Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION 329-330.973 329 Political parties HOW TO VOTE. (MGM miniature ser.) IR 16-sd-rent $5 TFC 329 Jh-sh-c-adult A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production avail- able only to schools "A satirical comedy presentation of a political meeting. . . Reveals much of the 'bunkum' that is prevalent in political speeches. Should be useful in social study classes in connection with discussions of political propaganda and public gullibility." Advisory committee Minn $1 Tenn $2 NC Wis $1.25 ND 330.9 Economic history FRONTIERS OF THE FUTURE. lOmin 16-sd-loan 35-sd-f-loan 1937 NAM 330.9 Jh-sh-c-adult Produced by Audio productions. Is a patriotic screen editorial narrated by Lowell Thomas. Traces the pattern of modern in- dustrial growth "Definitely propaganda for business. Can be used if properly explained." Collaborator This film is in so many of the state col- lege and university film libraries that we sug- gest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to NAM for near- est source 330.973 Economic conditions— United States AMERICA LOOKS AHEAD. 20min 16- sd-loan 1940 Investment bankers assn 330.973 Jh-sh-c-adult "Opening scenes illustrate America as the commentator discusses the 'American way.' He points out that industry develops from men, money, and productive ideas. A flash-back to 1807 shows us a cabinetmaker, going to a banker to obtain a loan. With the money he plans to expand his shop. The shop grows and becomes a furniture factory with mass methods of production taking the place of Individual labor. . . Simple tools are contrasted with complex machines and the point is made that a worker now in industry must be backed by $5,000 in capital to have that machinery. "A diagram shows how wages, profits, interests, rents, and savings flow from the stream of productive industry, fed by individual investment. A sketch describes the work of the investment banker who must investigate the business, conduct an engineering survey, then, if his findings are acceptable, purchase and resell securities. "Suggested for junior and senior high school social science—units on the relationship of industry to our lives, and the development of big business, senior high school economics— units on industry and capital, and investment banking practices." Washington state Ken 50c Va Okla 50c VaEd Ores 50c WashS SC AMERICA YESTERDAY TODAY AND TOMORROW. lOmin 16-sd-loan 35- sd-f-loan 1936 NAM 330.973 Jh-sh-c-trade-adult Produced by Audio productions "This film depicts the industrial develop- ment of America. Suggests that the same creative spirit still exists to guide the future." Oklahoma A&B 16 Ken 16 AudP 16 Mod 16-35 Cal 16 Nat Indus coun 16-35 EPS 16 Okla 16 Fla 16 Syr 16 Kan 16 Tex 16 CHILDREN MUST LEARN. 13min 16- sd-rent $3 1940 NYU 330.973 sh-c-adult Guide This film may also be rented for a month for $6, for six months for $20 and for a year for $30 and for 3 years for $60 Designed to illustrate the unsatisfactory relationship between education and the local necessities of life which characterize American education in many parts of this country. They are authentic records of people living their usual lives. Sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan foundation Life of a poor family trying to subsist on a poor soil is graphically portrayed. Suggests the part the school has played in the lives of such people and gives an indication of the greater role it can play CFC $3 Ind $2 Wis $2.50 DEFENSE FOR AMERICA. lOmin 16-sd-loan 35-sd-nf-loan 1942 NAM 330.973 sh-c-adult Through the cooperation of the United States armed forces and the National Associa- tion of Manufacturers, Graham McNamee and cameramen have been able to go behind the guarded doors of industrial plants producing guns, battleships, tanks, dive-bombers, fight- ers and other vital wartime needs. The re- sulting film, presents for educators and stu- dents throughout the nation a visual report on the achievements of American industry producing the necessities for the achievement of victory "Excellent commentator. Fast moving. Good sound. Well organized and presented." California VES 16-$1 OUR DAILY BREAD. 6Smin 16-sd-$250; rent $15 Commonwealth 330.973 sh-c-adult Produced by United artist corporation in 1936 Unanimously passed by the reviewing committee of Secondary Board of the N.E.A. Produced and directed by King Vidor. A guide may be secured from Educational and Recreational Guides, Inc., 1501 Broadway, New York City "Presents a story that entertains because it is a story of pioneering' and high adventure . . . The social and economic problems of men and women appear in every scene. According to the story, Mary and John Sims are a young city couple who have reached the end of their financial resources. "When a rich relative offers them an old and heavily mortgaged farmstead, they thank- fully accept the offer. Difficulties threaten to put an end to the experiment. The most dan- gerous and the final difficulty, so far as the picture is concerned, is a drought . . . that threatens extinction of the entire crop. . . In a highly dramatic sequence he [Johni saves the day and wins back the respect of his fel- lowworkers and the love of his wife." Photo- play studies IdP NJM si • silent; sd- sound; f - inflammable; nf - safety; p • primary; el ■ elementary: Jh • Junior hlph; sh • senior high: 0-college; trade - trade schools 93