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1949 EDITION Color rhapsodies (Columbia) Novelty shop COLOR STUDIES OF CHOPIN. PIC 1944 12mln sd color rent $3.80 786.2 Colorado Alva B. Adams tunnel Climbing the peaks 796.5 College climbers Colorado — vacationland supreme Denver 917.88 Erosion by wind and water 551.3 Green fields Monuments to water Phantom sea 917.88 Colorado river Building of Boulder dam 627.8 Colorado river 917.91 Danger river 917.91 Evinruding for Colorado river bass Plywood fleet 623.8 Rivers of the Pacific slope 917.9 Through the Grand canyon by boat 917.91 COLORADO RIVER. Coronet 1947 lOmin sd $45; also color ?90 917.91 COLORADO— VACATIONLAND SUPREME. Rocklsland 25min sd color loan Also available in a 35mln silent version Pictures a trip on the "Rocket" from Chicago to Denver and Colorado Springs Colored people. See Negroes COLORFUL CAIRO. Nu-Art 1939 llmin sd (De la Varre travelogues) $17.50, rent $1.50 916.2 Also available in a silent version ($8.75, rent $1) COLORFUL JAIPUR. FitzT lOmln sd (Fitz Patrick traveltalks) $25 Also available in a silent version for $25 Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer A descriptive picture of the "pink city" of India, laid out with greatest mathematical regularity. Birds and dumb beasts are everywhere, protected by religious prohibition of the Jain against killing COLORFUL PORTS OF CALL. PitzT lOmin sd (FitzPatrick traveltalks) $25 Also available in a silent version for $25 Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Street scenes in Zanzibar and Mombasa, seaports of the east coast of Africa, and in the Seychelles, a small group of islands located about a thousand miles oiT the coast of Africa COLORFUL SWEDEN. Nu-Art 1942 lOmin sd color $75, rent $3 914.85 Colortour series (Columbia) Haiti's black Napoleon 917.29 COLOUR. BIS 1948 14min sd color $100. rent ?5 667.2 ^°h.9y'^ "^ CLAY. BIS 1948 llmin sd color $75, rent $2.50 738 Colton, John Shanghai gesture COLUMBIA ICEFIELD DRIVE. CanNatRy 20mm sd color loan A motor tour thru Jasper National Park to the vast Columbia icefield, the largest ice body outside of the Arctic circle Columbia Presbyterian medical center. See New York (City). Columbia Presbyterian medical center Columbia river King Chinook Mighty Columbia river 627 Miracle of hydro 627.8 Rivers of the Pacific slope 917.9 Columbia tours (Columbia) Beautiful British Columbia 917.11 Bermuda 917.299 Buenos Aires today 918.2 Historic Virginia 917.55 In Morocco 916.4 S^'^^ gFrancisco— metropolis of the west Savoy in the Alps Unveiling Algeria 916.5 Western wonderland 917.9 Columbus, Christopher Columbus 973.1 Columbus and the discovery of America 973.1 Story of Christopher Columbus 921 COLUMBUS. Yale 1923 48min si (Chronicles of America photoplays) rent $6 973.1 COLUMBUS AND THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. Hoffberg 1942 8y2min si (Shad owgraf teaching flhns) $21 973.1 Combustion ABC of internal combustion 621.4 Chemistry of combustion 541.3 Fire 541.3 Fire making Fuels and heat 536.7 Thermodynamics 536.7 COME BACK TO ME. FlmHighlights 1948 3min sd (Unitel ser) $6.50 Produced by Ezra S. Dabah A lament to love COME WHERE MY LOVE LIES DREAMING. Admiral 1947 18min sd $75; also color $180 784 COM^DIE AVANT MOLIfeRE. Franco-American 40min sd rent $3 Tells of the French dramatist's ties with the past. French dialog Comets Mark Twain Comic opera. See Opera; Operetta COMMAND PERFORMANCE. IVT 22min sd loan Sponsored by Radio Corp. of America How phonograph records are made and how they convey sound. Orchestral accompaniment of Strauss' Blue Danube waltz Commerce The balance Bob learns about ocean trade 382 Caravans of trade; the story of transportation 380 Round trip; the U.S.A. in world trade 382 San Francisco Thousand million a year Trading centers of the Pacific coast 917.9 Two way street We live in two worlds 321.04 Commercial aeronautics. See Aeronautics, Commercial Commercial banks. See Credit Commercial correspondence Eight parts of a business letter 651.7 COMMON ANIMALS OF THE WOODS. EBP 1943 llmin sd (Primary science ser) $45, rent $2.50 591.5 COMMON CAUSE. BIS 1943 llmin sd $27.50, rent $1.25 323.1 COMMON CONCERN. CanNFB 1948 20min sd $50, rent $2.50 641 COMMON MISTAKES AND THEIR CORRECTION. RFA 1941 15min si (You can make good movies) rent $1.50 791.4 COMMON SALT. EBF 1929 15min si $24 Nature and action of salt. Methods used in extracting, purifying, drying and bagging surface and rock salt deposits Communicable diseases. See Contagion and contagious diseases Communication Development of communication 621.38 Our shrinking world 380 Searchlight on the nations 621.38 Story of communication 380 See also Postal service; Radio; Telegraph; Telephone; Television; Transportation; Writing Communion. See Lord's supper 59