Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION PRAYING MANTIS. HollywoodFlm 1948 llmin sd $45; also color $90 595.72 PRECIOUS LAND. AssnFlm 1940 lOmin sd rent $1.50 630.952 PRECISELY SO. Rev. GM 1949 20min sd loan 389 PRECISION AND SKILL. Greenlee 1947 40min sd loan Shows the construction and operation ef the Greenlee six-spindle screw machine PRECISION GAGE BLOCKS. Castle 1944 18mln sd $30.01 621.9 PRECISION INVESTMENT CASTING. AllisChalmers 1948 12min sd color loan Produced by Allis-Chalmers "Portrays and explains various steps Involved in this recently developed metalforming process. Each production step from manufacture of wax injection die to final cleaning of casting and their inspection is covered. "FlmWorld PRECISION SPIN. Castle 12min sd $15.86 629.13 PRECISION WITH NORTON ABRASIVES. Norton 1946 ISmln sd color loan Shows the many precision Instruments now in use Predictions. See Prophecies Prefabricated buildings. See Buildings, Prefabricated PREFABRICATION WITH PLYWOOD. DouglasFir 1942 35min sd color $196, loan 674 PREFLIGHT INSPECTION— AIRPLANE. Castle 17min sd $28.58 629.134 PREFLIGHT INSPECTION— ENGINE. Castle ISmin sd $23.60 629.134 Pregnancy Before the baby comes 618 Human growth 612.6 Human reproduction 612.6 Mother and her child Rapid pregnancy test Wise parents — healthy babies 618 Prehistoric animals. See Paleontologry Prejudices. See Antipathies and prejudices PRELUDE TO VICTORY. USN 1947 40min sd loan Story of the Eighth Fleet and its dramatic advances from the shores of North Africa to final victory on the Italian beaches PREMIER RENDEZVOUS. IntFlmBur 1947 85min sd rent apply A romantic comedy with French dialog, English titles Prenatal care. See Pregnancy PRE-OPERATIVE CARE. Castle 12min sd $16.76 Produced by the U.S. Navy Shows a patient being prepared both mentally and physically for an appendectomy PREPARATION FOR CATHETERIZATION. Goodrich 15min si $25, rent $3 Mainly concerned with eauipment PREPARATION FOR SOAPSUDS ENEMA. Goodrich 15min si $15, rent $3 Mainly concerned with equipment PREPARATION OF OPERATION BED. Goodrich 15min si $25, rent $3 Shows how to make an ether bed PREPARING A CUPOLA FOR CHARGING. Castle 1946 21min sd $32.87 671 PREPARING AND SETTING A KEEL BLOCK * AND BOTTOM CRADLE. Castle 1942 ISmin sd $30.01 623.8 PREPARING OLD BUILDINGS FOR WIRING. Castle 21min sd $32.87 621.32 PREPARING THE CHARGE AND LOADING THE MOLD. Castle llmin sd $21.44 Produced by the U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying filmstrlp $1 , Steps in the process of molding plastics PREPARING TO IRRIGATE. Castle ISmln si $14.09 Produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Types of ditch-making machinery. Best location of field ditches and the necessity of keeping ditches free from moss and weeds PRESCHOOL ADVENTURES. lowa.StU 1941 42min si $75, rent $3; also color $125 372.2 Preschool education. See Nursery schools PRESENT FOR SANTA CLAUS. Official 1947 lOmin sd (Adventure thrills) $17.50 Two children plan a present for Santa Claus as a special secret Preservation of food. See Food — Preservation Preservation of forests. See Forests and for estry Preservation of historical records. See Archives Preservation of wild life. See Wild life — Conservation Preserving. See Canning and preserving PRESERVING FOOD. Coronet 1949 lOmin si (Home economics) $45; also color $90 Collaborator: Ritta Whitesel This film teaches the knowledge and skills necessary to preserve our food. It shows the nature and effect of molds, yeast, bacteria and enzymes, in relation to food spoilage. The reasons behind short-term and long-term methods of food preservation are given and each method clearly explained Presidents United States Mr President 973.9 United States — Inauguration Inaugural story Press. See Newspapers Press, Liberty of the. See Liberty of the press Pressure, Atmospheric. See Atmospheric pressure PREVENT DYSENTERY. Instlnter-AmAffairs 1947 7min sd color $40 Produced by Apex Film Corp. Explains how dysentery spreads and how It can be prevented from spreading PREVENT FOREST FIRES— THE CAREFUL FISHERMAN. Castle 1936 3min sd $3.34 799.1 PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF DISTORTION IN ARC WELDING. LincolnElec 20min sd color loan 671 W Prevention of accidents. See Accidents — Prevention Prevention of fires. See Fire prevention Preventive medicine. See Hygiene; Immunity Pribilof Islands Pur seal 591.5 Passage to the Pribilof s 917.98 Return of the vanishing herd 591.5 Sanctuary of the seals 591.5 Price control. See Price reerulation PRICE OF FREEDOM. NAM 23niln sd apply. loan Produced by Jack Chertok of Apex Film Corp. The story of a young reporter who, after seeing what happens to the Individual's freedoms under the police state, develops an Intense desire to warn the readers of his newspaper against the tendency of the people of any country to want the government to do everything for them PRICE OF FREEDOM. PIC 1942 18min sd rent $2.50 914.38 Price regulation Black marketing 641 PRICELESS CARGO. JamHandy 1946 22min sd loan 629.2 Prices Great swindle 217