Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION 626-628.1 LOCKS AT SAULT STE. MARIE. ISmin 16-si-$25; rent $1.25 1937 Educ film serv 626 jh Guide Revised 1940 Shows the action of the locks in lowering and raising boats. Great ore boats are shown going both up and down Ohio Tex 25c Wis 75c 627.8 Dams BOULDER DAM. 36-46min 16-si-sd-$99.50- $98.50 35-si-sd-nf-$287.50-$245 Boulder dam 627.8 Information given has not been recently verified by the producer Condensed 16mm silent versions of the above are available as follows: 23min $48; 12min $24; 6min $12; 3min $6 These shorter versions show development and progress made on the project from the first surveys and road- building down to the final operations The river during early stages of work, high-scaling, blasting, concrete pouring oper- ations. Fabrication of the gigantic penstock pipe at the Babcock & Wilcox plant, trans- porting and lowering it to the canyon. The spillways, intake towers, movement of large penstock pipe and the dam as it appeared when half completed. The beginning of water storage, completed dam, the intake towers and spillways, power house, boating on Boulder Dam lake, high tension transmission towers and, finally, the roadway which crosses the dam Brig 16-sd-$2 Mo 16-sd-$3.75 Cal 16-sd-$4 Ores 16-si Dud 16-si Wis 16-si-$1.25 Geo 16-sd-$l BUILDING OF BOULDER DAM. lOmin 16-sd-loan 35-sd-nf-loan 1935 Int har- vester 627.8 jh-sh Information given has not been recently verified by producer Producer by Dowling & Brownell of Holly- wood Pictures man's conquest of the Colorado River by the building of a great dam. The varied activities incidental to the creation of this huge dam are woven into a story Many scenes show the important part played by International trucks in the transpor- tation of material and men An 16 Okla 16-25C Tex 16 TexTech 16 WashCE 16-50C WashS 16 NORRIS DAM CONSTRUCTION. 30min 16-si-loan 35-si-nf-loan 1936 TVA 627.8 jh-sh-c A semi-technical subject showing how the Clinch River dam was built A&B 16 Ores 16 Geo 16-$1 Wis 1G-$1.50 Ohio 16 TVA. 20min 1940 TVA 16-sd-loan 35-sd-nf-loan 627.8 jh-sh-c "Presents the work and accomplishments of the TVA after more than seven years' prog- ress towards the unified development of the Tennessee Valley. It shows the multi-purpose dams operating to help control fioods, to aid navigation, and to produce power. "The film also shows other activities of the Authority including agricultural work, rural electrification, research and reforestation. How the program fits into national defense is described." Don White in Educational screen "Excellent for units on conservation." Collaborator WASTED WATERS. ISmin 16-si-sd- loan 35-si-sd-nf-loan 1939 TVA 627.8 jh-sh-c This film was originally released in 1936 under title "Tennessee valley authority at work" General picture of the TVA development. Music by the Army band Ala 16-sd-loan Tex 16 Geo 16-sd-$l Wis 16-sd-$l 627.9 Lighthouses SENTINELS OF THE SEA. (Magic carpet ser.) IR 16-sd-apply TFC 627.9 A 20th Century-Fox production available only to schools "Visiting many lighthouses and lightships, the camerman emphasizes the romantic rather than the practical aspects of these 'sentinels of the sea.' Sequences include a lighthouse keeper being brought out in a boat to his post far offshore; a coast guard team using a breeches buoy; gas tanks being used to furnish fuel for buoys. "Commentary and a background of or- chestral music. The commentary is not very informative and states no principles of light- house operation. Suggested, however, for social studies classes in connection with units on government services." Advisory committee 628.1 Water supply CITY WATER SUPPLY. (Social studies * ser.) llmin 16-sd-$50 35-sd-nf-$100 1941 Erpi 628.1 jh-sh "Animated drawings describe the relation between rainfall and life; the sources of city water supply—wells, rivers, lakes and water- sheds; water-borne diseases; and methods of wa- ter distribution. Other photography depicts wa- ter tunnels and aqueducts; the dependence of cities upon an adequate water supply; and the necessity of safequarding water sources and distribution." Georgia This film is in so many of the state col- lege and university film libraries that we sug- gest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to Erpi for nearest source. The average rental is $1.50 EMPIRE OF THE WEST. 30min 16- sd-rent $1 1937 B&H 628.1 "Efforts of Metropolitan Water District to provide Southern California with adequate water supply. Conditions as they were in 1840; lack of water hindrance to agricultural and eco- nomic advancement. Even present water sys- tem not sufficient to meet needs of community. Metropolitan Water District attempts to meet this demand. Purpose and origin of district outlined: a comprehensive survey of their operations is made showing: Boulder Dam, Mead Lake, Parker Dam under construction. "Construction of power line from Boulder Dam, showing erection of tunnels and instal- lation of the equipment. All phases of opera- tion of tunneling are shown; dynamiting, muck- ing and lining walls with concrete. Labor- saving devices and unusual machines developed especially for work on this project. Living con- ditions of men shown." California Cal si • silent; sd-sound; f • inflammable; nf - safety: p • primary; el • elementary; Jh - Junior high; sh - senior high: c - college; trade • trade schools 209