Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION Mechanical drawing text-film series (McGraw) — Continued Designed primarily for correlation with selected chapters of French and Svenson's "Mechanical Drawing" (McGrawHill) Auxiliary views, parts I-II 744 Language of drawing 744 Sections 744 Shape description, parts I-II 744 Shop procedures 744 Size description 744 MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION— HOW IT WORKS. Castle 22min sd $28.56 Produced by the U.S. Navy Explains the function, theory and operation of the important parts of the refrigeration system Mechanics, Applied Introduction to vectors — coplanar concurrent forces 512 MECHANICS OF BALANCE IN DENTAL PROSTHESIS. AmDental 15mln si rent $2.50 Depicts clinical application of unilateral balance In prosthetic dentistry. Film is a continuation of the film "Physiology of Mastication" MECHANISMS OF BREATHING. EBF 1936 llmin sd (Human biology ser) $45, rent $2.50 612.2 Medical centers. See Hospitals Medical chemistry. See Chemistry, Medical and pharmaceutical Medical education. See Medicine — Study and teaching Medical missions. See Missions, Medical Medical profession. See Physicians Medical research. See Research, Medical Medical schools. See Medicine — Study and teaching MEDICAL SERVICE SECOND TO NONE. USDA 1946 29min sd loan 610 Medicine Medical service second to none 610 New frontiers of medicine 610 See also Anatomy; Bacteriology; Diseases; Hospitals; Hygiene; Nurses and nursing; Pharmacy; Physiology History Anesthesia 615.7 Doctor in Industry 610 Practice See Obstetrics; Surgery Study and teaching Journey into medicine 610.7 Men of medicine 610.7 Medicine, Experimental Experiments in the revival of organisms 612 Medicine, Industrial. See Labor and laboring classes — Medical care MEDICINE IN THE TROPICS. AssnFlm 1948 25min sd loan This film is restricted to medical groups only. The story of pioneering work of the Firestone plantation co in Liberia, in combating tropical diseases Medicine, Military Back to battle 355.11 Medicine, Preventive. See Hygriene; Immunity Medicine, Veterinary, See Veterinary medicine Medieval architecture. See Architecture, Medieval MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE. UWF 1948 20min sd (United world fine arts ser) $90, rent $6 723 Medieval civilization. See Civilization, Medieval MEDIEVAL MONASTERY. UWF 20min sd $100 Produced by Gaumont British Instructional Films Based on life in a modern monastery, the film traces a day in the life of the monks from matins to compline MEDIEVAL VILLAGE. UWF 20min sd $100 Produced by Gaumont British Instructional Films Social history of Lanton (a village in England in which the "open field" system is still used) is traced from the 12th century. The second part shows the feudal survival of the court MEDITATION ON VIOLENCE. Deren 1948 16min sd $70, rent $12.50 The dance movements follow, in general, the sequence which has been in traditional training usage of two schools of Chinese boxing — the Wu-Tang and Shao-Lin — for several centuries Performed by Ch'ao-LI Chi. Music played on the Chinese flute and Haitian drum." MEDITERRANEAN BASIN. Filmsets 1947 8mifl si $12.50 History, agriculture and Industries of the countries in southern Europe MEDITERRANEAN MEMORIES. TFC 9mln sd (Magic carpet ser) apply Produced by 20th Century-Fox An over-all view of the Mediterranean area from Gibraltar to Greece Mediterranean sea About the Mediterranean 914 Along the life line of the British empire 910 Flight into time Mediterranean basin Mediterranean memories North Africa 916.1 P6che en M6diterran6e MEDIUM IRONS. See How I play golf MEEHANITE MEANS BETTER CASTINGS. Meehanite 1947 SOmIn sd loan Describes Meehanite castings and shows how they can be used MEET NORTH CAROLINA. Esse 30min sd color loan The grandeur of the Great Smokies, the rolling beauty of the Blue Ridge and the historic North Carolina coast are brought to the screen in natural color MEET THE CRABS. Hoist 1947 lOmin sd color $65, rent $3 595.3 MEET THE FLEET. TFC 20min sd color apply Produced by Warner Bros. Pictures This vocational study describes in considerable detail the training of young men for the Navy MEET THE WATERFOWL. MIchDptConsv 1942 15mln si color loan Eighteen game species of Michigan waterfowl are shown with many close shots for identification study MEET YOUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. YoungAmerica 1946 15mln sd $48 353 MEETING EMOTIONAL NEEDS IN CHILDHOOD: THE GROUNDWORK OF DEMOC RACY. NYU 1947 33min sd (Studies of normal personality development) $110, rent $6 136.7 Meetings. See Public meetings MEIOSIS— IN SRERMATOGENESIS OF THE GRASSHOPPER, PSOPHUS STRIDULUS L. Brice 1949 19min sd (Phase films) $75 Photographed In 1944 at the Carl Zeiss Optical Works, Jena, Germany Sound commentary prepared In collaboration with Dr Robert L. Bacon, Department of Anatomy, Stanford University School of Medicine A time-lapse phase -contrast microscopy production MELODY OF HINDUSTAN. Indiainf 12min sd $23, rent $1.25 780 171