Educational film guide ()

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EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE LIFE IN STOCKHOLM. Nu-Art llmln sd $26, rent $1.50 914.85 Also available In a silent version rent $1.20 LIFE IN THE ANTARCTIC. KnowledgeBldrs 1944 llmin sd (Story of civilization) $40. rent $2 919.9 LIFE IN THE BALANCE. NYStDptComm 18min sd loan 613.2 LIFE IN THE SAHARA. EBF 1932 15min si $24 916.61 A LIFE IN YOUR HANDS. Castle lOmln sd loan Sponsored by the American Red Cross Pictures the national blood progrram of the Red Cross Life insurance. See Insurance, Life LIFE INSURANCE OCCUPATIONS. Mahnke 1948 llmin sd (Your life work) $50 368 LIFE OF A HEALTHY CHILD. Knowledgre Bldrs 1940 12min sd (Health and character building films) $40, rent $2 649 LIFE OF AN ANT. Commonwealth 10m in .sd $36 595.796 LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA; excerpt. TFC 32min sd (Human relations ser) apply 921 LIFE OF HENRIETTA SZOLD. Hadassah 30min sd rent $2 Sponsored by the Hadassah Medical Organization This is the story of an American woman, fighter and dreamer, who carried American ideals halfway across the world to a new sanctuary of freedom: Palestine LIFE OF PLANTS. Castle 1935 13min sd $17.67 581 Life of St Paul (Cathedral) The conversion 225 Stephen, first Christian martyr Years of apprenticeship Life of Stephen Foster series (Admiral) Beautiful dreamer 784 Camptown races 784 Come where my love lies dreaming 784 Jeannie with the light brown hair 784 Massa's in the cold, cold ground 784 My old Kentucky home 784 Nellie was a lady 784 Nelly Bly 784 Oh, Susanna 784 Old Black Joe 784 Old dog Tray 784 Old folks at home 784 LIFE OF THE HARVESTER ANT— PART 1. Tompkins 1948 12min sd color $90, rent $5 Includes microphotography with magnifications greater than lOOOX. Identifies the parts of the ant's body and shows how to establish an ant colony LIFE OF THE NAVAJO. Ambrosch lOmin sd $40, rent $1.50 E?mphasis upon sheep raising, carding and dying of wool, and rug weaving LIFE OF THE SOIL. NatFertilizer 1943 33min sd 'color loan 631.4 LIFE OF THE ZUNI INDIANS. Ambrosch lOmin sd $40, rent $1.50 Shows the pueblo dwellers in 'their homes and gardens, thrashing grain, making pottery and silverware LIFE OF THOIVIAS A. EDISON. GE llmin sd loan 921 LIFE OF WILLIAIVI TINDALE.. See William Tlndale 921 LIFE ON A FRENCH FARIVI. Coronet 1949 lOmin sd (Social studies) $45; also color Collaborator: W. R. McConnell Life on a typical French farm ^"^frr^'^.r"^HE WESTERN MARSHES. Can 'NFB 15mm sd ■color $112.50 598.2 LIFE STORY OF THE TAWNY OWL. UWF lOmin sd $50 Produced by Gaumont Instructional Films The hatching and rearing of the young, and the animal life of the wood in which they live LIFE WITH BABY. Forum ed MOT 18min sd * $55 136.7 LIFE WITH JUNIOR. Forum ed MOT 1949 18min sd $55 136.7 LIFEBLOOD OF THE LAND. Castle 1947 * 20min sd color $115.08 634.9 LIFEBOAT. Films 1944 90min sd apply F LIFELINE. FON 1948 lOmin sd $26, rent $1.50 Produced by World Today, Inc. Officially approved and recommended by the United Nations Film Board The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Adininistration immediately after the finish of World war II threw a lifeline to the devastated countries of Europe and Asia — a lifeline of food and medicine, of supplies intended to assist these countries in getting back on their feet economically LIFELINES. Aetna 1948 lOmin sd color loan Dramatizes basic rules for safe swimming habits Lifesaving Elementary taJctics of lifesaving 614.8 First aid — life saving and resuscitation Lady life guards Lifesaving 614.8 Safety at sea Service asli'ore 614.8 Sun gods of the surf 614.8 LIFESAVING. Castle 1937 17min sd $22.83 614.8 LIFESTREAM OF THE CITY. GE 1946 26min sd (More power to America) $175, loan Produced by Raphael G. Wolff Studios Emphasizes the importance of transportation as a vital element in good city planning. It illus'trates the fundamental needs which good city transportation must fill, and how it can be done. Modern street cars, trolley coaches, rapid transit trains and busses are shown In action in scenes photographed In about 20 cities in all parts of the country LIFT. See Aerodynamics — lift 533 Light Behavior of light Color conditioning 535.6 Introduction to optics 535 Light and shadow 535 Light reflections Light waves and their uses 535 Nature of light 535 Light, Electric. See Electric lighting Light, Wave theory of Measurement with light waves 389 LIGHT AND POWER. Films 1947 22min sd * (Our land and people) $75 621.3 LIGHT AND SHADOW. YoungAmerlca 1949 lOmin sd (Elementary science ser) $40 535 LIGHT IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT. Better Light 1946 lOmin sd color loan 621.32 LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Foundation 1949 lOmin sd apply, rent $3; also color, rent $3 Produced by The Living Word A uniquely artistic presentation of the resurrection story. Ted H. Henkel, an artist and musician, painted scenes In oil which thru motion picture techniques were developed Into a spiritual transcription on film with narrative LIGHT REFLECTIONS. AFFlm 1948 15min sd color $125, rent $7.50 Produced by James Davis, Princeton University 156