Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION Merchandising. See Marketing; Retail trade IVIerchant marine America sails the seas 387 Cavalcade of the American Merchant Marine Men and the sea Serving the merchant mar'ine 614.8 Tanker France Sunken fleet (Renfl'ouement) 627 Great Britain Merchant seamen The raider MERCHANT ON MAIN STREET. SunOil 1947 13min sd color loan Produced by Films for Industry Mainly desig^ned to Increase the gasoline service station operator's prestige among his fellow local merchants MERCHANT SEAMEN. BIS 1941 llmin sd $47.50, rent $2.50 Produced by Crown Film Unit for the British Ministry of Information Activities on board a merchant vessel during the war Mercury Mercury MERCURY. EPS 12min si $22.50, rent $1 Reveals the nature and origin of mercury or quicksilver; experiments show peculiarities and uses MERCY FLIGHT. CanNFB 1948 lOmin sd $25, rent $1.50 Saskatchewan's air ambulance service demonstrates how human beings In remotest areas can be within two or three hours of a hospital Shorter version of Wings of Mercy Merrie melodies ("Warner) I love to singa Old Glory 929.9 Merrill, Gretchen Skating lady MESENTERIC LYMPHATICS, THEIR CONDUCT AND THE BEHAVIOR OF THEIR VALVES IN THE LIVING RAT. Wistar 15min si rent $4 Produced by Richard L.. Webb Shows the contractility of the mesenteric lymphatics in the rat MESHES OF THE AFTERNOON. Deren 1943 * 13min si $40, rent $8 793.3 MESSAGE FROM DOROTHY MAYNOR. Nat TB 1947 lOmin sd $15, loan 616.24 MESSAGE TO WOMEN. USPubHServ 1945 20min sd color loan 616.9 MESSENGER OF PEACE. Astor 1947 87mln sd apply, rent $30 Produced by RKO Pathe A 16mm release of a theatrical film starring John Beale Metabolism Foods and nutrition 613.2 METAL CRAFT. EBF 1939 llmin sd (Art ser) $45, rent $2.50 739 METAL CRYSTALS. AmSocMetals 1944 20min si loan 548 Metal cutting Fundamentals of end cutting tools 621.9 Fundamentals of side cutting ttiols 621.9 METAL MAGIC. AlUs-Chalmers 1946 12min sd 'color loan Produced by the Cooley Co. Shows the function and use of an induction heater METAL MAGIC. GE 1945 lOmln sd (Excursions in science no.lO) loan Produced by Wilding Picture Productions Shows the crystalline structure of metals and the development of new alloys Metal work Automatic machine-cutting with the oxweld type CM-12 shape-cutting machine Bar work — magnesium, parts I-III 621.9 Cutting a keyway on end of a finished shaft 621.9 Cutting a round end keyway 621.9 Cutting and shaping steel with the oxweld cutting machine, type CM-15 Decorative metal work 739 Drilling and tapping cast steel 621.9 Drilling, boring and reaming work held in chuck 621.9 Drilling to a layout and spot-facing cast iron 621.9 Filing an internal irregular shape 621.9 Flame-cutting of billets and bars Flame-hardening by the oxy-acetylene process Flame-priming the drum gates of Grand Coulee dam Hard -facing — a key to modern industrial elflciency Haynes Stellitlng the plow share How to form aluminum — blanking and piercing 669.7 How to form aluminum — spinning 669.7 How to form aluminum — tube and shape bending 669.7 Locating holes, drilling and tapping in cast iron 621.9 Machining a cast iron rectangular block 621.9 Machining a tool steel V block 621.9 Make a metal plaque 739 Metal craft 739 Metal magic Metal working lathe 621.9 Oxwelding and cutting In production Oxwelding and cutting — the modern method of joining and severing metals Precision investment casting See nlso Brazing; Electroplating; Forging; Founding; Sheet-metal work; Solder and soldering; Welding METAL WORKING LATHE. SouthBendLathe 1941 20min sd (How to run a lathe) $40, loan; also color $100, loan 621.9 Metallography Metal crystals 548 Metallurgy Powder metallurgy, parts I-II 669 Metals Metal magic Right material in the right place See also Aluminum; Nickel Meteorology Earth — surface and climate Falkland Islands See also Atmosphere; Climatology; Clouds; Floods; Rain and rainfall; Seasons; Weather; Weather forecasting; Winds Meters, Electric. See Electric meters Methodist Episcopal church We've a story to tell METHODIST FRIENDS IN CUBA. Methodist Bd 1945 20mln sd $50. rent $3.50 Shows the life of the Cuban people, the work of the Methodist church and the need for the continuance of the missions on the island METHODS OF FLIGHT. Bray 20min sd $85, rent $4 629.13 METHODS OF PROCESSING PLASTICS MATERIALS. Castle 1945 21min sd $37.32 668.4 METROPOLITAN STRING QUARTETTE. Pictorial 1947 3R, ea lOmin sd ea $16 787 Mexican arts and crafts series (Pictorial) Copper and silver 709.72 Textiles and design 709.72 Wood, clay and fine arts 709.72 MEXICAN CHILDREN. EBF 1938 llmin sd (Elementary social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 917.2 Mexican Indians. See Indians of Mexico 173