Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG ^17.14-^17.2 1943 EDITION L'lLE D'ORLt:ANS— Continued some of the churches. Farmers work in the fields, a woman spins, fishermen look after their catch. The making of a special cheese is shown. Again cattle graze "In color. A camera trip through this historic island off Quebec showing native cus- toms, industries and architecture." School management Cine DG NFS $62; rent $2.50 PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. iSmin 16-si- $24 1932 Eastman 917.14 el-jh Guide Shows the Saguenay River region of the Laurentian Uplands, pulp and paper mills, backwoods life; the Lower St Lawrence, Cape Gasp6, the fishing industry, Murray Bay, Ste Anne de Beaupr6, Quebec, and asbestos mines; the Upper St. Lawrence, picturesque French- Canadian "habitants," and Montreal "Our schools use this a great deal be- cause there is so little available material." Collaborator A&B Ea Ala $1.50 Gen Ariz $1 III $1 Buck Ind 75c PROVINCE OF QUEBEC, llmin 16-sd- apply TFC 917.14 el-Jh A Columbia production, available only to schools "A film with unusually good commentary showing Montreal in panorama, street scenes in the city itself, and views of important land marks. The camera travels among the Lau- rentian mountains to the city of Quebec show- ing the Plains of Abraham, the picturesque French streets and outstanding buildings in the imposing city. "The journey then continues to the mouth of the Saguenay River down the Gaspe Penin- sula through French towns where the villagers are spinning and weaving." Advisory com- mittee AMNH $1.50 Ohio Wis $1.25 QUEBEC. (Vagabond adventure ser.) llmin 16-sd-$30; rent $1.50 1938 Gut 917.14 jh-sh Narration is by Alois Havrilla "Good travelogue on Quebec but its only use would probably be in recreational or semi- recreational way. Includes shots of Quebec from a distance; Narrow streets of Quebec; Break-neck stairs; Shots of cannons and shots of statue of Cartier; All notices and signs in two languages; Basilica; Government offices; Shots of frozen falls; Scenes of churches; Scenes of old women spinning." Harold B. Jensen Cine DG IdP NFS $27; rent $1.50 NJM Rosh RURAL QUEBEC FOLKWAYS. lOmin 16-si-sd-$24-$36; rent $1-$1.25 1939 B&H 917.14 Photographed by Richard Finnie "This excellent presentation of unusual scenes of this part of the North American continent shows a survival of 17th century life in present day conditions. We see people plow with oxen, spin and weave at home on hand wheels and looms, make all their own clothing and provide practically all their own food. It also shows the religious fervor of these people as well as their different forms of entertainment. "This film is excellent material for classes studying Canada and might be used in Eco- nomic classes as an example of self-sustaining people who are not really interdependent. Ex- cellent film." Committee on classroom films Ariz sd-$1.50 Ohio sd CFC sd-$1.50 VaEd sd IdP si-sd VES si-sd-$l-$1.25 Minn sd-$2 917.15 New Brunswick NEW BRUNSWICK. lOmin 16-sd-rent $1.50 B&H 917.15 el-Jh-sh-c-adult Produced by Universal Presentation of life on an island popu- lated largely by descendants of royalist sym- pathizers who fled American revolt against British rule in 1776. Historic survivals and mode of getting livlihood is shown 917.16 Nova Scotia LAND OF EVANGELINE. lOmin 16-sd- $30; rent $2 1933 BraF 917.16 el-jh-sh Narrated by Alois Havrilla Scenic with music. Shows the "reversing falls" of St John's river B&H $30; rent $1.50 Mod Cine NFS $27; rent $1.50 DG NH si-sd Gut West IdP YMCA $1.25 La 917.2 Mexico ARTS AND CRAFTS OF MEXICO. (Art ser.) llmin 16-sd-$50 35-sd-nf-$100 1939 Erpi 917.2 el-Jh-sh Guide 15c Native craftsmen are shown in their home workshops. Spinning sheep's wool, the weav- ing of scrapes (sleeveless coat-like blankets), basket-making, glass-blowing, and pottery- making, each is treated in detail. The film concludes with a display and discussion of Mexico's famous Guadalajara pottery This film is in so many of the state col- lege and university film libraries that we sug- gest contacting your local state service. If they do not have it write to Erpi for nearest source BOUNTEOUS EARTH. (Mexican fiestas ser.) 9min 16-sd-loan 1942 CIAA 917.2 sh-c-adult This color film shows agricultural fiestas in two Mexican towns. At Cholula is the blessing of domestic animals to insure their fertility; at Tehuantepec the harvest festival of thanksgiving for abundant crops CIAA films have been deposited with film libraries all over the country, from which they may be secured for a small service charge. Try your state library and local distributors first. If unable to locate, write to the CIAA for nearest source CHILDREN OF MEXICO. (Documen- tary films ser.) 14min 16-si-rent $1.50 1941 AMNH 917.2 p-el-Jh "Portrays, in color, Mexican children at work and play. Mexican babes are carried about the markets in mother's rebosa. Chil- si. silent; sd-sound: f ■ inflammable; nf-safety; p ■ primary: el - elementary: Jli • Junior higli: sh - senior high- 0 - college; trade - trade scliools 339