and American history. Ala Oal $1 Geo $2 Ind $1.25 Id $1.50 Minn $1 NO ND $1 Advisory committee Ohio Okla $1.50 Syr $1.50 Tenn $2 Va WashS $1.50 Wis $1.25 324 Elections FIGHT FOR HONEST BALLOTS. 40min 16-sd-rent $1.50 1941 B&H 324 sh-c-trade-adult What active citizens can do to insure clean elections, through watchful enforcement of existing election laws. The Chicago proce- dures shown are applicable, with modifications, to most cities 326 Negroes ART IN THE NEGRO SCHOOLS. 28min 16-si-rent $3 1940 Harmon 326 A general approach to the place of art education in the general scheme of preparing for a well rounded life. No specific schools are mentioned and the thought of the film is that of the broad use of art study in practically every field of endeavor CALHOUN SCHOOL—THE WAY TO A BETTER FUTURE. ISmin 16-si- sale apply; rent $1.50 1937 Harmon 326 "An excellent case study for students of education on school-community relationships ... It is the story of the Negroes of a poverty- stricken plantation area in Lowndes County, Alabama, an excellent sociological study where- by we come face to face with the babies, the adolescents and the adults; their dilapidated homes; impoverished and eroded soil; and the typical one-room schoolhouse in which 'equal educational opportunity' is dispensed. "Creative camera technique is evidenced throughout. One noteworthy shot Is the scene si-silent; sd-sound; f • inflammable; nf • safety; p . primary; e| • eiementary; iti • Junior iiisti; *li • senior iiigli; o-coiiege; trade • trade scliools 91