Educational film catalog (1936)

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341.3-342.73 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION 341.3 Munitions BEHIND THE GUNS. (Films from Britain sen) 19min 16-sd-$l7; rent 75c 35-sd-f-apply 1940 BritLib 341.3 Jh-sh-c-adult "The general theme of this film is the 'attack of the craftsmen' at home. Scenes show the making and testing of Bren guns, big cannon, tanks, airplanes, and ships. Many factory scenes. The use of dramatic close-up shots of the workers' faces helps to build a powerful documentary film. Unusual back- ground music helps to build up proper moods. Can be used effectively in auditorium programs, for defense classes, etc." PCW film service staff "A film that should be shown to all adults especially labor leaders and their followers to show that preparedness does not mean just training soldiers but supplying them." Com- mittee on classroom films B&H 16-sd-$17; rent NFS 16-sale apply; 75c rent $3 BraF 16-$30; rent NJM 16 $2.50 Ohio 16 CFC sale apply; rent Non-theatrical 16 $2.50 PCW 16-$2.50 Gut 16 VES 16 IdP 16 Wis 16-$2.50 111 16-$1.50 342.73 Constitutional law and history of the United States AMERICAN WAY. lOmin 16-sd-$30; rent apply 1937? Gut 342.73 jh-sh-c-trade adult Was formerly distributed under title "We, the people" "An outstanding educational sound short. Events of last 20 years in kaleidoscopic res- ume, with rise of dictators in Europe. Stresses meaning of rights guaranteed Americans by our Constitution. A plea to revalue our heri- tage of freedom. Musical score throughout." Wisconsin "An excellent film for the study of the various governmental branches. Commentator and sound are very good. Subject matter borders a little on the propagandistic side. Useful for social studies—civics—American his- tory." California "The rather rapid sequence of historical shots, which are in themselves good, loses emphasis and confuses secondary school pupils." J. Frederic Andrews This film is in so many of the state col- lege and university film libraries that we sug- gest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to Gut for nearest source BILL OF RIGHTS. (Warner historical * ser.) 18min 16-sd-apply TFC 342.73 el-Jh-sh-c-adult Produced in technicolor in 1939 by War- ner bros. The dramatic scenes and events which led to the adoption of the first ten amendments "Very good." Collaborator Cal $3 NEEFA CFC $4.50 Ohio Geo $3.50 SHS $3 111 $3 Wis $3.50 Ind $5 OUR BILL OF RIGHTS. (American his- torical ser.) 20min 16-sd-$90; rent $3.50 1940 Academic 342.73 jh-sh-adult Guide Re-creates the forming and adopting of the first 10 amendments, or the Bill of Rights, to the Constitution. Shows the influence of James Madison at this time. Madison, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Ran- dolph, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay make this historic time very real "In dramatizing the purpose and develop- ment of the series of constitutional amend- ments known as the Bill of Rights, the pro- ducers claim in their opening title to have taken some dramatist's license, but state that all facts are actual, and that the dialogue is based upon correspondence of the characters por- trayed. "The result is a motion picture whose chief handicap is lack of motion, which makes it less stimulating than it might have been. However, the voices are unusually distinct, the costuming and background natural and au- thentic, and the continuity clear. This film should be of real value in junior and senior high school history and civics classes, and would be suitable for auditorium showings on programs connected with patriotic occasions." Secondary educ. This film is in so many of the state col- lege and university film libraries that we sug- gest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to Academic for nearest source OUR CONSTITUTION. 20min 16-sd- $90; rent $3.50 35-sd-f-apply 1940 Academic 342.73 jh-sh-adult Guide Dramatic events immediately leading to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and others re-enact their dramatic roles in this film "Fairly good dramatization for history and social science classes. Cool, fairly satis- factory presentation . . . for purposes of teach- ing and review." "The film has a basically good idea and aim, but the portrayal is stilted and amateurish. Lacking in any emotional interpretation of period." "Very good. Should be seen by all children." "Excellent historical material movingly presented." "Good for young levels." "Couldn't help thinking how well this would supplement or even prepare class." Some comments of the Committee on motion pictures, Dept. of secondary teachers, N.E.A. "Dialog is difficult to understand in spots —especially true of the speeches of Randolph of Virginia." Collaborator This film is in so many of the state col- lege and university film libraries that we sug- gest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to Academic for nearest source SERVANT OF THE PEOPLE. 2R 16- sd-apply TFC 342.73 el-jh-sh-c-adult A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production avail- able only to schools "A story about the making of the Ameri- can constitution. We see the confusion that arose under the Articles of Confederation. We see also the convention and the various agree- ments reached during its course. "There are scenes showing Vermont farm- ers being stopped at the Massachusetts state line; people in New York refusing Rhode Is- land money; Washington, Hamilton, and Madi- son discussing the seriousness of the situation. The Virginia plan and the New Jersey plan are presented from the floor of the convention. Arguments arise over the slavery question. Benjamin Franklin tries to bring about a com- promise. "Finally we are shown the first four signers putting their names to the constitution. Commentary and dialogue. "It is an excellent account of the Con- tinental Congress. Recommended for American history classes, grades 4 through college, and civics classes, grades 7 through 12." Advisory committee This film is in so many of the state col- lege and university film libraries that we sug- si • silent; id-sound; f • inflammable; nf • safety; p • primary; el - elementary: Jh - Junior high; $h - senior high; c • college; trade • trade schools 100