Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION 338-340 MINES ABOVE GROVNH— Continued methods used by Western Electric to reclaim and reuse scrap metals. The Industrial Salvage Section of W.P.B. has recommended this pic- ture to local salvage sections." Movie makers Mo 75c Okla 50c YMCA loan SCRAP FOR VICTORY. (America call- ing ser.) 12min 16-sd-$25; rent $1.50 35-sd-f-apply BraF 338 el-jh-sh-c-adult "Dramatizing the vital problem of salvage, and showing how such critical materials as wool, metal, and rubber are essential to our armed forces. We see an American family at work salvaging for Victory, and learn what happened to their salvaged material when it builds into mountains of war supplies and ma- chines." Scholastic "Produced in cooperation with the WPB, is designed to stimulate participation on the part of everyone in the nation-wide salvage campaign. It should be shown to children in school and adults in civilian defense groups." School management "A very good job!—A fine contribution to the salvage campaign and to the war effort." Clifford Reid, OWI Heb 16-$1.50 338.4 Manufactured products VALLEY TOWN. 27min 16-sd-rent $4 * 1940 NYU 338.4 sh-c-trade-adult This film may also be rented for a week for $8, for six months for $25, for a year for $40 and for 3 years for $80 Briefly this is the story of how machines made a "boom" town with factories run- ning at top speed, stores crowded with shop- pers, money flowing freely—and of how more machines broke it. It considers the problem of capable men thrown out of jobs because of high-speed machinery. It gives an idea of what it does to the spirit of a man and of the 339.4 Saving and thrift GETTING YOUR MONEY'S WORTH. llmin 16-sd-rent $3 35-sd-f-rent $5 1937 Contemporary films 339.4 sh-c-adult Deals with the fraud and misrepresenta- tion practised upon the public in food and clothing and other commodities. Exposes the frauds and offers advice on how to detect them and what to look for when buying. The spe- cific items dealt with in the first issue are lead toys, men's shoes and Grades A and B milk BraP 16-$27; rent $2 Kan 16 Ea 16-$1 Ohio 16 Hoffberg 16 Pictorial 16 IdP 16 Wis 16-$2.50 OUR CHILDREN'S MONEY. 30min 16- si-rent $3 Harmon 339.4 "The purpose of this picture is to pro- vide concrete material to stimulate discussion m parent education groups. The picture shows a family which gets into difficulties because 01 .poor financial planning and In which the children's expensive tastes and constant beg- ging for money are a problem. "Realizing the situation the parents agree to put everyone on an allowance basis and help each to spend systematically. From this point on we follow the family through a number of adventures in earning, giving, saving, borrow- mg, and repaying. For older young people and adults." Visual aids in the service of the church IdP NC SC UNSEEN GUARDIANS, llmin 16-sd- apply TFC 339.4 Jh-sh-c-adult A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production avail- able only to schools "This film shows some of the work done by three organizations which serve as social police to safeguard society against fraud and misfortune. -- - —- _^--. -_ _ -. .— "The work of the Federal Post Office in- effect on a family. Finally it offers as one spectors m safeguarding the mails against solution the constant training of adults to keep fraudulent use; the testing work done by the them abreast of new developments ready for new and better jobs BraF sale apply; rent CFC $4 $4 Wis $3.75 339.1 Poverty WILD BOYS OF THE ROAD; excerpt. (Human relations ser.) 19min 16-sd- apply Comm on human relations 339.1 sh-c-adult Guide May be rented only for educational pur- poses where no admission is charged This specially prepared excerpt from the Warner film deals with problems of unemployed youth Conditions growing out of the depression lead an army of young people from all parts of the country to take to the road seeking work and security. Jobs are not to be had, and at- tempts on the part of the wanderers to estab- lish themselves are met with forceful eviction Brought before the court because of an innocent involvement in a hold-up, one of the boys accuses the judge of committing him to Underwriters Laboratories in analyzing the contents of product; and the method followed by a well-administered orphan asylum in selectmg parents suitable for adopting children are all factually described and portrayed. 'Recommended for high school classes in general science and social science." Advisory committee "An interesting film, but has little class- room value. Similar to a March of Time re- lease. Excellent commentary." California Cal $1 Ohio Wis $1.25 340 Law LIFE IN SOMETOWN, U.S.A. (MGM miniature ser.) IR 16-sd-apply TFC 340 jh-sh-c-adult A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production avail- able only to schools "A comedy about what might happen In .^v- r i 1. - - XI- • J ,-,- 1, X, almost any American town if all the obsolptp the reformatory because the judge, like all the laws on the statute books were suddenly en! others, IS unwilling to face the problem which forced. . . Suggested as having some use to stimulate discussion on the nature and out- these homeless children represent BosU Cal CFC $3 Geo $3.50 $3.50 NEEFA NYU $3 Okla $3 growth of legislation and the obsolescence of many of our laws." Advisory committee Minn $1 Tenn $2 NC Wis $1.25 si-silent; sd - sound; f • inflammable; nf - safety 99