Educational film catalog (1936)

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616.9 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION IN DEFENSE OF THE NATION— Con/, history of venereal disease during periods of national emergency is pictured and the way in which every community can fight commer- cialized prostitution, spreader of syphilis and gonorrhea is shown Communities are urged to make the man on leave in towns near army camps and naval bases welcome and to provide sports, recrea- tion, good food and rest, health and medical care as constructive measures for his welfare KNOW FOR SURE (VENEREAL DIS- EASE). lOmin 16-sd-$12 35-sd-f-apply 1942 USPH 616.9 c-adult "The film can be shown only under the supervision and authority of local health de- partments. "Deals in a very frank way with pro- phylaxis, diagnosis and clinical treatment of syphilis. Gives also attention to follow-up treatment, sources of infection and community control. Dramatization renders the message more effective. The film was made in Holly- wood, directed by Lewis Milestone. "For male audiences only." Health films ConnH 16-loan NYH 16-loan loH 16-loan MALARIA CONTROL IN THE TEN- NESSEE VALLEY. 40min 16-sd-loan 1941 TVA health 616.9 sh-c-adult A semi-technical kodachrome subject de- scribing methods used by TVA to control ma- laria around the borders of the TVA reservoir A REPORT TO THE PEOPLE, llmin 16-sd-$15 35-sd-f-$35 1942 Nat found for infantile paralysis 616.9 Jh-sh-c-adult * „ Shows how infantile paralysis, uncon- trolled, can be more devastating than any war-time blitz. Dramatizes the highlights of the fight against infantile paralysis in those bleak days of 1916 and since the establish- ment of the National foundation in 1938 Geo 16-$1 Mo 16-$1.50 loS 16-$1 Tenn 16-$1.25 Ken 16-30C SONG AFTER SORROW. 25min 16-si- apply; rent $3 1938 Harmon 616.9 Jh-sh-adult Guide "Cooperatively produced by the mission boards working in this part of Africa, and the Belgium government. The film shows first the pitiable condition of the lepers as outcasts, then shows how the leper colony brings them into a happy environment, ministers to their physi- cal need, teaches them a trade and evangelizes them. The picture is excellently filmed, and is realistic without being gruesome or harrow- ing. Some beautiful shots of African scenery. . 'voo^i for general study of mission work '".Africa as well as for specific study of work with the lepers. Suitable for young people and *",?''•? J*"° possibly junior and senior high school boys and girls." Dr Vieth's committee Uses as its subject the work done in a leper colony in South Africa. The photography IS good; the continuity of the picture is ex- cellent; the film dramaticaJly plays the great need of those aflflicted with this disease and effectively shows the work done by a par- ticular church organizattion to alleviate the suffering of the afOlcted people. The picture is a bit gruesome and leaves one with the feel- ing that a work is being done among a most needy people. 1 i T"^^^? film titles are exceptionally well se- lected. It IS obviously a picture developed for the purpose of getting aid, flnanciallv and otherwise, for the work being done in this piissionary enterprise." G.G E STORY OF APPENDICITIS. 25min 16- si-$120; rent $6 1940 Rutgers 616.9 sh-c-adult This film deals with a typical case of appendicitis from the layman's point of view. It shows its diagnosis and treatment. The opening scenes are in the patient's home as he has an attack of abdominal pain. Hospital scenes follow with the usual hospital routine shown The patient is then shown at intervals during his recovery and finally at home again. Comparison is made between this case, proper- ly treated, and another which was given castor oil resulting in rupture of the appendix. It is in no way intended to teach medicine or surgical technique Ohio Okla $3 STORY OF DR JENNER. (Passing * parade ser.) lOmin 16-sd-apply TFC 616.9 el-jh-sh-c-trade-adult An MGM production available only to schools "Pictures first an advancing shadow cover- ing the map of Europe. From the plague of smallpox, sixty million persons died in one century for there was no remedy but charms and superstitions. "In England, Dr. Jenner is a country doctor. Before a pest house, guarded by sol- diers, Jenner meets a widow whose child is inside. He enters to help, but the child is dead. He walks through the town to the dairy whose workers, strangely, are immune, although sometimes affected by the mild disease of cow- pox. While there, he notes that one of the town boys, whose hand had been cut, had an attack of cowpox. And, Jenner ponders, the boy had probably held the infected hand of his dairymaid sweetheart and thus unknowingly saved himself from smallpox. "Later, in the doctor's home, the widow fears for the health of her remaining child but is assured by the doctor that it is only stomach ache. Jenner determines to give the child cow- pox and to do it by scratching the skin. He therefore takes the disease from the dairy- maid's skin and vaccinates the child. Jenner offers free vaccinations to the townspeople, but is distrusted and his home is stoned. His announcement to the doctors of London is ridiculed, and he returns home. But the plagrue returns and many dead are again carried away. "To test his theory of immunity, he injects smallpox germa into the widow's boy, pre- viously vaccinated, and then keeps the boy under his own roof to note the results. . . On the tenth day the mother tells where her son is. A group of neighbors march in a body to the doctor's home, determined to investigate. But Dr Jenner appears in the doorway, the widow's healthy boy by his side. "The shadow of the plague withdraws from the map. Recommended for general sci- ence classes in the junior and senior high school. Also of value for college courses in public health and health education." Advisory committee "An excellent film, well dramatized and beautifully photographed. [Particularly useful fori public health and general science." Cali- fornia Thi.s film is in so many of the state college and university film libraries that we suggest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to TFC for nearest source STORY OF LOUIS PASTEUR; excerpt (hydrophobia sequence). (Human rela- tions ser.) 18min 16-sd-apply Comm on human relations 616.9 jh-sh-c-trade-adult Guide May be rented only for educational pur- poses where no admi.ssion is charged This specially prepared excerpt from the Warner film deals with Pasteur's struggle to lilent; »d.$ound; f • inflammable; nf-safety: p - primary; el - elementary; 0 • college; trade - trade sclioois 186 Jl) • junior high; «h • senior high: