Educational film catalog (1936)

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359-364 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION SOLDIERS OF THE SEA~Continued A landing party goes ashore, deploys, lands artillery, estaolishes communications, and soon reports "situation well in hand." There is an outline of the organization plan, followed by parade scenes. The film concludes with a mention of the many famous engagements in which the Marines have participated, and with views of modern mechanized equipment Geo 16-$1 Okla 16-25c Ohio 16 TFC 16 UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY —ANNAPOLIS. (Washington parade ser.) llmin 16-sd-apply TFC 359 jh-sh-c-adult A 1941 Columbia production available only to schools "A typical day, beginning at 6:15 a.m., is pictured with comment about the various training activities in classroom, gymnasium, and on shipboard. Class sessions with battle- ship models provide instruction in mooring and anchoring a ship, and in maneuvers and fleet formation. Actual training on small power boats to give first-hand experience in naviga- tion is shown in the closing sequences." Georgia Cal $1 Ohio Geo $2 Syr $1.50 lo $1.50 361 American Red Cross FOOTSTEPS. (American Red Cross ser.) 15-lOmin 16-si-sd-loan 35-si-sd- nf-loan 1939 Ganz 361 Jh-sh-c-adult Pictures the intensive training of nurses and follows them, after graduation, in various services performed by the American Red Cross A&B 16 111 16-loan Ind 16-$1.25 MARCHING WITH OLD GLORY. lOmin 16-si-sd-loan 1941 Ganz 361 Jh-sh-c-trade-adult Shows the American Red Cross in action extending a helping hand to soldiers and sailors who need good counsel and friendship; the Red Cross solving the service man's home prob- lems; its splendid work in behalf of the sick in hospitals, the afflicted in homes and on the farms, the victims of traffic accidents; the Red Cross blood bank; training industrial work- ers against injury and other phases of the many-faceted welfare services. Narration is by Lowell Thomas Kan sd VES sd-50c 362.7 Youth—Aid and protection CITY OF LITTLE MEN. (MGM min- iature ser.) lOmin 16-sd-apply TFC 362.7 el-jh-sh A Metro-Goldwyn Mayer production avail- able only to schools "A pictured account of the work of Father Flanagan, of Boystown. . . The varied activi- ties ot the 275 inhabitants of Boystown are pictured. . . An extensive sequence is devoted to the issuance of their 'Journal,' which has widespread distribution. . . This film is an excellent example of constructive social work. Recommended for senior high school classes in social studies." Advisory committee "Brings element of understanding and love into psychology of handling youth." A. A. Wulff An excellent film for social study classes." California BosU $1.50 Cal $1 Geo $2 111 $1.50 Ind $1.25 Minn $1 NC NEEFA Ohio Okla $1.50 Wis $1.25 JOBS NOT HANDOUTS. loan 1940 NYA lOmin 16-sd- 362.7 sh-c-adult "This color film shows the growth of youth unemployment resulting from the dis- appearance of free land; mechanization of pro- duction and changes in the age structure of our population; the results of the depression of 1929-32 which brought about Federal youth aid; the establishing of the CCC and the NYA, and v»'hat the NYA has accomplished 'to aid youth and enrich the nation.' " Film news WORKSHOPS FOR VICTORY. 16-sd-loan 1941 NYA 12min 362.7 jh-sh-c This color film shows the work experience opportunities alTorded boys and girls, white and negro, by the National youth administra- tion. Shows scenes of "experience on the job" — which enables thousands of youth to obtain work in private industry 364 Criminology BOY IN COURT. 12min 16-sd-$25; rent * $2 35-sd-nf-$60; rent $4 1940 Nat pro- bation assn 364 jh-sh-c-adult Produced by Willard pictures Shows in detail the workings of the juven- ile court when a boy is brought before it Begins with the "snatching" of a car by young delinquents and follows them to the re- lease of Johnny after a year's probation "Sound, commentary, photography and dramatization are all good. An excellent film for use in sociology classes and social welfare groups." California "An excellent film for community usage, with adult audiences, in stimulating interest in, and providing information about, probation work. Although the Committee does not con- sider it entirely suitable for use in secondary schools because of the possibility that it may contribute undesirable ideas to youthful minds, it should be valuable for college use in connec- tion with delinquency problems. Technical production ... is excellent in all respects." Educational screen This film is in so many film libraries thru- out the country that it is suggested you re- quest it from your local distributor. If you are unable to locate it write to Nat probation assn for your nearest source BUYERS BEWARE. (Crime does not pay ser.) 20min 16-sd-apply TFC 364 Jh-sh-c-adult An MGM production. Available only to schools "Pictures the criminal tie-up between thieves who rob warehouses, and retail mer- chants who help dispose of the stolen goods. Through painstaking investigation, the entire organization is uncovered. "Recommended for senior high school class- es in economics, for vocational guidance groups, and for discussions on consumer studies." Ad- visory committee AMNH $3 Ohio ti • gilent; sd - sound; f • inflammable: nf - safety; p - primary; el - elementary; jh - junior high; sh - senior high; 0 * college; trade - trade schools 106