Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION 597-598.1 TRAIL OF THE SEA HORSE. lOmin 16-sd-$30; rent $1.25 B&H 597 After close-up views in New York's old Aquarium shots follow from beneath the waters of Great South Bay, where the hippocampi have their natural habitat Minn $1 West SOME FROGS AND TOADS. ISmin 16- si-$60; rent $3 1942 Rutgers 597.8 c Bull frogs. Green frogs, Fowler's toads. Leopard frogs, Cricket frogs, Tree toads, and Spade-foot toads, are all shown in natural habitats in this color film Ohio 597.8 Toads. Frogs DWELLERS OF SWAMP AND POND, REEL I-II. 28min 16-si-$120; rent $6 1939 Rutgers 597.8 sh-c-adult The reels are available separately for $60; rent $3. Production of this color film was by the Department of bio-photography of Rutgers university Reel I covers the salamanders: the com- mon newt and the red eft, Jefferson's and larvae, spotted and larvae, marbled, tiger, four- toed, red backed and gray backed, slimy, red, two-lined and hatching larvae, long tailed and dusky , ^ ^ Reel II illustrates the anura: spadefoot toad. Fowler's toad and tadpoles, cricket frog, Anderson's tree frog, spring peeper and tad- poles, common tree toad, bull frog and meta- morphosing tadpoles, green frog and tadpoles, pickerel frog, leopard frog, southern leopard frog, wood frog, and carpenter frog Ohio FROG. (Harvard univ. natural science ser.) lOmin 16-sd-$50 35-sd-nf-$100 1931 Erpi 597.8 el-Jh-sh-c Guide 15c Life cycle of the frog is presented. The development of the embryo is brought to the screen in a continuous scene of only a few sec- onds. The several changes taking place in the tadpole stage are portrayed by picture and narrative. Slow-motion photography demon- strates the graceful movements of the frog in jumping "Best picture of its kind I've seen." Col- laborator This film is in so many of the state col- lege and university film libraries that we sug- gest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to Erpi for nearest source FROGS, TOADS, AND SALAMAN- * DERS. ISmin 16-si-$24 1932 Eastman 597.8 el-Jh-sh-c Guide "The frog, tree frog, qreen frog, eggs, tadpoles, formation of gills, white heron eat- ing tadpoles, transformation from tadpoles to frog. The toad, eggs, tadpoles, wart glands secrete protecting fluid, breathing movements, winking, feeding on earth worms, absorbing water through skin, burrowing with hind legs, hibernation. "Salamander, young newt tadpole, gills, existence on land, return to water, the mud puppy, water dog, hellbender." Ohio This film is in so many of the state col- lege and university film libraries that we sug- gest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to Eastman for nearest source LIFE-STORY OF THE TADPOLE. IR 16-si-sd-apply 35-si-sd-f-apply VL 597.8 el-Jh-sh Shows the life-cycle of the frog including the processes of fertilization and division of the egg, and the development of the tadpole in a series of easy stages until metamorphosis is complete 597.9 Salamanders SALAMANDERS AND THEIR YOUNG. ISmin 16-si-$69; rent $3 1942 Rutgers 597.9 Jh-sh-c-adult This color film shows that during the spring and summer salamanders are found along the banks of streams in deeply wooded areas. Small ponds with an abundance of algae are good collecting places for amphibians. The eggs of some are deposited under logs and stones, while many others are laid in the water Young larvae break out from the egg capsule and take up an independent existence. Gills and legs appear and the salamander takes on the adult form. The salamanders seen are Jefferson's spotted, slimy, dusky, red, two-lined, the newt and the mud puppy 598.1 Reptiles KILLING THE KILLER. 14min 16-sd- $30; rent $1.50 Gut 598.1 el-Jh-sh-c Produced by Talking picture epics and presented by Raymond L. Ditmars "The snake charmers of India and their dancing cobras; the expanded hood of this deadly snake as it is capturing a rat. The mongoose, deadly enemy of the cobra; capture of a rat, raiding a bird's nest for the eggs. "As it descends, the mongoose spies the cobra; the two prepare for battle. The fierce lunges of the snake at the dodging, threaten- ing mongoose; gradual tiring of the snake; the sudden snap of the mongoose at its enemy's neck; the fierce thrashing of the coiling snake; the victory of the mongoose." Wisconsin This film is in so many of the state college and university film libraries that we suggest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to Gut for nearest source . REPTILES. ISmin 16-si-$24 1932 East- man 598.1 el-Jh-sh-c Guide Harmless garter snakes, pit vipers, and poisonous coral snakes; New World lizards— American "chameleon," horned "toad," iguana, and Gila monster; alligators—their habits, eggs and young; tortoises and turtles—box tortoise, desert tortoise, and marine turtles This film is in so many of the state college and university film libraries that we suggest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to Eastman for nearest source SNAPPING TURTLE. (Animal life ser.) * llmin 16-sd-$50 3S-sd-nf-$100 1940 Erpi 598.1 el-jh-sh Guide 15c Produced in collaboration with Dr E. Laurence Palmer, of Cornell university Presents the life story of an interesting reptile in its natural habitat. Unusual photo- graphic studies permit observation of the snap- ping turtle's detailed features, habits, and its encounters with other animal life. The laying of the eggs and the hatching are two out- standing episodes. A painted turtle is intro- duced for purposes of comparison. The winter hibernation concludes the presentation si - silent; sd • sound; f • inflammable; nf - safety; p - primary; el - elementary; Jh - Junior high; sh - senior high; 0 • college; trade - trade schools 159