Educational film catalog (1936)

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917.123-917.14 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 1943 EDITION OPEN SKYWAYS IN THE ROCKIES — Continued winding up the mountainside. It proceeds to Banff and gives a shot of the information ofRce where arriving cars stop for information as to gears and gradients. The clothing of the tourists here indicate that this is not a new film. The film proceeds with many more scenic views. There are some closeups of a herd of deer met on the way. Johnston Canyon is explored, the steps down which the Indian god Uki steals at night to carry off naughty children are visited. Lake Lrouise is seen and then we proceed to the Great Divide. Fol- lowing many scenic views come shots of moose in closeup. In the valley below is Kicking Horse River, Emerald Lake, Watta Falls, Golden Grove and at this latter place river and railroad emerge to the broad valley of the Columbia. A young Indian on a horse outlined against the sky brings the fllm to its finale "Interest was good." Dale J. Baughman RIDING HIGH IN CANADIAN ROCKIES. lOmin 16-sd-loan 1942 Ca- nadian Pacific 917.123 Jh-sh-adult A saddle trip thru the Canadian Rockies with the trail riders ROYAL PARKS. lOmin 16-sd-loan 1940 Canada 917.123 Jh-sh-c-adult When the King and Queen visited Canada they saw some of the scenic beauties of Banff and Jasper national parks. Some things visitors with more time at their disposal might see are also shown in this fllm B&H NH 50c CFC NPC Col Ohio Geo $1 SC 75c Ind $2 Tenn 75c loS 50c YMCA Ken 30c 917.127 Manitoba PLAYGROUNDS OF THE PRAIRIE. 12min 16-si-loan 35-si-nf-loan NPC 917.127 Riding Mountain National Park in Mani- toba. Camping, swimming, riding, tennis, golf, motoring along the park highways, and a visit to the wild animal enclosure "Excellent fllm on Canada. An auto tour through the park giving a thorough insight to the various types of sports and scenic wonders in Canada." J.K.W. Ohio 16 917.13 Onfario OTTAWA ON THE RIVER. 18min 16- sd-$30 1942 Canada 917.13 el-Jh-sh-adult May also be had in color for $90 The spires of Ottawa's government build- ings outlined against the sky open this color fllm. But Ottawa is a city of people. They have made of their home a planned city, with streets running out from the central area they call the Plaza. They have built the beautiful driveways, bordered them with trees and parks and they live here, play, go to school, marry and work here Lumbering is significant to the develop- ment of Ottawa and many men of Ottawa work in the mills at neighboring Hull. Twenty thousand of her citizens are employed in gov- ernment offices. The children play baseball in vacant lots and regale themselves on hot pop- corn. Housewives choose crisp vegetables and new eggs from the farmers' market just below the House of Parliament Race and religion meet and mingle. There is a quaint old French section, called Lower Town, and a newer English section called Upper Town In summer many swim going up the Gatineau. In spring they go on picnics and in fall they walk in a blaze of autumn color. Winter brings snow that brings joy to the hearts of the children. They build themselves skating rinks by pouring water on the ground to freeze and then skate and skate. Men with large, horse-drawn sleighs shovel snow off the streets and out on the hills the skiers swarm for miles This fllm outlines the life of a people against a panorama of dignified government buildings and changing seasons B&H $4 NH 50c CFC NYU $6 Geo 50c SC $1 loS 50c Tenn 75c Ken 50c 917.14 Quebec BYWAYS OF NEW FRANCE. lOmin 16-sd-loan 1941 Quebec tourist bur 917.14 Jh-sh Information given has not been recently verified by producer "Takes the audience on an imaginary trip through the Province of Quebec, begin- ning with the city of Quebec and continuing through the Gasp6 and other outlying districts. Much stress is placed on the life of the in- habitants and their agricultural pursuits. "Lumbering, spinning, weaving and canoe building are shown. There are picturesque scenes of the outdoor ovens and of the many wayside shrines which dot the landscape. "This is a fine film for classes of all ages, studying the Province of Quebec, and it would make an excellent background for students reading Louis H6mon's 'Maria Chapdelaine.' " Movie makers Cal $1 Ohio Tex FEUDAL ANTICOSTL ISmin 16-si-sd- $24-$36; rent $1-$1.25 B&H 917.14 sh-c-adult "Island at mouth of St. Lawrence River, 3200 square miles and 550 inhabitants, none of which may return to the island once they have left it. "Originally belonged to Muenier, the French chocolate king, who established a feudal system similar to that of the Middle Ages, now owned by a Montreal paper cor- poration who maintains the feudal system. No one may land on the island without formal permission. Port Muenier, the only town. Villa Muenier, the castle of the former owner, with its Baronial Hall and Throne, from which Muenier ruled the island. "The interior is alive with game of every kind, imported and allowed to multiply, to supply food for the inhabitants. Geographical details. Horse-drawn boats on shallow streams. Mackerel fishing." Ohio Ohio sd L'lLE D'ORL^ANS. IR 16-si-$62.50; rent $2.50 1939 Gut 917.14 Jh-sh-aduit Awarded the Hiram Percy Maxim Memo- rial award for 1939 Pastoral scenes of women working in the fields, church in the distance, cattle grazing. Several typical old homesteads are shown and (i - silent; td-sound: f - inflammable; nf • safety; p • primary; el - elementary; Jh • junior high; sh - senior high; 0 - college; trade - trade schools 338