Educational film guide ()

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EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE Magnetism — Continued Magnets 538 Principles of electricity 537 Squirrel-cage rotor principles 621.31 Story of electricity 537 See also Electromagnetlsm MAGNETISM. Coronet 1947 lOmIn sd $45; also color |90 538 MAGNETITE. Ingersoll-Rand 1946 30min sd color loan Produced by Thomas J. Barbre Depicts the mining methods used in obtaining magnetite iron ore from several hundred feet underground in upper New York state Magneto Servicing and timing magnetos 629.134 Magnets. See Magnetism MAGNETS. YoungAmerica 1946 ISmin sd (Elementary science ser) $48 538 MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS. RKORadlo 98mln sd apply F MAGNIFICENT BRUTE, UWP 1921 SOmin sd rent $17.50 F MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION. TFC 1935 40min * sd apply p Magnifying g.iass. See Microscope and microscopy Mahogany Central America (EBP-si) Cross section of Central America (Guatemala) 917.281 Mahogany: wood of the ages Masterpieces in mahogany 684 Romance of mahogany 674 MAHOGANY: WOOD OF THE AGES. Mahogany 1948 40min sd color $225, loan Produced by Bray Studios Tells the story of mahogany and its products historically, from the fastness of the tropical jungle to the finished products MAIDENEK. Brandon 1945 14min sd $36, rent $2 940.547 Mail service. See Postal service MaJllol, Aristide Aristide Maillol Maillol Nos tailleurs des Images MAILLOL. Franco-American 1946 22min ."sd $85, rent $3 Available -with either French or English sound track A day with the sculptor in his Mediterranean studio. Includes interview. Shows Maillol working on statue "Harmony," and making sketches from nature. Views of the more famous statues, and also of engravings and painting MAILMAN. EBF 1947 lOmin sd (Elementary social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 383 MAIN DISH. Brandon 1943 22min sd (Knife and fork ser) rent $3 664.9 MAIN STREET ON THE MARCH. TFC 19min sd (MGM specialties) apply 940.537 MAIN STREET, USA. Pathfinder 20min sd loan Produced by RKO Pathe To help small towns keep their returning veterans at home by suggesting that despite the big city glamor and a chance at millions, life in smaller towns is more stable and has actually more to offer for most men Maine Audubon nature camp of Maine Maine 917.44 MAINE. Dudley 1947 lOmin sd (This land of ours) $28.50; also color $85 917.41 MAINLINE, U.S.A. Castle 1946 20min sd color loan 385 '^'^'cT'T^"^ '''*1^. R'GHT. TFC llmin sd (Pete Smith specialties) apply 351.74 MAINTAINING CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE. McGraw 1947 14niin sd (Teacher education text-fllm ser) apply 371.5 MAINTAINING GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS. Castle 1944 9min sd (Problems of supervision) $19.28 658.3 MAINTAINING QUALITY STANDARDS. Castle 1944 lOmin sd (Problems of supervision) $20.74 658.3 MAINTAINING WORKERS' INTEREST. Castle 1944 ISmin sd (Problems of supervision) $23.60 658.3 MAINTENANCE OF OFFICE MACHINES. Castle 1944 37min sd $45.41 651.2 MAINTENANCE OF PLEXIGLASS AND LUCITE. Castle 37min sd $44.69 Produced by the U.S. Navy Shows how to clean, remove scratches and repair cracks MAINTENANCE OF WAY. FriscoRy 16min sd color loan Designed to make railroad malntenanceof-way workers more safety conscious LA MAJA DE LOS CANTARES. Clasa-Mohme 73min sd apply Produced by Argentina Sono Film Imperio Argentina, specializing In Spanish gypsv parts, has the leading role in this story taken from the Spanish classical novel "Los Majos de C&diz" by Palacio Vald^s MAJESTIC NORWAY. FON 1948 20min .<!d $44, rent $3; also color $150, rent $6 914.81 MAKE A HOUSE-MODEL. Bailey, 1948 lOmin sd $40; also color $85 Technical advisor; Robert S. Hilpert, Department of Art, University of California at Los Angeles Shows how to build a scale model, starting with blueprints MAKE A LINOLEUM BLOCK. Katz 15min si (Arts and crafts ser) $25, rent $2 761 MAKE A MASK. Katz 1938 16min si (Arts and crafts ser) $25, rent $2 792 MAKE A METAL PLAQUE. Katz 15min si (Arts and crafts ser) $25, rent $2 739 MAKE A MOBILE. Bailey 1948 llmin sd color $90 Technical advisor: Robert S. Hilpert, Department of Art, University of California at Los Angeles Abstract moving design is an exciting game for anyone old enough to use simple tools MAKE A PLASTER PLAQUE. Katz SOmin si (Arts and crafts ser) $50, rent $4 Shows the complete process, from making the design, making the clay base, making the mold, making the cast from the mold, and painting the completed plaque MAKE A WISH. Schnatz 1937 80min sd $200, rent $15 At a summer camp Basil Rathbone, a composer, receives inspiration from Bobby Breen. Music by Oscar Straus. With St Luke's choristers MAKE AN ETCHING. Katz 1941 25min si (Graphic arts ser) $50, rent $4 767 MAKE FRUITFUL THE LAND. BIS 1947 17min sd color $100, rent $5 630.942 MAKE MINE MUSIC. RKORadio 75min sd color apply jso MAKE UP FROM THE NECK DOWN. Castle 1947 19min sd $25.69 613.7 MAKE WAY FOR YOUTH. AssnFlm or Flm * Program 1947 22min sd $60, rent $3.50 362.7 MAKING A MONOTYPE. LlbraryFlm 1941 ISmin si $21 Demonstration by Will Barnet of the technique of painting with oils on glass and transferring the painting to paper 164