Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION 355-355.23 ARMY ON WHEELS. 27min 16-sd-loan 1940 Wilding 355 Jh-sh-adult A film report of full scale peace time man- euvers of the United States Army, Fort Ben- nett, Port Sam Houston, and in the Sabine River area in Texas, May 1940. This picture was made possible through the cooperation of the War department and the Dodge division of the Chrysler corporation Dodge loan BATTLE OF BRAINS. (Canada carries on ser.) 13min 16-sd-$15 1942 Canada 355 jh-sh-c-adult Illustrates the difference between this war and that of 1914 contrasting the mobile tactics of the present struggle with the immobility of trench warfare. Opening with the crash of howitzers in 1914, this film proves how the speed and fury of warfare have increased with the march of science. Scientists on both sides are engaged in a death struggle on a front of their own, each striving to perfect formulas more deadly than those of the enemy B&H $15; rent $1.25 Ohio Cal P&S CFG SAd Ind $2 VES NYU $1.50 Wis CADET CHAMPIONS. (World news of sports ser.) IR 16-sd-apply TFC 355 jh-sh-c A Columbia production available only to schools Shows various activities at West Point "Highly recommended for use in junior and senior high schools and in colleges, to show gymnastics and the use of apparatus. Suggested for assembly and group presenta- tions as propaganda for universal physical edu- cation coordinated with the academic program." Advisory committee BosU $1.50 111 $1.50 Ohio CAISSONS GO ROLLING ALONG. * 3min 16-sd-loan 35-sd-nf-loan 1942 OWI 355 el-jh-sh-c-trade-adult May be purchased from Castle for $2 60 « ,, ^^^^ ^y Robert Weede. Scenes of the field artillery m action make a stirring back- ground." Iowa state college OWI films have been deposited with film libraries all over the country, from which they may be secured for a small service charge Try your state library and local distributors first. If unable to locate, write to the OWI for nearest source CIVILIAN SERVES. lOmin $8.75-$17.50 1942 Castle 16-si-sd- 355 , Jh-sh-c-trade-adult . ... ^t pictures numerous ways in which civilians can do vital work in Civilian Protec- J^^'^l^°^, acting as messengers to work with gas-decontamination squads." Business screen 5^S s'-sd-$l-$1.25 Ohio sd BMP sd-$l PCW sd $1.50 Heb sd-$1.25 VES sd-$i:25 HERE COMES THE CAVALRY. 16-sd-loan 1942 US Army 12min 355 el-jh-sh-c-adult sion nf''tY,?^TT'« T'""" *^® ^''■^t cavalry divi- sion of the U.S. Army in many varied activi- In the E ^ ^^""^ *° ^''*"^' maneuvers Ohio $1 - »ilent: sd - sound; f . inflammable; RING OF STEEL. lOmin 16-sd-loan 35- * sd-nf-loan 1942 OWI 355 jh-sh-c-trade-adult May be purchased from Castle for $6.70 Pictures the American soldiers as they are now, carrying on the traditions of past ac- complishment, and outlines the part of the American soldier in the growth of the nation. Narration by Spencer Tracy. Many scenes of battlegrounds famous in American history "Historical content of film, very valuable. Commentary excellent." California "A superior film for the glorification of the accomplishments of the American soldier. While some of the generalizations which stu- dents may draw from this film may not be compatible with the role which may be waiting for America in the post-war world, it is, never- theless, an excellent film for classroom, as- sembly and adult use for the duration of the war." Educational screen "Finest picture made by OWI. A classic. A masterpiece." Collaborator OWI films have been deposited with film libraries all over the country, from which they may be secured for a small service charge. Try your state library and local distributors first. If unable to locate, write to the OWI for nearest source SERVICE WITH THE COLORS. 12min 16-sd-loan 1942 US Army 355 el-jh-sh-c-adult This color film tells the story of three boys from different walks of life who join the army at the same time, and shows how each progresses. It shows the friendship exist- ing between the officers and enlisted personnel of the army Write to your nearest main U.S. Army recruiting station for this film. Consult your telephone directory. If unable to obtain film write to source indicated above SOLDIERS OF THE SKY. lOmin 16- sd-apply TFC 355 Jh-sh-c-adult "A factual presentation of the training of parachute troops at Fort Benning, Georgia." Kentucky Fi $2 Ken $1.50 SC $1.50 UNITED STATES MILITARY ACAD- EMY—WEST POINT. (Washington parade ser.) lOmin 16-sd-apply TFC 355 jh-sh-c-adult A 1941 Columbia production available only to schools "Describes the work of the U.S. Military Academy in teaching cadets methods of waging war. The Superintendent of the Academy ex- plains the courses of study in technique, engi- neering, chemistry and mechanics. The cadets are shown assembling and using an anti-air- craft gun, plane detector and searchlight. The closing scenes are of the graduating class as they receive their diplomas from the Presi- dent of the United States." Georgia Cal $1 Ohio Geo. ?2 Syr $1.50 lo $1.50 355.23 Air raid protection AIR RAID WARDEN. (Protective serv- ices ser.) lOmin 16-sd-$25; rent $1.50 1942 P&S 355.23 The film shows Jim Blake, typical of air raid wardens thruout the country, performing his specific duties. He visits his friends and neighbors offering friendly advice and when the air raid warning is sounded is eflScient and helpful. Suburban location 103