Educational film guide ()

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EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE CAMPUS FRONTIERS — Continued students a background for running their own $25,000 business of community government; above all, how it equips them to govern themselves, to fulfill "their birthright as Americans to shape the lives they live" CAMPUS ON THE MARCH. Castle 1942 19min sd 325.69 Produced by the U.S. Office of War Information. Released thru the U.S. Office of Education Military training programs at various U.S. universities and colleges CAN YOU READ GREGG. AssnFlm 1939 ISmin si rent $2 653 Canada The Acadians Across Canada Alexis Tremblay: habitant 917.1 Atlantic salmon 799.1 Bluebloods from Canada Boy scout explorer Boys and girls farm clubs 630.6 Business of farming 630.971 Call of Canada 917.1 Canada (MOT) 917.1 Canada's tackle busters 799.1 Canadian wheat story 633.1 Careers and cradles 396 Cattle country 636.2 Central experimental farm Columbia icefield drive Craftsmen at work Eyes on Canada Pace of time 622 Pour seasons 525.5 Prench-Canadian children 917.1 Pur trade 636.9 Great Canadian shield 622 Habitant arts and crafts Hands are sure Highways north 380 Hiking on top of the world Home to the land 355.11 Indian canoemen 797.1 Indian hunters 799.2 Johnny at the fair Land for pioneers 917.1 Land of the maple leaf 917.1 Look to the north 917.1 Lumbering in the Pacific Northwest 674 New home in the west 917.1 New homes for beavers 591.5 People dance 793.3 People's bank 334 Peoples of Canada 917.1 Photo Canada 912 Portage 971 Riding high River of Canada 917.1 Rural health 614 Saguenay Ski in the valley of the saints 796.9 Sou for tomorrow 631.4 Song of the ski 796.9 Speckled trout across Canada 799.1 This is our Canada 917.1 Through the northwest passage Ticket to Jasper Time and terrain Trail of the Great Divide Ukrainian winter holidays 394 White safari 355 Windbreaks on the prairies 631.4 Wings over Canada See also names of provinces and cities Boundaries Border without bayonets 917 Capital Ottawa on the river 917.1384 History Hudson's bay 971 Wolfe and Montcalm 973.2 Industries Canada (Pilmsets) 917.1 Canadian products and Industries 917.1 Fashions by Canada 677 P^ir country 917.1 Industrial provinces of Canada 917.1 The Navy flies Navy Religion Rosary Sunday and the Cardinal's welcome Royal Canadian mounted police Maintain the right 351.74 Through the northwest passage CANADA. Pilmsets Smin si $12.50 917.1 CANADA. MOT 1944 llmin sd $55 917.1 Canada carries on (CanNFB) Art for everybody 708 Challenge of housing 331.83 A city sings 784 Home town paper Inside the atom 541.2 Look to the north 917.1 Montreal by night Music in the wind 786.6 New north 917.121 Ordeal by ice 355 River watch 627.9 Science in bloom Ski skill 796.9 Suffer little children 940.5316 Tomorrow's citizens 362.7 Toronto symphony nos.1-2 785 Canada carries on (IntPlmBur) Canadian products and industries ^^'^i^^^o? .TACKLE BUSTERS. CanPacRy 1947 22mm sd color loan 799.1 Also available in a silent version Canadian art. See Art, Canadian Canadian Indians. See Indians of North America— Canada CANADIAN LANDSCAPE. CanNFB 1941 18mln sd color $150, rent $5 753 CAISIADIAN MOUNTAIN SUMMER. CanPacRy 1941 lOmin sd color loan 917.123 Also available in a silent version Canadian music. See Music, Canadian Canadian Pacific air lines Canadian Pacific in the air CAISIADIAN PACM^ IN THE AIR. CanPac Ry 1948 20min sd^lor loan Produced by Associated Screen News, Montreal Air service development from bush flying to main line routes Canadian painters. See Painters. Canadian ^^■^^^.P'^N PORCUPINE. USFish&Wildlife 1947 15min si color loan The porcupine may cause a great amount of damage to the lumbering industry as well as to certain farm crops. This picture shows the type of food consumed in the four seasons of the year CANADIAN PRODUCTS AND INDUSTRIES. IntPlmBur 1946 lOmin sd (Canada carries on) $25 917.1 Canadian Rockies. See Rocky mountains, Canada CANADIAN ROCKIES. Simmel 1944 llmin si color $60 917.123 Canadian sculptors. See Sculptors, Canadian CANADIAN SMALLMOUTHS. CanNFB 1948 lOmin $25, rent $1.50; also color $75, rent $2.50 In the lake land of central Ontario fishing for smallmouth bass is mettlesome sport CANADIAN WHEAT STORY. YoungAmerica 1944 6mm sd (Canadian work and wealth) $20 633.1 Canadian work and wealth (CanNFB) Building a house 690 Canadian wheat story 633.1 Cattle country 636.2 Story of oil 665.5 42