Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION 364 CRIMINAL IS BORN. (Crime does not * pay ser.) 2R 16-sd-appIy TFC 364 sh-c-adult A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production avail- able only to schools "After explaining that there is a criminal population of 3,400,000 persons in the United States, Judge Marshall, who has been intro- duced by the Crime Reporter, says that most crimes are committed by youths under 21 years of age. He claims that they are not all from the under-privileged classes, many being the product of parental neglect "A dramatization follows of the case of four boys who, when their parents show insuf- ficient interest in them, turn to crime. The father of one of the quartet happily offers to take him fishing, and this is the turning point in the boy's life. He does not go back to the gang "The others are involved in a series of petty thefts, finally securing a revolver. A hold-up is planned, the fourth boy urged to join them. He refuses, and finally confesses to his father who tells the father of the boy with the gun. The police are notified and ap- pear on the scene just after the three have held up a restaurant and shot the owner. One of the boys is killed, the other two captured. "The judge sentences them to long prison terms, but severely reproves the parents for not adequately supervising their children. "Should be valuable for social studies. Not recommended for grades below the senior high school." Advisory committee BosU $3 Geo $3.50 Minn $2 NC ND $2 NEEFA Ohio Okla $2.50 PCW $3.50 Tenn $3.50 WashS $2 YMCA $3 DEAD END; excerpt (children sequence). (Human relations ser.) 13min 16-sd- rent apply Comm on human relations 364 sh-c-adult Guide May be rented only for educational pur- poses where no admission is charged This specially prepared excerpt of the Samuel Goldwyn-United artists film deals with boy's gangs Slums and fashionable houses adjoin one another in New York. The slum boys, coached by a tough never to be fair, beat up a rich boy and take his watch. The boy's father catches one of the youngsters, who escapes after stabbing his captor's hand Later the boy is persuaded by his sister to give himself up. The man whom he injured msists on his being sent to a reform school BosU $2 NEEPA 9,^r^ ., .. NYU $1.50 CFG $1.50 Okla $1.50 Geo $2 DEAD END; excerpt (gangster sequence). (Human relations ser.) 9min 16-sd-rent apply Comm on human relations 364 sh-c-adult-Guide May be rented only for educational pur- poses where no admission is charged Ti -.t'^^'^ specially prepared Samuel Goldwyn- United artists film deals with gangsters A gangster risks capture by returning to his old neighborhood to see his mother and former sweetheart. The slum boys admire t?'"!; F? taunts an unemployed architect whom he had known long before . But his girl has become a prostitute, and his mother repudiates him BosU $2 Cal CPC $1.50 si - silent; sd - sound; f . NEEFA NYU $1.50 DEVIL IS A SISSY; excerpt (juvenile court sequence). (Human relations ser.) 16min 16-sd-rent apply Comm on hu- man relations 364 Jh-sh-c-adult Guide May be rented only for educational pur- poses where no admission is charged This specially prepared excerpt of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film deals with the juvenile court A boy from the New York City slums is trying with the help of two pals, to gather money for a tombstone for the grave of his father. The three boys steal toys and pawn them. They are caught Their parents respond to the situation in strikingly different ways. In court, the boys refuse to explain, until finally one of them ad- mits it was his mother's house and his own toys which were involved. The judge tries to handle the situation constructively BosU $3.50 Cal CFC $3 Geo $3.50 FURY; excerpt Human relations apply NEEFA NYU 2R-$3 Okla 2R-$3 (lynching sequence), ser.) I7min 16-sd- 364 Comm on human relations sh-c-adult Guide May be rented only for educational pur- poses where no admission is charged This specially prepared excerpt from the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film deals with lynching Circumstantial evidence involves an inno- cent man in a kidnapping charge. Before proper investigation can be made, the temper of the townspeople becomes inflamed A mob forms. The sheriff and deputies are unable to hold the mob at bay. The jail is stormed and burned with the victim trapped inside BosU $3.50 NEEFA Cal NYU 2R-$3 CFC $3 Okla 2R-$3 I AM A FUGITIVE FROM A CHAIN GANG; excerpt (parole board sequence). (Human relations ser.) 20min 16-sd- rent apply Comm on human relations 364 sh-c-adult Guide May be rented only for educational pur- poses where no admission is charged This specially prepared excerpt from the Warner film deals with the parole board A man who was unjustly sentenced es- capes from a chain gang and leads a re- spectable life. He is discovered in another state and persuaded to return to serve out his sentence and thus clear his record When he does so, the promises made him are not kept and the Parole Board evades Its responsibility by postponing his case indef- initely. When he realizes his case is hope- less he escapes once more and lives the life of a hunted man BosU $3.50 NEEFA Cal NYU 2R-$3 CFC $3 Okla 2R-$3 INSIDE THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION. (Washington pa- rade ser.) lOmin 16-sd-apply TFC 364 el-Jh-sh-c-adult A Columbia pictures corporation 1938 pro- duction available only to schools "A comprehensive insight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington. We are shown the different departments and are told the purpose of each. inflammable; nf- safety; p c • college; trade primary; el .elementary; Jh - Junior high; sh > senior high; trade schools 107