Educational film guide ()

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EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE MEXICAN MIRACLE. PlxFlmServ 1945 12min sd color rent $7.50 Produced by Fanchon Royer with the approval of Archbishop Martinez of Mexico Shows a reenactment of one of the modern miracles of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at the shrine In the Parraquia de San Jos6 in Mexico City MEXICAN MURALS. TFC 9min sd (Magic carpet ser) apply 917.2 Mexican painters. See Painters, Mexican MEXICAN PLAYLAND. RKORadio 9min sd apply Scenes of aquatic sports of Acapulco, Mexico MEXICAN POTTERS— CLAY ART IN OLD MEXICO. Hoefler 1948 llmin sd color $S0 738 Mexican revolution. See Mexico — History — Revolution, 1910 MEXICAN SILHOUETTE. Ariz.U 1939 45min si rent $3 917.2 Mexicans In the United States From across the border Give and take with Mexico 631.1 Mexico A la orilla de un palmar Adios, Mariquita linda Adventures of Chico F Arts and crafts of Mexico iAy Jalisco, no te rajes! Beyond the Rio Grande Birth of a volcano Blind fishes of La Cueva Chica Bugambilia Charro a la fuerza Chata 917.2 Chico el charro Copper and silver Crepusculo Day of Guadalupe Felipe fu6 desgraciado Fiestas of the hills Forgotten village 917.2 Gadabout Give us the earth Hacienda life in old Mexico 917.2 Hand industries of Mexico Heart of Mexico Highlights of travel La historla de un gran aihor Land of Mexico 917.2 Land of Montezuma Madero of Mexico 921 Mexican children 917.2 Mexican miracle Mexican murals 917.2 Mexican playland Mexican potters— clay art in old Mexico Mexican silhouette 917.2 Mexico (Castle) 917.2 Mexico (Dudley) 917.2 Mexico (EBF) Mexico and Central America 917.2 Mexico, ciudad encantadora Mexico, far away land nearby Mexico — land of enchantment Mexico of the Indians Millions call him Father Modern Mexico 917.2 Out of the dust Pacific coast of Mexico — Baja California Pacific coast of Mexico — the mainland Paricutin — mountain of fire 551.2 People of Mexico 917.2 El rebel de Rio Escondldo Road for San Pablo Road to Cuernavaca Romant'c Mexico 917.2 Rough road to Panama Rural life of Mexico 917.2 Schools of Mexico 379.72 Spanish Influence In Mexico crafts Strategic materials Textiles and design Through Mexico Tierra Mexicana Tina, a girl of Mexico 917.2 The wave 917.2 Where money isn't God Wings to Mexico and Guatemala 917.2 Wood, clay and fine arts Workshops of old Mexico History Time In the sun F Tomorrow's Mexico 972 History — Revolution, 1910Aqul esta Juan Colorado Industries Industries of Mexico 917.2 MEXICO. Castle 1940 lOmin sd $17.50 917.2 Also available in a silent version for $8.75 MEXICO. Dudley 1947 lOmin sd (This world of ours) $28.50; also color $85 917.2 MEXICO. EBF 1930 15min si $24 From seacoast to snow-crowned mountain tops, native life and activities illustrate the latent possibilities, as well as the progress, of the country of Mexico MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. Filmsets 8min si $12.50 917.2 MEXICO, CIUDAD ENCANTADORA. Telefilm 1948 22mln sd color $150 Produced by Oscar M. Jimenez, University High School, West Los Angeles A travelog of Mexico City with narration in Spanish MEXICO, FAR AWAY LAND NEARBY. MethodistBd 1943 25min sd $50, rent $2 Glimpses of beautiful scenery, places of historic interest, people at work and the work of the Methodist church in Mexico are depicted MEXICO— LAND OF ENCHANTMENT. Swank 1945 SOmin sd color loan Sponsored by Missouri Pacific Railroad With particular emphasis on Mexico City MEXICO OF THE INDIANS. NatMotPIct 15min si $20 rent $1 The purpose of this film Is to kindle within the student an to know more about the Mexican Indian and hi? fascinating historic background Miami, Florida New South (EBF) 917.5 Publicity sports Mice Action of staphylococcal toxin on rabbits and mice Foods and nutrition 613.2 Our animal neighbors 591.5 Smaller rodents Willie and the mouse 371 Michigan By land we live Meet the waterfowl Michigan mines and mineral Michigan state forests Michigan wild flowers Michigan's land of Hiawatha Michigan's mitten Michigan's Porcupine mountains state park No idle acres 631.4 Bed poacher Wonder Isle Working together for health Michigan. University Learning for living MICHIGAN BEAVER. MichDptConsv 1933 15min sd loan Also available in a silent version Life of the beaver. Trees are felled, dams repaired. Damage from flooding and the steps taken to curb it are shown 174