Educational film guide (1945)

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1947 EDITION 591.5 TWO LITTLE BEARS — Continued from a medicine dropper and from a saucer. They romp and play with each other and perform acrobatic stunts on a horizontal bar Mich VANISHING HERDS. 14min 16-sd-$19.96 1940 Castle 591.5 el-Jh-sh-adult A USDA film A grandfather tells two children how the bison, elk and other game animals and birds have been nearly exterminated, and what Federal and other agencies are doing to restore them, particularly with reference to national forests Contains shots of prehistoric animals and of the last heath hen, bison, deer, mountain sheep, elk, bears and wild turkeys "Hard to understand the conversation." California Available from 10 or more film, libraries or distributors THE VELDT. (Howe hodge podge ser.) IR 16-sd-apply TPC 591.5 el-Jh-sh An Educational films corporation of America available only to schools "Here are scenes on the plains near the foothills of an African mountain range. We see lakes which teem with wild fowl. Flamingoes wade in the shallow water, then, with a running start, take off In flight, which Is pictured In slow-motion. "We see the secretary bird . . . glimpses of the hooded cobra, the black mamba and the puff adder . . . native shoots his arrows through the head of a python coiled around a limb. The baboon is pictured. . . A close-up of the chameleon reveals its swivel eyes and long, darting tongue. "The fierce-looking but harmless iguana la seen. The close-up of the high mound of an ant hill shows the large queen ant. Another foe of the snake is the dwarf mongoose, which can be tamed. "Also present are the praying mantis and the armorclad spiny cricket. A scourge of locusts sweeps the land, covering the trees and plants. Zebras inhabit the country near volcanic mountains, as well as bush pigs and antelopes. A volcanic explosion fires the veldt. The natives and all the animals flee together, their fears of each other lost In the greater fear of the devastating flames. "Recommended for nature study from the fifth grade up; for biology, grades 7 through 12, and social science at all levels." Advisory committee AMNH $1.50 UWP Ideal $1.65 VES $1.50 111 $1.50 WIlo Mod Wis $1.25 Ohio WILD ANIMALS NEAR HOME. IR 16-sI-rent 50c 1938 AMNH 591.5 el-Jh Baby snowshoe rabbits are fed warm milk with a medicine dropper. The opossum feigns sleep, but is picked up by a little girl. Sachet, a pet skunk, finds apples under the snow In the orchard WILD ANIMALS— THEIR HOMES AND HABITS. (Trailside adventures ser.) lOmln 16-sI-sd-$30-$40 1940 Barr 591.5 p-el-Jh-sh-c-adult Guide "Interesting comparison of animal homes and the method of protecting the young. Includes both bird and mammal homes. Timed narration to be read by teacher for silent print." Collaborator UWP $1.50 WILD ELEPHANT ROUNDUP. 16-sI-sd 1941 Castle 591.5 el-Jh-sh-c-adult Available in the following lengths and prices from the producer and all authorized sales distributors: 100ft-sl-$2.75; 360ft-sl$8.75; 350ft-sd-$17.50. Also available in a Spanish and a French version A band of twenty natives imder the leadership of one white man sight and stalk a herd of 800 elephants into African wastelands. Armed only with ropes they succeed in capturing a number of the frightened beasts who put up a tremendous struggle, uprooting trees in their frenzy. The captured elephants are taken off among older, tamed elephants A bit exciting for verj' young children Available from, 10 or more film, libraries or distributors WILD LIFE ON THE DESERT. 12mln 16-sl$20; rent $1 1936 Cal 591.5 el-Jh-sh-c Scenes of wild life found on the desert between the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevadas Ariz $1 Minn 75c CEA $1 Mo 50c Lew NCS WILD LIFE ON THE VELDT. (Magic carpet ser.) IR 16-sd-apply TFC 591.5 el-Jh-sh-c A 20th Century-Fox production available only to schools "A clever cameraman brings back a record of the enchantment and terror of an average day in the lives of the wild animals in Kruger Park, South Africa. . . No commentary, but occasional action sounds; a musical background. This film makes the most of the splendid opportunity for animal study provided by the Kruger Park sanctuary. "Recommended as excellent for zoology, grades 10 through college; biology (conservation), grades 7 through 12; nature study, grades 1 through 6; social science at all levels. It should be valuable in study of drawing and designing at all levels. The water hole scenes are excellent." Advisory committee AMNH $1.50 Ohio WILDLIFE OF NEW YORK. 26min 16-si-sdloan NT conservation 591.5 el-Jh-sh-adu!t Shots of deer and beaver at work are emphasized. Other animals shown include coon, chipmunk, skunk, mink, fisher, and marten WING, CLAW, AND FANG. (Adventure parade ser.) llmin 16-si-sd-$8.75-$17.50 1944 Castle 591.5 el-Jh-sh-adult "A kitten, a pup, a penguin, and a Hon are the stars in this movie which reveals the fact that birds and beasts react in Intelligent ways. Final scenes show a lion trainer wrestling and playing with a lion which has already been trained. "Good for very young children except this final scene." Collaborator Available from 10 or more film libraries or distributors ZOO BABIES. 14min 16-sd-$54; rent $3 1938 ITTCO 591.5 p-el-Jh-sh-c "A picturization of the feeding and play activities of reptiles, birds, and animals. Not a complete repertoire of the zoo but representative specimens. Narration is very poor, hardly understandable at all. Some of the narration explains reproduction In a very sketchy manner. 245