Educational film catalog (1936)

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331.83-332.4 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION PLACE TO LIVE. 18min 16-sd-$72; rent $3 1941 BraF 331.83 Jh-sh-c-adult Based on a survey by the Philadelphia housing association and although it is based on the facts of the City of Philadelphia, it may readily be applied wherever the need exists A school boy leaves his classes; through typical city streets and back alleys infected with rats, he homeward wends his way. There in a "band box house," three rooms, one above the other, his mother awaits. Scenes follow of their squalid way of living and we learn of their hopes and wishes for a better place to live No problem is solved but a suggestion or two is made. The film lays the foundation for an approach to a solution. It leaves the way open for a follow-up applicable for the special type of solution to the specific local situation "This film will be of great aid to teachers of the social studies and home economics. Its appealing presentation of everyday housing problems arouses a definite desire to find an answer." Dr John T. Garman "I think it rekindled enthusiasm even in veteran 'housers.' " Richard C. Simonson 331.86 industrial training CASE OF CHARLIE GORDON. 20min * 16-sd-$22.50 1940 Canada 331.86 sh-c-adult The case history of one boy in a Canadian community, who might be any boy, anywhere— Charlie Gordon had never had a job. A local committee determined to stir up community in- terest to give Charlie and his contemporaries a chance. Through their efforts, and the work of the Federal government, hundreds of boys were apprenticed to garages, machine shops and distributing trades Many of them were taken on permanently and, with useful work to do, their former atti- tude of inert hopelessness quickly changed to one of lively interest B&H $22.50; rent $2 CFC Gut IntP NFS $27; rent $1.50 NYU $2.50 TexVE VaEd 332.1 Banking YOUR DOLLARS—IN UNIFORM! 19min 16-sd-loan 1942 Savings bank 332.1 sh-c-trade-adult "Stresses the importance of saving for the war effort. Opening with a deposit being made in a bank, the film points to the many vital industries and activities in which that deposit may be invested by the bank, through United States Savings Bonds. Tracing the develop- ment of savings banks from their founding in 1810, the film shows how they rose to their present day importance." Movie makers 332.2 Agricultural credit. Loan associations MONEY TO LOAN. (Crime does not pay ser.) 22min 16-sd-apply TFC 332.3 sh-c-adult A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production avail- able only to schools "This picture exposes the operation of the unscrupulous small-loan company and drama- tizes the treatment of unfortunate customers through all the practices of blackmail, illegal re-possession, theft of collateral, extortion, in- timidation and finally murder. "The methods of the company make It difficult for the police to secure court evidence. A local newspaper gives police aid through a publicity crusade which drives the loan com- pany operators to extremes which finally place them in police custody. "Recommended for senior high school guidance programs and social science groups." Advisory committee Geo $3.50 Minn $2 Ohio SIGN OF DEPENDABLE CREDIT. 20min 16-sd-$12 35-sd-nf-$32.35 1941 USDA 332.3 c-trade-adult "Used to advertise Production Credit As- sociation and to educate the farmer to the system of credit buying in this country. The film is encouraging people to go into the farm- ing profession, and it shows them how to buy farm equipment through borrowing money from government supervised loan associations." Rob- ert A. Sencer "Designed to show how the Production Credit Ass'n. was organized and the manner in which it operates. We are shown how the farmer of today must utilize the new improve- ments and inventions in order to compete in this highly specialized world. In order to do this many farmers must rely on loans which they obtain from the Production Credit Ass'n. A very well organized film. Should be useful to classes in economics and to county farm ad- visors." California USDA films have been deposited with film libraries all over the country, from which they may be secured for a small service charge. Try your state library and local distributors first. If unable to locate, write to the USDA for nearest source 332.4 Coinage DANGEROUS paragraphias TFC DOLLARS. ser.) llmin (Paramount 16-sd-apply 332.4 el-Jh-sh-c-adult A Paramount production available only to schools "Produced by authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, this reel devotes itself to the education of the public in detecting counterfeit money. The reel is very instructive and con- cludes with a dramatic episode in which an attempt is made to pass counterfeit money on a merchant, thwarted by the quick action of Secret Service agents." Advisory committee AMNH $1.50 Fi Ohio KNOW YOUR MONEY. * loan US Secret service 20min 16-sd- 332.4 Jh-sh-c-adult "Produced and acted by personnel of the U.S. Secret Service. Clearly shows differences between genuine and counterfeit paper money and coins, illustrates methods used by profes- sional passers of counterfeit money, and tells how merchants and others may protect them- selves against the counterfeiter—and the forger of government checks. Although not a new film, it is always timely. Recommended for all groups." Secondary educ. This film is in so many of the state col- lege and university film libraries that we sug- gest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to U. S. Secret service for nearest source •I • silent: sd-sound; f - inflammable; nf - safety: p • primary; el - elementary: Jli - Junior iiigh; sh • senior iiigli; 0-college; trade - trade schools 96