Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION OPERATION OF A FOREST NURSERY. Castle lOmin sd $14.09 Produced by the U.S. Forest Service, from whose regrional offices It may be borrowed Shows in detail the important Jobs done in a large nursery, including collection, treatment and storage of seeds, germination tests; sowing; and protection and care of seedlings until they are ready for field planting OPERATION OF A STEAM LOCOMOTIVE. SantaFe 15min si loan 621.13 OPERATION PLUTO. BIS 1945 6min sd $27.50, rent $1.25 Shows the construction of a pipeline under the English channel OPERATION WHITE TOWER. RKORadio 1948 18min sd (This is America) apply A pictorial record of the first scientific conquest of Mount McKinley, filmed with the cooperation of the Boston Museum of Science Operations, Surgical. See Surgery OPERATIONS CROSSROADS. USN 1946 27mln sd color loan 623.4 OPERATIONS VITTLES. USAirForce 1949 15min sd loan 943 OPERATIONS WILDLIFE. VaStDptEd 1949 35min sd color $200 Shows what Virginia game birds and animals are like and where they live, their place in the balance of nature and their value to the farmer (practical and economic) and the sportsman (recreation) OPERATIVE SHOCK. IntFlmBur 1945 16min sd (Technique of anaesthesia) $47.50, rent $3 615.7 OPERATOR AND HIS JOB, Castle 1945 12min sd $22.88 629.213 OPERATOR AND HIS PASSENGERS. Castle 18min sd $30.01 629.213 OPERATOR AND SAFETY. Castle 19min sd $30.74 629.213 Operetta Die fledermaus March of the wooden soldiers Opinion, Public, See Public opinion Opossums Development of the oppossum Tropical opossums Oppenheim, Edward Phillips Great impersonation Optical instruments Eyes of science 681.4 Optical instruments To greater vision 6(81.4 See also Lenses OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. EBF 1931 15min si $24 Shows the principles of reflection and refraction and applies them to optical devices AN OPTICAL POEM. TFC 8min sd (MGM miniatures) apply 785 Optical trade Let's see 681.4 Production methods Optics Introduction to optics 535 Light and shadow 535 Nature of light 535 Optical instruments To greater vision 681.4 Optimism Greener hills 170 ORAL HYGIENE. Castle lOmin sd $15.86 617.6 ORAL MEDICATIONS. Castle 1944 7J^min sd $11.39 615.1 Orange One hundred million oranges 634.3 Orange grower 634.3 ORANGE GROWER. EBF 1939 llmin sd (People at work) $45. rent $2.50 634.3 Orang-utans Monkeys and apes Primates — #1. Anthropoid apes and new world monkeys Wildman's land 919.11 Orchards. See Fruit culture Orchestra Aida 785 Instruments of the orchestra 785 Symphony of young America 780 Symphony orchestra 785 Orchestral music Aida 785 Brass choir 788 Egmont Emperor waltz Fifth symphony (1st movement) Great symphonies 785 Hymn of the nations 785 Eine kleine nachtmusik 785 Music masters #1-3 Music of the spheres An optical poem 785 Orpheus in Hades Overture to Rosamunde 785 Percussion group 789 Rosamunde Serenata nocturna Sibelius 785 String choir 787 Symphony orchestra 785 Tales from the Vienna woods Tannhaeuser Unfinished symphony (lst-2d movements) Vienna blood Woodwind choir 788 Youth builds a symphony 785 ORCHID FOR PEGGY. AT&T 1947 ISmin sd loan As the narration describes how each telephone job plays its essential role in the over-all Job of providing telephone service, the screen depicts typical telephone people at typical Jobs in various phases of the business Orchids Growth of flowers 581.4 Orchids Secrets of the orchid ORCHIDS. Castle llmin sd color $50.36 Produced by the U.S. government ORDEAL BY ICE. CanNFB 1945 llmin sd (Canada carries on) $25, rent $1.50 355 Ordnance. See Firearms; Projectiles Oregon Mountain anglers On the trail of Pilot Rock pine Oregon 917.95 Oregon country 917.95 Pacific coast (Filmsets) 917.9 Redwood empire travel thrills Salmon run on the Rogue This is Oregon 917.95 OREGON. Dudley 1949 lOmin sd (This land of ours) $28.50; also color $85 917.95 OREGON COUNTRY. EBF 1930 15min si $24 917.95 Ores Lake carrier 387 Story of an ore sample Organ Music in the wind 786.6 Singing pipes 786.6 Le vente qui chante Organ music Community sing series 6, nos. 6, 8, 10 784 Music in the wind 786.6 Organization, International. See International organization ORGANIZATION. Castle 1947 llmin sd (Accidents don't happen) $20 614.8 Oriental institute. See Chicago. University. Oriental institute Orienteering Sport of orienteering 199