Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION Children — Continued Nutrition For health and happiness 649 Meal time can be a happy time Your children's meals 649 See also School children — Food Psychology See Child study Storiea A boy, a girl, and a dog Enchanted forest F What a day Training See Children — Management Children, Delinquent. See Juvenile delinquency THE CHILDREN, NewHaven 1942 lOmin sd $30, rent $1 372 CHILDREN GROWING UP WITH OTHERS. * UWF 1948 30min sd (Problems of living) $95, rent $8 136.7 Children In Africa Children of Africa 916 Children in Asia Seeds of destiny 940.5316 Children in Australia School in the mailbox 340.994 Schooltime in Australia Children in Canada French-Canadian children 917.1 Small fry 362.7 Sports and seasons 790 Children in China Children of China 915.1 China's children 915.1 Smile with the children of China 915.1 Children in Denmark Denmark grows up Good mothers Children in England Day with English children 914.2 English children 914.2 Children In Europe Forgotten children Restoration begins 362.7 Seeds of destiny 940.5316 Children in France Children's republic 362.7 France rebuilds Children in Ireland Irish children 914.15 Children In Japan Children of Japan 915.2 Children in Mexico Mexican children 917.2 Children in Palestine Tomorrow's a wonderful day Children in Poland Children must laugh CHILDREN IN REFUGE. PIC 1944 13min sd $30, rent $1.50 Polish children who escaped from Nazi persecution In Poland shown at work and play in camps set up for them for the duration in Persia, Palestine, Africa and Scotland Children In Russia Children of Russia 914.7 Road to life; excerpt Children in Spain Spanish children 914.6 CHILDREN IN SEARCH OF GOD. RFA 1936 15min si rent $1.50 F Children in Sweden Child welfare in Sweden 914.85 Children in Switzerland Children of Switzerland 914.94 Children in the Netherlands Children of Holland 914.92 CHILDREN IN TROUBLE. NYStDptComm 1947 10mm sd $25, rent $2 364 CHILDREN LEARN ABOUT THEIR NEIGH BORS. RFA 1938 15min si rent $1.50 371 CHILDREN LEARNING BY EXPERIENCE. * UWF 1948 40min sd (Problems of living) $125, rent $10 136.7 CHILDREN MUST LAUGH. PIC 1944 30mln sd $90, rent $1.75 Prewar production by the Jewish Socialist Party "Bund" In Poland. Reedited by the Polish Film Unit in London Shows the fight against 111 health and religious superstition of the "ghetto" Jews by organizing the "Medem" sanatorium near Warsaw for Jewish children. Narrated In Yiddish with English titles CHILDREN MUST LEARN. NYU 1940 13mln sd $75, rent $4 330.973 CHILDREN OF AFRICA. RFA 1939 30min si rent $3 916 CHILDREN OF CHINA. EBF 1940 llmin sd (Elementary social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 915.1 CHILDREN OF HOLLAND. EBF 1939 llmin sd (Elementary social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 914.92 CHILDREN OF JAPAN. EBF 1941 llmin sd (Elementary social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 915.2 CHILDREN OF RUSSIA. IntFlmFd 1946 13min sd $50 914.7 CHILDREN OF SWITZERLAND. EBF 1940 llmin sd (Elementary social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 914.94 CHILDREN OF THE CITY. BIS SOmin sd $57, rent $3.75 364 CHILDREN OF TRAGEDY. See Restoration begins 362.7 CHILDREN ON TRIAL. IntFlmBur 1946 62min sd $137.50, rent $6 364 Children's aid society, New York Disinherited 362.7 Recovery road 362.7 CHILDREN'S CHARTER. BIS 1946 17min sd $47.50, rent $2.50 CHILDREN'S CORNER. Hoffberg 1939 17mln sd (Film concert ser) $50, rent $5 Alfred Cortot, famous French pianist, plays Debussy's beloved fantasy of a child's dream as it is Interpreted on the screen Children's courts. See Juvenile courts Children's literature Adventures of Huckleberry Finn F Alice in Wonderland F Festival of spring F Heidi (Films) F Heidi (TFC ) F Little Black Sambo F Little Lord Fauntleroy F Little men (LIbraryFlm) F Little men (UWF) F Little red hen and Little Black Sambo F Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm F Story time, nos.1-3 Treasure island F See also Fairy tales Children's poetry. See Nursery rhymes CHILDREN'S REPUBLIC. AFFlm 1947 23min * sd $100, rent $7.50 362.7 CHILDREN'S VILLAGE. RKORadio 1948 19min sd (This is America) apply 362.7 Chile Andes and pampas 918 Andes — Chile's barrier 918.3 Atacama desert 918.3 Caballero college Chile (EBP-sd) 918,3 Chile (EBF-si) Chilean hacienda 630.983 Chilean nitrate — gift of the desert 661.6 Chile's copper — mining and refining in the Atacama desert 669.3 Fighting fish