Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION Buildings, Farm. See Farm buildings Buildings, Prefabricated Building a house (CanNFB) 690 Country homes 690 Prefabrication with plywood 674 Bulbs Holland blooms again Bulgaria Bulgaria 914.97 BULGARIA. EBF 1940 15mln si $24 914.97 BULKHEAD: LAYING OFF AND FITTING A CENTERLINE STIFFENER. Castle 1942 16mln sd $27.88 623.8 BULKHEAD: SETTING A TRANSVERSE WATERTIGHT BULKHEAD INTO HULL. Castle 1942 17min sd $29.29 623.8 Bullfights Death in the arena Bulyea, Mount Mount Bulyea Burbank, Luther Luther Burbank 921 Burgess, Gelett Two o'clock courage BURIED LOOT. TFC 19mln sd (Crime does not pay) apply 364 Buried treasure. See Treasure-trove Burma Crocodile thrills Jungles of the world 573 Report from Burma 940.535 Wheels across India 915.91 Burma road Burma road 915 BURMA ROAD. ChinaFlm 1941 45min si color $225, rent $9 915 Burman, Ben Lucien Mississippi. See Heaven on earth Burnett, Frances (Hodgson) Little Lord Fauntleroy F BURNING— THE SAFE WAY. NatSafety 28mln sd rent $3 Produced by Bethlehem Steel Co. Demonstrates the safeguards every burner should take to protect himself and coworkers. Emphasizes the importance of proper dress, use of safety equipment provided and observance of safe work methods Burns, Robert Auld lang syne 921 Romance of Robert Burns 921 Burroughs, John In a naturalist's garden BUS DRIVER. EBF 1946 llmin sd (Elementary social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 629.213 Buses, Motor. See Motor buses BUSH PILOT. FlmHighlights 1947 65min sd (Screen guild) apply A feature length film of a young aviator and his girl BUSH LAND COLOR STUDIES. AustrlNews& Inf llmin sd color $75, rent $2.50 Color photographs of Australia's unique animals BUSH LAND FANTASY, IntFlmBur 1947 lOmin sd color $75, rent $2.50 919.4 BUSH LAND REVELS. AustrlNews&Inf 1935 8min sd $25, rent $1.50 Produced by the Commonwealth Dept. of Information for the Australian National Film Board Shows the life cycle and habits of the lyre bird of Australia BUSHLAND SYMPHONY. EBF 1949 lOmin sd $19.50 Produced by Encyclopedia Britannica Films and Cinesound — Australia This is a film photographed in the "back country" of Australia, in bushland wilderness seldom visited by men. Se quences show races between Australian horsemen and incredibly fast kangaroos, and between the kangaroo and the emu bird. In marshland areas where unusual birds abound, the ibis and black swan are shown, while the film shows little koala bears, called live teddy bears by the Australians, high in the eucalyptus trees where they can spend their entire lives BUSHMAN GOES HOME. AustrlNews&Inf 1947 lOmin sd $25, rent $1.50 Produced by the Commonwealth Dept. of Information for the Australian National Film Board An insight into the way of life In the out-back of Australia Business Crossroads for America 335 Three to be served 330.973 What is business? 658 Business and economics (Coronet) What is a corporation? Business correspondence. See Commercial correspondence Business letters. See Commercial correspondence Business machines Business machines Maintenance of office machines 651,2 Modern business machines See also names of machines, as Dictating machines. Mimeograph, Typewriters BUSINESS MACHINES, AssnFlm 1938 15min si rent $2 Produced by Teaching Aids Exchange A survey of the more rare types of business machines BUSINESS OF FARMING, CanNFB 1945 22min sd $50, rent $2.50 630.971 BUST DEVELOPMENT. Gray,H 1948 lOmin sd $35; also color $85 Also available in a black and white silent version for $20 Abbye Stockton of Santa Monica, Calif, America's leading authority on bust development and figure control, shows how to develop a well curved attractive bust BUSY SPOTS IN FLORIDA, Hoffberg 9min sd $25 917,59 Butter Milk (Filmsets) 637 We make butter Butter, Artificial, See Oleomargarine Butterflies Butterflies 595,77 Butterfly botanists 595,78 Monarch butterfly 595.78 Moth and butterfly 595.78 Pipevine swallowtail butterfly 595.78 Spotted wings 595.78 Story of the butterfly 595.78 BUTTERFLIES. EBF 1931 llmin sd (BiologyAnimal life ser) $45, rent $2.50 595.78 BUTTERFLY BOTANISTS. Coronet 1947 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 595.78 BUYERS BEWARE. TFC 20min sd (Crime does not pay) apply 364 Buyers' guides. See Consumer education Buying Consumer protection 339,4 Installment buying 658.88 BY EXPERIENCE I LEARN. Wis,U 1938 25min si (Judy's diary) $30, rent $1.50 136.7 BY JUPITER. Wilding 1947 27min sd $125 * 177 BY LAND WE LIVE. MichDptConsv 1948 261/^min sd color loan Distribution limited to Michigan, except for June, July and August Discusses soil conservation in Michigan, treating the problems arising from its moisture and restoration 39