Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION 342.73-352 SERVANT OF THE PEOPLE— Con/. gest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to TFC for nearest source U.S. MARCHES ON. (Education for American democracy ser.) 4min 16-sd- $7.50 35-sd-nf-apply 1940 Am films found 342.73 Jh-sh-c "A stirring visual and vocal presentation of American principles of liberty as embodied in the Preamble of the Constitution. National Anthem group singing." Texas B&H 16-520; rent $1 SC 16 Tex 16 351.1 Civil service MERIT SYSTEM ADVANCING. 30min 16-sd-loan 35-sd-nf-loan 1940 Civil serv 351.1 sh-adult "A dramatized and graphic portrayal of merit selection and career building in the New York Civil Service. Sequences are taken in the examination rooms, where applicants for skilled trades are given practical tests, and in the college training field. The film cov- ers all steps in the development of a civil service career, from filing applications to serv- ing on administrative posts. It shows how young New Yorkers get city jobs and how they advance through the service. The movie also shows the thousands of workers at their daily tasks, performing the many services which every citizen expects of a city government." Movie makers "Can only be related to business educa- tion in a most indirect and oblique way. . . Can be integrated directly with civics, history and government classes. It should have some motivating effect in business classes because it shows the competition that must be met, the high standards required for success, and the impartiality of the marking system. . . The scenes showing the appraisal of a candidate's appearance, speech, manners, and personality will tie in directly with work emphasized by many business teachers. The film is excel- lent and interesting, extremely worth while for auditorium showing and very frankly propa- ganda for the type of good government teachers favor." Jour, of business educ. Cal 16-$2 Ohio 16 Ind 16-$2.50 Wis 16-$3.75 SPIRIT OF 1941. (Washington parade ser.) lOmin 16-sd-apply TFC 351.1 Jh-sh-c-adult A Columbia production, available only to schools "Describes the operation of the United States Civil Service Commission in placing skilled craftsmen in navy yards, arsenals and armories. "After showing the ofl!ices of the Civil Service Commission where all types of skilled workers and technicians are examined and classified, the camera goes to the navy yards and plane factories and shows the assigned men at work. "The Civil Service Commission, the Army and the Navy cooperated with the producing company in the production of this subject. "Highly recommended for use in senior high schools in courses on government functions and services. Recommended also for voca- tional guidance groups." Advisory committee AMNH $1.50 Geo $2 Ohio 351.74 Secret service. Police MAINTAIN THE RIGHT. (Pete Smith specialties ser.) llmin 16-sd-apply TFC 351.74 el-jh-sh-adult An MGM production. Available only to schools "This subject deals with the training of young men for service in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. It shows the rigid mental and physical training required of the Mounties; lessons in crime detection, marksmanship, cav- alry training, saving of human lives, knowledge of medicine and first aid, and other service qualifications. "An interesting case study using many of these training elements is dramatically por- trayed." Advisory committee AMNH $1.50 Ohio WHILE AMERICA SLEEPS. (Crime does not pay ser.) 21min 16-sd-apply TFC 351.74 jh-sh-c-trade-adult A Metro-Goldwyn Mayer production available only to schools "Emphasises that the work of sabotage and industrial spying carried on by foreign agents would be impossible without inside cooperation. A typical case is dramatized. "A young workman, eager for extra dol- lars, photographs various plans and drawings of military planes and instruments, and delivers the photographs to a foreign agent. War de- partment agents discover the leak and trace it to the young workman who is apprehended, along with his foreign confederates. Police method is clearly shown and the thoroughness and accuracy of investigation make it apparent that detection is ultimately certain. "Highly recommended for course in edu- cation for defense, for social studies in senior high school and for vocational guidance." Ad- visory committee "Good handling." Collaborator Geo $3.50 ND $2 Ind $2.50 Ohio lo $3 Okla $2.50 352 Municipal government JOHN DOE: CITIZEN. 1939 Unit ISmin 16-si-$25 352 Guide "Dramatizes a small city election, illus- trates indifference of average citizen to public affairs and emphasizes that if the government is not run by the people the government will run them. "Refers to imaginary city and issue of a new wall needed on a canal bank. Rock com- pany using area for dumping debris bribes politicians who, by cunning propaganda and well planned publicity swing the uninformed public to their side. "Death of a child is tragic means of start- ling voters into recognizing individual political responsibilities." Reviewing committee "The following comments are by mem- bers of a committee of high-school teachers: 'Excellent film for establishing an awareness and a realization of the effects of the indif- ference of the citizen to his government, and what can be done through an aroused citi- zenry'; 'Presents something we need to teach in school—the fact that if the people do not run the government, the government will run the people'; 'A splendid picture that shows the lethargic attitude of the people on matters that affect them, and how difficult it is to get them unified'; It is a step in a very good direction. . . It certainly shows the way •i-silent; sd. sound; f • Inflammable; nf - safety; p - primary; el • elementary; Jh - junior hioh; sh ■ senior high; 0 - college; trade - trade schools lOi