Educational film catalog (1936)

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330.973-331.2 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION WAKE UP AMERICA. (American prog- ress ser.) 12min l6-sd-$20; rent $2 1940 Am films found 330.973 Jh-sh Produced under the direction of R. F. Bailey, this film is dedicated to the American way of peace, freedom and prosperity for all. It is a review of the American way "This grandiose presentation of American material development since 1880 stresses that only in America is such development possible because of the so called 'Ameja«an System.' It makes for good Americanism'^but appears a little far fetched to this critic. The success and stability of our government might have been due to that intangible pioneer spirit so evident in a high percentage of our population. How- ever, though I disagree with the premise upon which this film is based I consider it a very worthwhile film and it should be shown to all children in junior and senior high schools as it contains a wealth of material that would make for interesting discussions in home room or social studies cla.sses." Committee on class- room films B&H Ea IdP Tex TexVB 331.1 Employment agencies HELP WANTED. (Crime does not pay ser.) 22min 16-sd-apply TFC 331.1 Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and is available only to schools "The Hot Spot Employment Agency pro- cures jobs for manual laborers for a fee of 50% of the first month's wages, and splits with employers who will agree to discharge the laborers at the end of the month so that others may replace them and go through the same routine. A sample situation, taken from police records, is dramatized. "The filirf shows the injustices of this employment agency racket, and clearly visual- izes the careful and thorough police methods used to obtain conviction of offenders under diflicult circumstances. Recommended for high school classes in economics and social studies and for discussion in vocational guidance groups." Advisory committee Minn $2 Ohio Okla $2.50 331 Capital and labor BLACK LEGION; excerpt (Taylor se- quence). (Human relations ser.) 20min 16-sd-apply Comm on human relations 331 Guide May be rented only for educational pur- poses where no admission is charged This specially prepared excerpt from the Warner film deals with working conditions A factory worker, expecting to be pro- moted to foreman, is resentful when the job is given to a man with a foreign name. He ac- cepts the propaganda of fascistic speakers and joins the Black Legion. The organization burns the home of the foreman and runs him and his father out of town BosU $3.50 NEEFA Cal NYU $3 CFC $3 Okla $3 Geo $3.50 WELFARE OF THE WORKERS. (Films from Britain ser.) 9min 16-sd- $8.50; rent SOc 35-sd-f-apply BritLib 331 sh-c-adult "The story of the workers in England in doing their part in the war program. It shows the centralization of industry before the war and then shows the decentralization of industry as a result of the war. Special emphasis is placed on how the workers are taken care of in their travels to their new places of employ- ment. "It also shows how the workers have ad- justed themselves to their new war time tasks. New types of factories, lighting, and other in- novations brought on by the 'blackouts' are shown. The film stresses the point that the government realizes the importance of healthy, happy and industrious workers. "The photography and narration are good. There is a bit of propaganda which is to be expected i« a film of this type. "Could be used in high school or college classes studying labor conditions, decentraliza- tion of industry or how a country must readjust itself in times of emergency. It is an excel- lent film for the studying of current events." Committee on classroom films AFC 16 BraF 16-$15; rent $1.25 CFC 16 Gut 16 Ind 16-$1.25 MMA 16 NFS 16-sale apply; rent $1.50 Non-theatrical 16 NYU 16-$1.50 VES 16 Wis 16-$1.25 331.13 Unemployment MACHINE: MASTER OR SLAVE. 14min 16-sd-rent $3 1941 NYU 331.13 sh-c-adult Guide Produced by the Educational film institute of N.Y.U. May also be rented for a week for $6, for 6 months for $20, for a year for $30, and for 3 years for $60 Considers the problems that manage- ment faces in its approach to the human and financial factors involved in technological progress. To what extent can unemployment be relieved by seeking larger markets, by ad- justment of prices, wages, and dividends? How can management coordinate its own long-term self-interest with the needs of the workers and the consumer? Instead of attempting to answer these questions, the film poses them against the background of managerial organization, asking the audience not to overlook the realities in- volved CFC $3 NYU $3 MILLIONS OF US. 20min 16-sd-sale apply; rent $7.50 1936 BraF 331.13 sh-c Produced by American labor production inc. The story of the millions of unemployed exemplified in a young man who is driven by hunger to take employment as a scab and the experiences that lead him to recognize his com- mon interests with the strikers and the work- ing people generally 331.2 Wages FIFTY-TWO PAY CHECKS EACH YEAR. 25min 16-sd-loan 35-sd-f-nf- loan 1935 BHF 331.2 sh-c-adult Narrated by J. Manley Phelps This is the story of the plan worked out by the Nunn, Bush and Weldon shoe company of Milwaukee to give their employees a yearly salary thus carrying them over enforced shut- down periods. It is produced from an academic point of view and will provoke discussion tl - tilant: >d-sound; f ■ Inflammable; nf ' safety; p - primary; el - elementary; - college; trade - trade schools 94 Jh - Junior high; sh - senior high;