Educational film guide ()

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EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE Herod Agrippa. See Agrippa I, king of Judea Herring Caller herrin' 639 Hersey, John Richard Bell for Adano F Hess, Myra Myra Hess 786.2 HI NEIGHBOR. See Community sing series 6, no. 6 784 HIDDEN HUNGER. Swift 1941 30min sd loan 613.2 Hides and skins Leather (Filmsets) 675 Story of leather 675 HIGH FREQUENCY SOLDERING. Castle 1944 17min sd $29.29 671 HIGH JUIVIP. Coronet 1943 lOmin sd $45 796.4 THE HIGH JUIVIP. UWP 1947 llmin sd (United * world track and field ser) $45, rent $3 796.4 HIGH OVER THE BORDERS. NYZool 21mln sd $75, rent $3 598.2 HIGH PLAIN. Castle 1944 20min sd $26.41 918.4 High school libraries. See School libraries (High school) High schools Design for learning Youth in readiness HIGH SPEED REFUELING OF AIRCRAFT. Shell 1947 lOmin sd loan 629.13 HIGH WAY TO HAWAII, UnitedAirTr&Sales 28min sd color loan 919.69 HIGH YIELD HARVESTING. Case 1946 lOmin sd color $50, loan Shows the great variety of crops which are harvested by the modern combine to obtain maximum seed yields Higher education, see Education, Higher HIGHLAND DOCTOR. BIS 1944 22mln sd $47.50, rent $2.50 Produced by Paul Rotha Productions for the British Ministry of Information For many years, remote districts in Scotland were unable to share the benefits of modern progress in the medical world. This film shows how the disadvantages of long distances and meager transportation facilities were overcome by the "Highlands and islands medical service," which developed a system of highly qualified medical service througrhout the rural districts of Scotland HIGHLAND FLING. Livingston 1949 12min si (Movement associates ser) $60, rent $5 James Jamieson breaks the Scottish folk dance into parts and shows the footwork of each in detailed slow-motion close-ups, then performs the dance in its entirety HIGHLANDS OF THE ANDES (PERU). UWF 1949 20min sd (Earth and its peoples) $100. rent $6 918.5 HIGHLIGHTS IN STEELMAKING. PART I HOW STEEL IS IVIADE. BethSt 42min sd loan Covers the production of steel from the raw materials thruout the various operations up to and including the rolling of the ingots on the blooming mill. Animated cross-sectional drawings are used to illustrate blast furnace smelting and the three principal steelmaking processes, open hearth, bessemer, and electric furnace HIGHLIGHTS IN STEELMAKING. PART II STEEL TRAINING AND TESTING. Beth St 45min sd loan Covers the operations In the final processing of the intermediate products. A large number of tests are Included HIGHLIGHTS OF IHSAA BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT AND STATE TRACK MEET OF 1946. IndU 1946 lOmin sd $30, rent $1 Events sponsored by the Indiana high school athletic association HIGHLIGHTS OF THE UNITED NATIONS YEAR. FlmProgram 1948 lOmin sd $25, rent $2 341.1 HIGHLIGHTS OF TRAVEL. Astor llmin sd (Howe hodge podge ser) $22.50 A short tour of Europe, Mexico, China and Alaska Highway engineering. See Roads HIGHWAY MANIA. RKORadIo 1948 17min sd (This is America) apply 629.213 HIGHWAY OF COMMERCE. See Great Lakes — highway of commerce 386 HIGHWAY TO PRODUCTION. CincinnatiMill Mach 1946 29min sd color loan Produced by Films for Industry DesigTied for users of machine tools. It emphasizes the important contribution of the machine tool to progress, and presents the many ramifications of the machine tool industry Highways. See Roads HIGHWAYS AHEAD. Caterpillar 1947 SOmin sd color $165.75, loan Produced by Calvin Co. Traces the development of our highways from Indian paths to the Pulaski skyway and Pennsylvania turnpike HIGHWAYS NORTH. CanNFB 1944 15min sd $50, rent $2.50 380 HIGHWAYS OF NEW ENGLAND. Yorke 1940 lOmin sd color $75 Stresses the timely message of good roads via a colorful autumn tour through historic and scenic New Hampshire and Vermont HIKING ON TOP OF THE WORLD. CanPacRy 12min si color loan Hiking and fishing on the Sky line trail in Canada Himalaya mountains North of the Himalayas 915 South of the Himalayas 915.4 Hinduism Indian temples 294 HIP ACTION. See How to break 90 Hippopotamus African fauna 591.96 Pigs and elephants 591.5 Three jungle giants HIS BUTLER'S SISTER. UWF 90min sd rent $20 Produced by Universal in 1943 Young singer finds her brother a butler instead of a millionaire as she had been led to believe, but she gets an audition with his boss. Deanna Durbin, Franchot Tone, Pat O'Brien HIS MAJESTY THE BLACK MALLARD. Hawley-Lord 1945 lOmin si $20 799.2 HISTADRUT— BUILDERS OF A NATION. NatCommLaborlsrael 1945 25min sd loan 915.69 LA HISTORIA DE UN GRAN AMOR. ClasaMohme 151min sd apply Produced by Films Mundiales A musical drama of colonial Mexico, starring Jorge Negrete HISTORIC AND ROMANTIC QUEBEC. Que Tour&PubBur lOmin sd loan 917.14 HISTORIC CITIES. Franco-American lOmln sd (Visit to France) rent $1.50 Sponsored by the French Line A visit to the following towns: Carcassonne, Nlmes, Aries, Marseille 124