Educational film catalog (1936)

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326-328.1 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION CALHOUN SCHOOL—Continued of the hats and umbrellas on the wall, to illustrate the fact that young and old attend this school. There is an abundant use of close- ups, and much background material is provided for an understanding of the lives of the people. "Without propaganda and with no sensa- tional elements, this picture presents a deep and moving panorama of Negro life scarcely known and seldom seen in the experience of the average person." E. S. SC HAMPTON INSTITUTE. ISmin 16-si- rent $4.50 1941 Harmon 326 sh-adult May also be rented in kodachrome for $10 A survey of the training of Negro men and women in skills of the hands as well as those of the mind. Indicates how its program stems from art as a basic preparation, which reaches into all fields NEGRO AND ART. ISmin 16-si-rent $1.50 1931 Harmon 326 sh-c The contribution the American Negro is making in the field of art, and the har- monious race relationships which may be de- veloped through this medium are suggested SC VES NEGRO FARMER. 30min 16-sd-$15.25 35-sd-nf-$40.20 1938 USDA 326 Outlines the work of the Federal and State Extension Service among Southern Negroes. Shows what is being done to further the cause of better farming and better living USDA films have been deposited with film libraries all over the country, from which they may be secured for a small service charge. Try your state library and local distributors first. If unable to locate, write to the USDA for nearest source TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE & EDGAR GUEST. (Our world in review^ ser.) lOmin 16-sd-$30; rent $1.50 1936 Gut ( 326 Jh-sh-c Originally produced by Pathe and re- edited in 1936 for this series Richard B. Harrison tells the history of Tuskegee Institute. The Tuskegee choir sings throughout the film. Edgar Guest reads his 10,000th poem Cine IdP Cos NFS $27; rent $1.50 DG Rosh E3K SC FiL. VES XAVIER UNIVERSITY. I5min 16-si- sale apply; rent $1.50 1938 Harmon 326 "The excellent educational opportunities afforded by Xavier University . . . have been admirably described in this motion picture. We are given a tour through the campus, showing the beautiful buildings, the modern library and laboratory facilities, the students at work in the various schools—the College of Pharmacy, Pre-Medical School, School of Education—as well as glimpses of the social life of the co-eds there. "This film can be used to great advantage in any discussion of higher parochial education, or of Negro education, or of the desirability for combining religious and secular education for Negroes. . . As a clear-cut, dramatic presenta- tion of the achievements of Xavier University, this film may be classified as an exceptional informational film. "Insofar as it does not raise any issues, present any problems for discussion, or make suggestions for carrying still further this ex- cellent pioneering work, the film falls short of being classified as a 'documentary'." E.S. SC 327.73 Foreign relations of the United States MONROE DOCTRINE. (Historical ser.) * 20min 16-sd-rent apply 1941 TFC 327.73 Jh-sh-c-adult A Warner bros. technicolor production available only to schools "Shows the reason for James Monroe's historic message to Congress which was sup- ported by Henry Clay, Daniel Webster and John Quincy Adams. What the Monroe Doctrine has meant to the America's is portrayed in his- torical stages." A. A. Wulff "Excellent color and photography. Very well dramatized. Should be of special interest at this particular time." California "An excellent film for use in American and European history classes. . . Should be valuable also for civics classes, and the costumes may be of interest to art classes. The film is tech- nically excellent in every way." Educational screen Ala $3 Minn $3 Cal $3 Ohio CFC $4.50 Okla $2.50 Geo $3.50 SC $3 111 $3 Wis $3.50 Ind $5 YMCA $5 OUR MONROE DOCTRINE. 20min 16- * sd-$90; rent $3.50 35-sd-f-apply 1940 Academic 327.73 Jh-sh-adult Guide Such characters as John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, John Calhoun, and of course James Monroe, play their dramatic and historic roles. Considers why it was necessary to issue the Doctrine; what forces were instrumental in shaping the policy proclaimed; the part the independence of the South American republics played in influencing the policy of the United States; the Holy Alliance of Europe and their aims for world domination This film is in so many of the state col- lege and university film libraries that we sug- gest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to Academic for nearest source 328.1 Parliamentary procedure PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES IN ACTION. 12min 16-sd-$50 1941 Coro- net 328.1 Jh-sh-c-adult Demonstrates proper procedure in conducting a meeting by showing significant parts of the discussion involved in the meeting of a high school dramatics club. Featured are proper procedure in calling the meeting to order and in the reading of the minutes. Proper order of business is shown as the discussion moves from reports of standing committees, special committees, unfinished business, orders of the day, new business and adjournment. During the course of the meeting the procedure of amending motions, seconding motions, calling for a division of the house, appointing of com- mittees, rising to a point of order, tabling a motion and rising to a point of inquiry are all given Ind $2 Tenn $2 Minn $1 Wis $1.50 SHS $1.50 fl • ;ilent; $d-sound; f . infraiii<nab|«: nf - safety: p ■ primary; el ■ elementary; Jh - Junior high; th - senior high; C ■ college; trade - trade schools 92