Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION Connecticut Battling bass Connecticut 917.46 Tobacco valley 633.7 CONNECTICUT. Dudley 1947. lOmin sd (This land of ours) $28.50; also color $85 917.46 CONNECTING AND ADJUSTING CONTROLS. Castle 1945 19min sd $30.74 629.134 CONQUERING DARKNESS. NJStCommBlind 1946 20min sd $50, loan 617.7 CONQUERING THE JUNGLE. Goodyear 12min sd loan Also available in a silent version Shows preparing jungles of Sumatra for planting of rubber, also tapping of trees and preparing rubber for shipment CONQUEST. TFC 25min sd apply 921 * CONQUEST OF THE ALPS. Hoffberg 1940 22min .sd $60 914.94 CONQUEST OF THE SPOON. EBF 1947 15min si (How a baby grows) $24, rent $2.50 649 Conservation of bool<s. See Books — Conservation and restoration Conservation of naturar resources. See Natural resources CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES. EBP 1937 llmin sd (General science ser) $45, rent $2.50 333 Conservation of soil. See Soil conservation Conservation of wild life. See Wild life — Conservation CONSERVATION ROAD: THE STORY OF * OUR NATURAL RESOURCES. Films 1947 22min sd (Our land and people) $75 333 CONSIDER THE LILIES. Youth 1948 40min sd color (Scenic psalm worship services) rent $15 Former title: Lily of the "Valley A motion picture presentation of our valleys and their decorative flora, so exquisitely painted by the hand of God Consolidation of schools. See Schools — Centralization Constantinople Let's talk Turkey 915.6 Constitution. See United States — Constitution Constitutional amendments United States See United States — Constitution — Amendments CONSTRAINED BY LOVE. UnitedChrlstian 1947 40min sd color $280, rent $8 Produced by World Brotherhood Films Shows missionary work in rural India CONSTRUCTING A PIPE LINE RIVER CROSSING FOR POWER TRANSMISSION LINES. Linde 15min sd loan The various stages in constructing a pipe line river crossing are shown Construction. See Building; Engineering CONSTRUCTION AND IVIECHANICAL RATINGS. Castle 1948 25min sd color (Your job in the Navy) $116.86 Produced by U.S. Navy Explains different functions and duties in the Navy CONSTRUCTION OF A LIGHT AIRPLANE. * PaStCol 1942 28min sd $75, rent $1.25 629.134 CONSTRUCTION OF DIESEL ENGINES. Castle 1945 17min sd $22.83 621.4 Construction of roads. See Roads CONSUIVIER COOPERATIVES. See Traveling the middle way in Sweden 334 Consumer education Consumer protection 339.4 Getting your money's worth, nos.1-3 CONSUIVIER PROTECTION. Coronet 1948 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 339.4 Consumers' cooperative societies. See Cooperative societies CONSUIVIERS SERVE THEMSELVES. Co-op 1940 llmin sd color $75, rent $3 334 Consumption. See Tuberculosis CONSUMPTION OF FOODS. EBF 1945 llmin sd (General science ser) $45, rent $2.50 613.2 CONTACT WITH BOOKS. I11,U 1940 40min sd $100, rent $3 An orientation film in the use of the college library Contagion and contagious diseases Danger point Defending the city's health 614 Forgotten village 917.2 How disease is spread 614.4 Insects as carriers of disease 614.4 Man against microbe 589.95 See also names of contagious diseases, as Smallpox Contemporary authors (Robbins) William Rose Ben6t CONTENTS OF THE NURSE'S BAG. Goodrich 15min si $25, rent $3 Gives pointers on how to pack the bag efficiently CONTINENT OF SOUTH AMERICA. EBF 1931 15min si $24 918 CONTOUR FACE MILLING. Castle 1946 17min sd $29.29 621.9 Contour plowing. See Plowing Contracts What is a contract? 347 CONTROL OF BODY TEMPERATURE. EBF 1940 llmin sd (Human biology ser) $45, rent $2.50 612.5 CONTROL OF SMALL BLOOD VESSELS. Lutz 1941 20min si $28, rent $1 612.1 CONTROL OF WORMS IN HOGS. Castle 1935 32min si $27.85 Produced by U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Shows methods of control of thornheaded worms, nodular worms, stomach worms, roundworms, lungworms, and kidney worms Conventional signs (Mechanical drawing) See Mechanical drawing — Conventional sigrns Conventions, Political. See Political conventions Convents and nunneries Cloistered 271 THE CONVERSION. Cathedral 1949 30mln sd (Life of St Paul) rent $8 225 CONVERSION OF MATTHEW. Loyola 1947 30min sd rent $8 Edited for Catholic use CONVERTED. See Nawrocony (Converted) Convicts. See Crime and criminals CONVULSIVE AND ALLIED CONDITIONS. NYU 1944 18min si $25, rent $2 Produced by Drs S. Philip (Joodhar't and Benjamin Harris Balser Patients demonstrating the following disorders are shown: Malade des Tics; generalized myoclonic movements following acute epidemic encephalitis; myoclonus epilepsy (Unverricht) ; palatal myoclonus; catalepsy; narcolepsy associated with cataplexy; convulsive state in hypoglycemia; Jacksonian seizures (due to cerebral neoplasm); convulsions of psychogenic origin THE CONY. Barr 1939 lOmin sd $40 591.5 Cookery Cooking: measuring Cooking: planning and organization Cooking: terms and what they mean Gentle art of meat cookery 641.5 Grandma goes to town Home cookery of fish 641.5 Ingredient X Magic In the kitchen 641,5 Main dish 664.9 Meat and romance 664.9 Penny wisdom 641.5 Penny's party 641.5 61