Educational film guide ()

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EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE Ice <M-eam, ices, etc. America's favorite 641.86 Historic Philadelphia Ice cream 641.86 ICE CUTTERS. RKORadio 9min sd apply Ice hockey demonstrated by the varsitj team at McGill University ICE FORMATION ON AIRCRAFT. See Aerology— ice forrtiation on aircraft 551.57 Ice hockey. See Hockey ICE SKIPPERS. RKORadio 9mln sd apply Ice boating at Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin Ice sports. See Winter sports ICEBERG PATROL. TFC lOmin sd (Magic carpet ser) apply 614.8 Icebergs Birth'pl'a'ce of Icebergs 551.31 Tceberg patrol 614.8 Iceboats Ice skippers Iceland Iceland— land of the Vikings 914.91 ICELAND— LAND OF THE VIKINGS. FitzT lOmin sd (FitzPatrick traveltalks) $25 914.91 Also available in a silent version for $25 Idaho Northwestern state's 917.8 Snow eagles Winter setting IDENTIFICATION AND ASSEMBLY OF LAUNDRY BUNDLES. lowa.S'tU 1944 20min si rent $2.50 Shows Improved methods of handling army laundry bundles IDENTIFYING AND PRECUTTING CABLE. Castle 1944 19min sd $31.44 621.32 THE IDYL. CinemalG 1949 lOmin sd color apply An experimental excursion into the dreamland of color, created by the painter Francis Lee. A lyrical treatment of moods and feelings about nature in terms of ever-changing and blending abstract color paintings, accompanied by a fitting musical score Idyllwild music and arts association Music from the mountains IF I HAD MY WAY. UW^F 105min sd rent $20 IF I HAD YOU. See Community sing series 6, no.8 784 IF IT'S HEALTH YOU'RE SEEKING. NatMot Pict 1938 aOmln si $50, rent $1.50 613 IF THE SHOE FITS. IVT 15mln sd color loan Produced by Wm. J. Ganz Co. Each step in the manufacture of shoes is shown at the Thorn McAn factory IGNITION AND SPARK PLUGS. Bray 1944 25min sd $50, rent $1.50 629.2 TLES ENCHANT^ES. Franco-American 20mln sd rent $3 Pictures the animal life of the South sea islands. French dialog I'LL BUY THAT. Kelvinator 14min sd color $75, loan Produced by Raphael G. Wolff Studios Design, construction and features of the home freezer are presented Illinois Agriculture (111) 630.973 Illinois 917.73 Visit to Abraham Lincoln country in Illinois 917.73 Illinois. University Illinois marches on ILLINOIS. Dudley 1947 lOmln sd (This land of ours) $28.50; also color $85 917.73 ILLINOIS MARCHES ON. ni,U 44min si loan Shows the new facilities added to the Univer'sity of Illinois in the ten years before the war Illumination. See Lighting ILLUMINATION. EBF 1931 ISmin si $24 Shows some of the principal methods of lighting IMAGES IN IVORY. Castle lOmin sd loan 731 IMMELMAN. Castle llmin sd $14.97 629.13 Immersion, Baptismal. See Baptism Immigrants. See Immigration and emigration; subdivisions Foreign population and Immigration and emigration under names of countries; also subjeicts such as Ukrainians in Canada IMMIGRATION. EBF 1947 llmin sd (American history ser) $45, rent $2.50 325.73 Immigration and emigration American anniversary 325.73 Greenie 325.73 See also subdivision Immigration and emigration under names of countries; subdivision Foreign population under names of countries and cities; and names of special nationalities, as Ukrainians in Canada IMMORTAL BLACKSMITH. TFC 10m sd * (Passing parade) apply 621.31 IMMORTAL SERGEANT. Films 1943 90min sd apply F Immunity Body defenses against disease 613 Body fights bacteria 589.95 Immunization 614.4 Invisible armour See also Vaccination IMMUNIZATION. EBF 1947 llmin sd (Health * and hygiene ser) $45, rent $2.50 614.4 IMPACT. See How to break 90 IMPORTANCE OF WATER. Trans-National 1948 llmin sd $47; also color $86 634.9 Imports. See Commerce IMPOSSIBLE MAP. CanNFB 1948 lOmln sd color $75, rent $2.50 910.7 Impostors and Imposture Give till it hurts IMPROVE YOUR PRONUNCIATION. Coronet 1949 lOmin sd $45: also color $90 Collaborator: Davis Edwards, associate professor of speech, University of Chicago Bill formulates a program for improvement using these basic rules: 1) pronounce every syllable, 2) pronounce each sound correctly, 3) use accepted pronunciations and 4) use natural pronunciation IMPROVE YOUR READING. Coronet 1947 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 372.4 IMPROVING THE JOB. Castle 1944 9min sd (Problems of supervision) $20.01 658.3 IMPROVING YOUR POSTURE. Coronet 1949 llmin sd (Health and safety) $45; also color $90 Shows the major areas of the body by which posture is controlled — demonstrates what good posture is: a balance of opposing sets of muscles — and teaches methods of maintaining good posture IN A NATURALIST'S GARDEN. FlmClassic 1948 4min si $12. rent $3 Photographed during Mr Burroughs lifetime at his estate at Riverby on Hudson, N. Y. It shows him at eightytwo at work amidst the birds and flowers that he loved so well. A catbird permits Mr Burroughs to take the young birds from the nest and hold them in his hands while the mother bird rests nearby. He also shows a family of wrens to a group of children who come to call 134