Educational film catalog (1936)

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352-355 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION JOHN DOE; CITIZEN—Continued people react to present-day problems. This film has been used in our junior high schools and even in an elementary eighth grade studying Civics. . . The subject is however definitely allocated in our system to the senior high school for the twelfth year, because the central theme for that year in Social Studies is 'American problems.' "I have never received an adverse com- ment on this film from teachers who have used it, and I have received many favorable ones." M. L. Israel, Director Visual Educa- tion, Los Angeles County BFS $25; rent $1 NC BraP $24; rent $1 Ohio 111 $1 YOU, THE PEOPLE. (Crime does not pay ser.) 21min 16-sd-appIy TFC 352 Jh-sh-c-adult A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production, avail- able only to schools "Features the operations of a corrupt city political machine. "Methods of coercing campaign contribu- tions, stuffing ballot boxes and persuading citi- zens that voting is of no use are portrayed. "Successfully implies that the cast might be any Mr. and Mrs. Citizen. The moral Is effective. Well organized, directed and photo- graphed." Advisory committee AMNH $1.50 Ohio WashS $2 352.2 Police THE POLICEMAN. (Social studies ser.) llmin 16-sd-$50 35-sd-nf-$100 1940 Erpi 352.2 p-el-Jh Guide 15c Produced in collaboration with Dr Ernest Horn, of the State University of Iowa, Dr Arthur I. Gates, of Teachers college, Columbia university, and Celeste C. Peardon Describes the function of police officers in general and follows a typical city patrol- man through one of his regular shifts of duty. In due course, the use of motorcycles and patrol cars with two-way radio communication is demonstrated and explained. Lessons in pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety are de- veloped, along with the role of the policeman in rescue work and the apprehension of a speed- ing driver "This is a fairly good film for elementary use in connection with safety, social studies, and vocational guidance. It was noted that in one or two instances the patrolman himself failed to observe the best safety practices. The film is within the experiences of the elementary child, and it should contribute to the formation of favorable attitudes toward policemen. Pho- tography is good; organization and sound are adequate." Educational screen Cal 16-$1.50 Okla 16-$1.50 Col 16-$1.50 SHS 16 111 16-$1.50 Syr 16-$1.50 Ind 16-$1.25 Va 16 lo 16-$1.50 WashCE 16-$1.50 Ken 16 Wis 16-$1.25 Ohio 16 WAR AND ORDER. (Films from Brit- ain ser.) lOmin 16-sd-$8.50; rent 50c 1941 35-sd-f-apply BritLib 352.2 sh-c-adult "This is a most interesting picture of the police force in wartime Britain. It shows the duties of the 'Bobbies' in peace time and then shows their new duties as a result of the war. This is not only a good film in classes studying contemporary history but also a good character- training film as it shows the need of coopera- tion and coordination. The humor in it adds to its interest. "It is recommended for all classes, particu- larly civics classes studying the protection of the community." Secondary educ. This film is in so many rental libraries thruout the country that we suggest you try your local distributors first. If unable to locate write to BritLib for nearest source 353 United States government OUR NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. * (Knowledge builders ser.) llmin 16- sd-$40; rent $2 1941 McCrory 353 el-jh-sh-c-trade-adult Guide "A graphic analysis of our form of Na- tional Government sliowing and explaining the separate functions of each branch. Actual .scenes in Washington, our National Capitol, giving a clear mental picture of the magnitude of the business of government. This film not only portrays historical background and the operation of our national government, but also treats its basic philosophy and the devices by which our forefathers sought to maintain order in government while preserving personal liberty. In short, this is a timely film packed with in- formation and inspiration. This subject can be used in every U.S. History or Government Course, as well as for assembly and patriotic occasions." South Carolina "Its clear cut picturization and intelligent commentary will make it a useful tool in build- ing a deeper appreciation of American democ- racy." Home movies This film is in so many of the state col- lege and university film libraries that we sug- gest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to McCrory for near- est source UNITED STATES TREASURY. (Wash- ington parade ser.) lOmin 16-sd-apply TFC 353 el-jh-sh-c-adult A Columbia pictures corporation 1940 pro- duction available only to schools "A very complete tour through the various departments of the United States Treasury. Good photography, good sound, excellent com- mentary. "Very complete and instructive. Valu- able for use in social study classes." Cali- fornia Ala Cal $1 Geo $2 Ind $1.25 Ken Minn $1 Ohio Okla $1.50 Syr $1.50 Tenn Wis $1.25 YMCA $1.50 355 Army. Military science AMERICA'S CALL TO ARMS. 1941 Castle 16-si-sd 355 Available in the following lengths and prices from the producer and all authorized sales distributors: 100ft-si-$2.75; 3G0ft-si-$8.75; 350ft-sd-$17.50 Our growing new army mastering the technique of mechanized warfare. Tanks, scout cars, our engineers, infantry, anti-tank and anti-aircraft guns filmed in action. Army and navy pilots bombing land and sea targets. Parachutists jumping in scenes filmed from the skies. Our marines, our army and our navy on guard at the Panama Canal and our ever- expanding coast defenses in action maneuvers. Our expanding two-ocean navy—submarines and destroyers in action. Our new "mosquito" flotilla swarming with threatening speed to protect our vital coast-line and harbors This film is in so many of the state col- lege and university film libraries that we sug- gest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to Castle for nearest source tl - silent; td-sound: f - inflammable; nf - safety; p - primary; el - elementary; Jh - Junior high; sh - senior high; e • college; trade - trade schools 102