Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION Lumbering — Continued Strength of the hills 634.9 There's more than timber in trees 634.9 Timber Timber harvest 674 Trees and homes 674 LUIVIBERING. EPS 9min sd $30, rent $1.50 917.9 LUMBERING IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST. EBF 1930 15min si $24 Laying a railroad, dragging logs to It by steel cables, sawing the logs into lumber, drying in tunnel kilns, planing and subsequent sorting and shipping are shown LUMBERING IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST. IntPlmBur 1945 8mln sd $25 674 THE LUMBERMAN. Frith 1944 22min sd color $125 674 Lunar eclipses. See Eclipses Lunches, School. See School children — Food Lunenburg, Nova Scotia Men of Lunenburg Lungs Breathing How we breathe 612.2 Mechanisms of breathing 612.2 Lupine Blue lupine 633 Luray caverns Luray caverns and Shenandoah national park 917.55 LURAY CAVERNS AND SHENANDOAH NATIONAL PARK. VaDptConsv 1942 30min sd color loan 917.55 Luther, Martin Martin Luther, his life and times 921 LUTHER BURBANK. EBP 1930 12mln si $18 921 Lutheran church The four R's Lying. ,See Truthfulness and falsehood Lymphatics Body defenses against disease 613 Effect of various drugs on contractions of mesenteric lymphatics in the rat Mesenteric lymphatics, their conduct and the behavior of their valves in the living rat Nine basic functional systems of the human body C12 Lynch law Fury (lynching sequence) 364 Fury (trial sequence) 172 LYNCH'S SIMPLIFICATION OF THE PERINEAL OPERATION FOR EXCISION OF THE RECTO-SIGMOID. MedicalRes 1949 llmln si $32, rent $3 By Jerome M. Lynch and G. Johnson Hamilton The operative area is small and constricting but with our animation technique none of the delicate techniques used are lost to the student. All steps are clearly illustrated LYND WARD AT WORK. Katz 15min si (Artists at work ser) $25, rent $2 This graphic artist engraves a block for his novel in wood cuts, "Vertigo." The complete process of wood engraving ia shown in detail Lynx Cat animals Lyre birds Bushland revels LYSIS. CinemalG 1949 35min sd color apply Experimental film by Gregory Markopoulos. An impressionistic cinematic poem LYSISTRATA. Brandon 85min sd rent $30 Produced in the American zone of Austria Postwar film version of the famous antiwar satire by Aristophanes, Greek comic dramatist recounts the action taken by the war weary women of ancient Greece to stop their men from war Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton BulwerLytton, 1st baron Last days of Pompeii F M MGM miniatures (TFC) Ash can fleet 359 The battle 359 Bikini, the atom island 623.4 The boss didn't say good morning 150 City of little men 362.7 Great heart 921 Greener hills 170 Green ie 325.73 Happiest man on earth How to vote Lady or the tiger F Last lesson F Life in Sometown, U.S.A. 340 Man who changed the world 677 MasJer Will Shakespeare 822.3 An optical poem 785 Pitcairn island today 919.7 Primitive Pitcairn 919.7 Propliet without honor 921 Rainbow pass 895.12 Strange destiny 921 That mothers might live 618 They live again 616.6 Tr.-icking the sleeping death 616.9 What do you think? MGM oddities (TFC) Microscopic mysteries 595.7 MGM specialties (TFC) Main street on the march 940.537 McCall's homemaking movies (InstrFlms) Five days in the cooler Freeze it Macao Crossroad to the Orient MacArthur, Douglas MacArthur in the Philippines 940.539 MACARTHUR IN THE PHILIPPINES. PFC 1945 lOmin sd $17.50, rent $1 940.539 MACBETH. WillowDist 1947 70min sd rent $15 822.3 MACBETH; excerpts. BIS or Eastin 16min sd $37.50, rent $2.50 822.3 McCall, Mary E. Fraternity. See On the sunny side McDowell, Ephraim One against the world 921 McGill university .Ice cutters MACHINE MAKER. EBF 1939 llmin sd (General science ser) $45, rent $2.50 621.9 MACHINE: MASTER OR SLAVE. NYU 1941 14min sd $75, rent $4 331.13 MACHINE PLACEMENT OF FERTILIZER. AmPotash 20min si color loan Available in western states only Shows methods of applying fertilizers to orchards, lettuce and sugar beets with various types of apparatus Machine shop practice Centering small stock 621.9 Drawings and the shop 621.9 Drilling in metal, wood and plastics 621.9 Drilling, tapping, stub-boring and reaming 621.9 Filing 621.9 Fundamentals of filing 621.9 Gage blocks and accessories 621.9 Giving a shop demonstration 621.9 Laying out small castings 6'21.9 Machinist and tool maker 621.9 Reaming with straight hand reamers 621.9 Reaming with taper hand reamers 621.9 Safety in the shop 614.8 161