Educational film catalog (1936)

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614.8 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION HARBOR SAFETY MEASURES. (Har- bor activity ser.) ISmin 16-si-$24 1939 Frith 614.8 One of eight reels making up the Harbor activities series. For the entire list see "Har- bor activity series" in part 1 After general navy shots, this film pro- ceeds to the work of the Coast gxiard: main- tenance of law and order, assistance in nation- al defense, and saving of life and property HOW TO CONTROL BLEEDING—THE CARE OF SHOCK (Before the doctor comes ser.) lOmin 16-sd-$20; rent $2.50 1942 Ganz 614.8 sh-c-adult Rental given is for 1 week. This with the 3 other titles in this series (Arm fractures— how to apply Murray-Jones, improvised splints —transporting victims. Leg fractures—how to apply half-ring improvised splints, and Artifi- cial respiration—how to care for burns) may be purchased for $74.20 or rented for 1 week for $8 A chart of the arteries, drawn on a man's body show the major pressure points. Con- trolling bleeding—skull, face, neck, shoulders, arms, legs. Stopping bleeding with tourniquet, bandage, compress Shock—how to keep the victim warm, when to give stimulants—position of the vic- tim's head, feet Cal $1.50 ConnH loan DG $1.50 Ind $1.25 lo $1.50 loH loan Ken NH Ohio TexVE Va VES si-sd-$l-$1.50 HUMAN BODY IN FIRST AID. (Emer- gency first aid ser.) 30-20min 16-si-sd- $48-$72; rent $2-$3 1942 B&H 614.8 sh-c-adult Produced by Dr Jacob SarnofC This is a general introductory reel to the Emergency first aid series. It considers the human body and its first aid needs in a very general way VES si-sd-$2-$3 ICEBERG PATROL. (Magic carpet ser.) IR 16-sd-apply TFC 614.8 Jh-sh A 2Gth Century-Fox production available only to schools "Here are glimpses of the work done by the United States Iceberg Patrol. The picture opens with views taken from an aeroplane showmg snow-capped mountains, glaciers in the mountain valleys, and great icebergs float- mg out to sea. u ,".^ *^^^®r, ^hot shows huge pieces of ice breakmg off the glaciers and falling into the ocean to form icebergs. One sees life aboard a patrol boat. . . The work of the patrol boats m following bergs, plotting their probable path and warning all shipping of the impending danger, is shown in considerable detail. "The picture closes with scenic shots of great icebergs floating majestically past a pa- trol boat. Captions and a background of or- chestral music. Recommended as being valu- able in studying government services in social studies." Advisory committee BosU Ohio Wis $1.25 INTERNATIONAL ICE PATROL. 15min 16-si-$30; rent $1 B&H 614.8 el-Jh ^ „ .^^'"9*^"*^^*^ ^y Harvard and taken over by B&H when withdrawn by producer "The film is interesting as an account of the hazardous and exciting service of the In- ternational Ice Patrol which is conducted by the United States Coast Guard and supported by the principal maritime nations." Massa- chusetts KITCHEN AND DINING ROOM SAFETY. (Hotels and restaurants ser.) lOmin 16-sd-$42.50 1941 VEP 614.8 sh-trade-adult Takes you behind the scenes of a modern restaurant. The hazards that beset restaurant and kitchen workers, all who prepare or serve food, are graphically portrayed. It shows the right thing to do, and the proper way to do it. Produced with the cooperation of Greater New York Safety council and Hotel Pennsylvania under the personal supervision of Edward L. McManus, Insurance director, American hotel association B&H LEG FRACTURES—HOW TO APPLY HALF-RING IMPROVISED SPLINTS. (Before the doctor comes ser.) lOmin 16- sd-$17.25; rent $2.50 1942 Ganz 614.8 sh-c-adult Rental given is for 1 week. This with the 3 other titles in this series (Arm fractures— how to apply Murray-Jones, improvised splints —transporting victims, How to control bleed- ing—the care of shock, and Artificial respira- tion—how to care for burns) may be purchased for $74.20 or rented for 1 week for $8 Animated diagrams of traction applied. Adjusting half-ring splint. Support of leg dur- ing traction. Bandaging of leg fractures. Cradle hitches. When to release manual trac- tion. What to use for improvised splints. Keeping the leg elevated Cal $1.50 NH ConnH loan Ohio DG $1.50 TexVE Ind $1.25 ■ Va IQ $1.50 VES si-sd-$l-$1.50 loH loan LIFE SAVING. 20min 16-sd-$10.60 35- sd-nf-$28.05 1937 USDA 614.8 el-Jh-sh-c Explains the requirements, adaptation. personal safety, approaches, carries, releases, shallow water carries, and resuscitation by the Schafer method USDA films have been deposited with film libraries all over the country, from which they may be secured for a small service charge. Try your state library and local distributors first. If unable to locate, write to the USDA for nearest source MEN OF THE COAST GUARD. 25min 16-sd-loan 1941 US Coast guard 614.8 jh-sh-c-adult A comprehensive film of Coast Guard training and activities produced by Willard Pictures for the Public Relations Division of the United States Coast guard, under the direction of Commander Ellis Reed-Hill "Opens with scenes of some of the ac- tivities of the service, which emphasize the need for trained officers and men. Training can be undergone either at a regulation Coast Guard school or by correspondence. "Members of the merchant marine are in- vited to take courses too. Some of the less well known duties of the Coast Guard are de- scribed in the picture, which culminates in a chase and capture of gun runners through the efforts of the Coast Guard Intelligence Depart- ment." Movie makers Geo $1 Minn 50c 111 75c Okla 50c lo 35c Tex OFFSHORE PATROL. 15min 16-sd- loan US Coast guard 614.8 "Covers the duties of the Coast Guard on International Ice Patrol off the Grand Banks of New Foundland." Educational screen $1 • silent; sd-sound; f ■ inflammable: nf - safety: p - primary; el . elementary; Jh - Junior higli; sb - senior high; 0 • college: trade - trade schools 178