Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION BLOOD OF JESUS. Sack 1948 60mln sd color $350 Shows the continuous struggle of the flght between good over evil and right beating might. Negro cast Blood pressure. See Blood — Pressure BLOOD TRANSFUSION 1947. BIS 1947 17mln sd $37.50, rent $2.50 612.1 Blood vessels Circulatory system Control of small blood vessels 612.1 BLOOMING DESERT. Simmel 1945 llmin sd color $85 582.13 BLUE AND THE GRAY. TFC lOmin sd apply 973.7 BLUE BLOODS. See Man's best friends BLUE GEESE. Hawley-Lord 9min sd $22.50; also color $85 799.2 BLUE HORIZONS. Youth 1948 40min sd color (Scenic psalm worship services) rent $10 Also available in two shorter versions (30min color rent $10; 30min b&w rent $7) A photographic treatise on the heavens above. All of the light and color changes in the sky from dawn to dusk are recorded and the delicate transitional color changes of the heavens are interpreted with music Blue Jay Bobolink and bluejay 598.2 BLUE LUPINE. Castle 1947 14min sd color $90.31 633 Blue Ridge mountains Meet North Carolina BLUE SKIES AND HAPPY HUNTING. Grubbs 22min si $45; also color $110 Produced by Hollywood Film Enterprisea Photographed by James S. Bond on a twenty-one day hunting trip in the wilds of the Canadian Rockies BLUE WARRIORS OF THE PACIFIC. Hawley-Lord 1946 9min sd $22.50; also color $85 799.1 THE BLUEBIRD. Heindenkamp 1948 lOmin sd ♦ color (Bird life ser) $75 598.2 Bluebirds The bluebird 598.2 Five colorful birds 598.2 Thrushes and relatives 598.2 BLUEBLOODS FROM CANADA. CanNFB 1948 28min sd color loan Produced by Associated Screen News. Montreal Shows Canadian livestock and its selective breeding to produce high Quality strains BLUEPRINT FOR SAFETY. Westinghouse Lima 1947 20min sd $55, loan Shows the successful development and application of a sound safety program Blueprints Airplane sheet metal work 629.134 Builders of the broad highway 625.7 Laying out and installing compartment fixtures 621.32 Principal dimensions, reference surfaces and tolerances 744 Reading a drawing of a valve bonnet 744 Reading a three-view drawing 744 Sectional views and projections 744 Shop procedures 744 Visualizing an object 744 B'nal B'rith, Independent order of This Is B'nai B'rith 296 Boat racing. See Yacht racing Boatbuilding Plywood fleet 623.8 BOATS. EBF 1938 llmin sd (Elementary social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 386 Boats and boating Safety ahoy 797.1 See also Canoes and canoeing; Rowing; Sailing BOATS OF THE GREAT LAKES. EdFlm 1938 15min si $25, rent $1.25 386 BOB GAFFNER, FISHERMEN'S HELPER. * Frith 1948 llmin sd color (Harbor ser) $65 639 BOB LEARNS ABOUT OCEAN TRADE. Frith * 1948 llmin sd color (Harbor ser) $65 382 BOB MARSHALL COMES HOME. Castle 22min sd $27.85 631.3 BOBOLINK AND BLUEJAY. Coronet 1943 lOmin sd color $90 598.2 Bobolinks Bobolink and bluejay 598.2 Bocklln, Arnold Isle of the dead. See Little phantasy BODY CARE AND GROOMING, McGraw 1947 20min sd (Health education text-film ser) apply 613 BODY DEFENSES AGAINST DISEASE. EBF 1937 llmin sd (Human biology ser) $45, rent $2.50 613 BODY FIGHTS BACTERIA. McGraw 1947 15min sd (Health education text-film ser) apply 589.95 BODY FRAMEWORK. EBF 1931 15min si $24 611 BODY MECHANICS; COWBOY SQUARES, AMERICAN INDIANS. Perry-Mansfield 1946 45min si color (Dance and body mechanics) rent $8 Reel 1 demonstrates exercises in rhythmic movement and gymnastics. Reel 2 presents some cowboy and authentic Indian dances Body temperature. See Temperature, Animal and human BOFORS. Scandia 1948 17mln sd $75 The gates of the erreat Iron works are opened to present an Inside view of this mighty industrial plant aa a productive contributor not only to the defense of Sweden but to peaceful achievement in obtaining a higher standard of living for the Swedish people Bogoslof island Isle of mystery Bogota, Colombia Bogota — capital of Colombia 918.6 BOGOTA— CAPITAL OF COLOMBIA. PanAm Union 1947 llmin sd color $56.75 918.6 LA BOHfeME. Brandon 1938 82min sd (International film classics) rent $25 Jan Kiepura and Marta Eggerth are the singing stars of this film version of the popular opera. German dialog, English titles Boilers Steam for power Boilers, Marine Steam power for American sea power Bolivia Bolivia High plain 918.4 La Paz 918.4 Tin from Bolivia 669.6 BOLIVIA. EBF 1931 15min si $24 Notes the marked progress made in developmg the resources of Bolivia under conditions which render travel and 'communication difficult BOMB BLAST AND BURNS. Castle 1948 13min sd color $63.84 Produced by the U.S. Navy Explains by use of animation how an explosion causes serious burns, internal injuries and wounds from falling fragments BOMBER. Castle 1942 lOmin sd $14.09 629.13 33