Educational film catalog (1936)

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364 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION INSIDE THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION— Con/m«^(i "A very interesting sequence deals with the training of G-men. excellent commentary. California Cal $1 Geo $2 Ind $1.25 Ken $1.50 ND $1 Well photographed and A very timely subject." Ohio Okla $1.50 Tenn $1.25 Wis $1.25 YMCA $1.50 PERFECT SETUP. (Crime does not pay ser.) 2R 16-sd-apply TFC 364 jh-sh-c-adult A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production avail- able only to schools "The court records tell the story of an impatient youth who, embittered at the slow progress he was making in legitimate busi- ness, loaned his abilities to crime. . . Better than the average of this series in presenting the causes for the crime, although the larger social implications are still neglected. "Recommended for sociology, grades 10 through college." Advisory committee Geo $3.50 Okla 2R-$2.50 YMCA $3 THEY'RE ALWAYS CAUGHT. (Crime does not pay ser.) 2R 16-sd-apply TFC 364 Jh-sh-c A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production avail- able only to schools "This picture illustrates a case in which a crime is solved by crime laboratory tech- niaue. . . Recommended for high school classes in social studies. Should interest elementary classes in science also." Advisory committee Minn $2 THINK FIRST. (Crime does not pay ser.) * 20min 16-sd-apply TFC 364 jh-sh-c-adult An MGM production. Available only to schools "The story of two waitresses in a roadside restaurant who are lured into joining a shop- lifting ring. Each step of their apprenticeship is shown; how the racket is 'fronted,' the 'fences' dispose of the stolen loot, the detective work preliminary to the inevitable arrest; and the relationship of a woman judge to the prisoners. "Drama well planned and executed with good suspense. Moral convincing. Composition and photography excellent." Advisory com- mittee AMNH $1.50 ND Ohio THRILL FOR THELMA. (Crime does not pay ser.) 2R 16-sd-apply TFC 364 jh-sh-c-adult A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production avail- able only to schools "A dramatization of the brief and event- ful crime career of a young girl as it appears in police records. . . We see Thelma receiving her diploma at a high school graduation. Each of the girl graduates tells what she wants from life: some, fame and fortune, others a family; but Thelma wants 'thrills.' "Should be useful for sociology and civic classes, grades 10 through college, as an illus- tration of police methods." Advisory commit- tee Ohio WRONG WAY OUT. (Crime does not pay ser.) 18min 16-sd-apply TFC 364 sh-c A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production avail- able only to schools "Dramatic presentation of the youthful impatience of young lovers. Parents who have no objection to the marriage of the couple insist that they wait until they are self- supporting. Impatient with this advice, the boy and girl leave home for th^ city; spend their meager savings; sell their car; work in a night club; inadvertently come by money not belonging to them; and in an attempt to escape ensuing difficulties with the police, shoot the attendant at a drive-your-own-car garage; and eventually the boy is killed. "Commentary points to the fact that most of the tragedies of youth are the result of impatience and false pride. Well dramatized, directed and photographed. "Highly recommended for sociology courses, grades 10 through college, and as a conduct pattern in human relations." Ad- visory committee Y MANANA SERAN HOMBRES. 82min 16-sd-rent apply UFC 364 sh A Spanish language film "Three boys—two of them brothers of a petty burglar who is in love with the sister of the third—are sent to the reformatory at Paz. With no opportunities for creative work, the boys are constantly in mischief. "When an opportunity arises, the three boys make good their escape, but in doing so Chacho is injured badly. Although aware of the punishment that awaits them, his com- rades carry Chacho back to the prison where medical aid is available. "Shortly thereafter, a new director is placed in charge of Paz Reformatory. Under his in- fluence, the honor system is inaugurated. He puts the idle hands of the inmates to work at rebuilding the old institution and provides other recreational activities to keep their minds actively occupied." Group discussion guide "I think the picture an excellent one for school use, particularly in connection with the social studies. It is very well cast and I think it deals with a universal human problem— the effect of environment on youth and the ways of dealing with it." Edna Hays in Group discussion guide "A suitable picture for senior high school Spanish students. I feel that the early re- formatory scenes, where the inmates are treated so cruelly, are almost too violent. However, the latter scenes picturing an opposite situation justify this. The action gives the idea of the story so clearly that the student should be able to enrich his vocabulary by asso- ciating words with action." Ellen Fish in Group discussion guide YOU CAN'T GET AWAY WITH IT. 26min 16-sd-rent $4.50 B&H 364 Jh-sh-c-adult Part of the film is narrated by Mr John Edgar Hoover and by former U.S. Attorney General Homer S. Cummings, the rest by Lowell Thomas. The film was produced by Universal pictures "Operations of the Federal Bureau of In- vestigation in the Department of Justice and its part in crime prevention and crime detec- tion. Finger printing, training of G-men, sci- entific methods employed in the fight against crime. Examples of the work of the F.B.I, in the capturing of kidnapers and gangsters." Arizona "Worth the time consumed. Subtle in- timation that law enforcement is grim business but photographically hardly grim enough." J. Frederic Andrews Ariz $1.25 Cos West •I - silent; sd - sound; /-Inflammable; nf - safety; p-primary; el. elementary; Jh - Junior high; sh ■ senior hloh: 0 - college; trade • trade schools 108