Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION HOW I PLAY GOLF — Continued shots; 4. Mashie niblick; 5. Medium irons; 6. The big irons; 7. The spoon; 8. The brassie; 9. The driver; 10. Trouble shots; 11. Practice shots; 12. A round of golf HOW INDIANS BUILD CANOES. IntFlmBur lOmin sd ?50, rent $2.50; also color $90, rent H Mat Bernard, an Algonquin chief and his wife, who still Icnow the secret of building as the ancient Indians built, fashion a watertight canoe HOW IT HAPPENED. AT&T 1940 30mln sd loan Designed to be shown to plant forces and others directly concerned with plant safety. It consists of ten episodes taken from reports of actual accidents that occurred in 1939 HOW MAN MADE DAY. Coronet 1946 lOmin sd $45; also color .$90 628.9 HOW NATURE PROTECTS ANIMALS. EBF 1939 llmin sd (Biology — Animal life ser) $45, rent $2.50 591.57 HOW NOT TO CONDUCT A MEETING. GM 1941 lOmin sd loan 328.1 HOW PATROLS OPERATE. AAA 1941 16min sd $75.87; also color $96.94, loan Designed specifically for training Safety patrol members This film clearly sets forth in detail just what patrol members need to know and specifically how to do each part of the job. It provides a basis for standardization of procedure HOW RAYON IS MADE. AmViscose 1945 15min sd loan 677.4 HOW RUSSIANS PLAY. IntFlmFd 1946 18min sd $65 914.7 HOW SEEDS GERMINATE. Castle 1931 15min si $9.60 581 HOW STAINED GLASS WINDOWS ARE MADE. RFA 1940 15min si rent $2 748 HOW TEETH GROW. EBF 1940 15min si $24 617.6 HOW THE DESERT PEOPLE LIVE, KnowledgeBldrs 1944 llmin sd (Story of civilization) $40, rent $2 573 HOW THE EAR FUNCTIONS. KnowledgeBldrs 1940 llmin sd $40, rent $2 617.8 HOW THE EYE FUNCTIONS. KnowledgeBldrs 1940 15min sd $40, rent $2 617.7 HOW THE MOSQUITO SPREADS DISEASE. Bray 15min si (Science of life ser) $25, rent $1.50 595.77 HOW THE ORGANS OF THE BODY FUNC ♦ TION. Bray 1939 30min sd $100, rent $7.50 612 HOW THEY WERE FORMED. See Great Lakes — how they were formed 550 HOW TO ADD FRACTIONS. JohnsonHunt 1947 llmin sd (Fractions ser) $45; also color $85 511 HOW TO, AVOID MUSCLE STRAINS. Bray 1949 15min sd $60, rent $3.50 Describing some of the ways that body muscles may be strained, and complications that result, film is directed to educating the viewer in human anatomy, so that these accidents might not occur. Through live action and animated diagrams, muscular nomenclature of the body and its relation to mechanical lever action of the bones is illustrated. A knowledge of the three basic lever actions is stressed, as narrator describes each HOW TO BE WELL GROOMED. Coronet 1948 * lOmin sd $45; also color $90 646.7 HOW TO BRAZE ALUMINUM. USBurMines or Alcoa 1947 7min sd loan Describes the process of joining thin aluminum sections by means of brazing HOW TO BREAK 90. 5 parts TFC ea lOmin sd apply Produced by Warner Bros. Pictures Bobby Jones tells golfers how they can improve their game to "break 90." Units are: The grip; Down swing; Impact; Position and back swing; and Hip action HOW TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH. AmDental 1945 Smin si $75, rent $2 617.6 HOW TO BUILD A HOG SELF FEEDER. CanNFB 1944 6min sd (Farm improvement ser) $15, rent $1.50 636.4 HOW TO BURY TAFT-HARTLEY. CIO 1949 llmin sd $17.50, rent $5 Reproduced from a filmstrip with the same title which Is listed In Filmstrip Guide June 1949 It includes the material from the Senate Labor committee hearings. President Truman's voice calling for repeal of Taft-Hartley, and the CIO's nine-point program for repealing Taft-Hartley HOW TO CAPON IZE. Cornell 1941 lOmin sd color rent $1 Describes briefly the equipment and methods used in caponizing HOW TO CHANGE FRACTIONS. JohnsonHunt 1947 llmin sd (Fractions ser) $45; also color $85 511 HOW TO CHECK AND SURFACE FOUNDATIONS. Castle 1944 19min sd $30.74 623.8 HOW TO DIVIDE FRACTIONS. JohnsonHunt 1948 llmin sd (Fractions ser) $45; also color $85 511 How to draw cartoons (LibraryFlm) Based on the visual method originated by Gene Byrnes, creator of "Reg'lar Fellers." Drawings and commentary by Fred G. Cooper, veteran cartoonist. Correlated filmstrips are also available Action 741 Animals 741 Composition and story 741 Figures 741 Hands, feet, clothing and drapes 741 Heads and expressions 741 HOW TO EAT. TFC lOmin sd apply 817 HOW TO FILLET FISH. Castle 1947 lOmln sd $14.09 639 HOW TO FINISH PLYWOOD. DouglasFir 1942 22min sd color $126, loan 674 HOW TO FORM ALUM I NUM— BLAN Kl NG AND PIERCING. USBurMines 1944 16min sd loan 669.7 HOW TO FORM ALUM I NUM— DRAWI NG, STRETCHING AND STAMPING. USBur Mines 1944 22mm sd loan 669.7 HOW TO FORM ALUM I NUM— GENERAL SHEET METAL PRACTICE. USBurMines 1944 21min sd loan 669.7 HOW TO FORM ALUM INUM— SPI NNI NG. USBurMines 1944 17mln sd loan 669.7 HOW TO FORM ALUM INUM— TUBE AND SHAPE BENDING. USBurMines 1944 14min sd loan 669.7 HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR REFRIGERATOR. GM 1943 25min sd loan 621.5 HOW TO GROW DAHLIAS. Ott 22min sd color rent $12.50 Featuring Lewis J. West and Frank C. Gosswiller, both directors and past officers of the Central states dahlia society, who show their own techniques used in raising many prize winning dahlias. Includes time-lapse pictures of dahlias bursting into bloom HOW TO GROW GLADIOLAS. Ott 22min sd color rent $12.50 635.9 HOW TO GROW HOGS. Castle 30min si $23.54 636.4 HOW TO GROW IRIS. Ott 22min sd color rent $12.50 635.9 129