Educational film guide ()

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The descriptive notes include the name of a sponsor or producer, if other than the main source. Names of educational consultants or collaborators who advised or assisted in the production of a film are given when known. No attempt has been made to evaluate the photography or sound recording of the films listed other than general notes from collaborators. Selection. The selected list (Part 2) is based on the advice of many educators and specialists, on a comparison of selected lists of films and on consultation with others interested in non-theatrical films. All films first listed in Part 1 are voted on by 40 collaborators, and on the basis of their votes the films are selected for inclusion in Part 2 of this Guide. The final selection represents the composite opinion of visual education experts thruout the United States and Canada. No one of these can be held personally responsible for the inclusion or exclusion of any film as the final decision based on these expressions of opinion was made by the editors. Some industrial films made for advertising purposes have been included in Part 2 when the votes of our collaborators indicated that they are useful. In some instances a note is given as to whether or not the advertising might be considered objectionable. For the 1948 edition all films in Part 2 were reconsidered by our collaborators and many out-dated pictures were then dropped from both parts of the Guide. Grading. The grading indicated in Part 2 is from information given by our collaborators when voting on the films to be included. While the films have been used successfully at the levels indicated, they may be found useful in other grades as well. Starred Films. The asterisks (* and %) indicate those films especially recommended by our collaborators. Directions for Use. Directions designed to assist in the use of the Guide are given inside the front cover and at the beginning of Part 2. The following points of information may also be helpful : For the most complete information about a film consult the entry in Part 2 for those which have been classified, or the main title entry in Part 1 for those not classified. If a film is part of a series consult the series entry in Part 1 for additional information which may be given regarding the series as a whole. A film may be listed under several subject entries in Part 1 but is listed only once in Part 2. The classified arrangement of Part 2 makes it possible to bring all related subjects and titles together. For your convenience an Outline of Classification which lists all the classification numbers and subjects used in Part 2 of this Guide is given at the beginning of Part 2. How to Obtain Films. To assist those who wish to purchase or rent 16mm films some brief suggestions regarding sources, etc. are given at the back of the book preceding the Directory of Main Sources and the Directory of Local Distributors. Supplements. It is planned to keep this Guide up to date by nine monthly issues, beginning in October and cumulated quarterly in December, March and June. The next Annual edition will be published in September 1950. iv