Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION Problems In patternmaklng (Castle-USOE) Making a core box for a machine base 621.72 Making a master pattern and core boxes for a water-cooled motor block Redesigning a pattern for production purposes 621.72 PROBLEMS OF FLIGHT. EBF 1941 llmin sd (Physics ser) $45, rent $2.50 629.13 PROBLEMS OF HOUSING. EBF 1945 llmin sd (Social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 331.83 Problems of living (UWF) Children growing up with others 136.7 Children learning by experience 136.7 Problems of supervision (Castle-USOB) Employing blind workers in industry 362.4 Employing disabled workers in industry 371.91 Establishing working relations for the disabled worker 658.3 Every minute counts 331.8 Improving the job 658.3 Instructing the blind worker on the Job 362.4 Instructing the worker on the job 658.3 Introducing the new worker to his job 658.3 Maintaining good working conditions 658.3 Maintaining quality standards 658.3 Maintaining workers' interest 658.3 New supervisor takes a look at his job 658.3 Placing the right man on the job 658.3 Planning and laying out work 658.3 Safety in the shop 614.8 Supervising women workers 658.3 Supervising workers on the job 658.3 Supervisor as a leader, parts III 658.3 Using visual aids In training 371.33 Working with other supervisors 658.3 THE PRODIGAL RETURNS. Foundation 1947 15mm sd, rent $5; also color, rent $6 Details events in the life of Christ relating to the story of the prodigal son PRODIGAL SON. Cathedral 1941 22min sd rent $6 226 PRODUCING CRUDE OIL. EBF 1930 15min si $24 Divided into the following units: surveying in the mid-continent oil-fields, erection of a derrick, rotary and cable-tool methods of drilling, preparing for the now, the strike, laying of pipe lines and the location of our principal oil fields PRODUCING QUALITY MILK. MIlklndFd or * AssnFlm 1946 27mln sd $100, loan 637 PRODUCT DESIGN AND MOLDING TECHNIQUE FOR THERMOSETTING PLASTICS. PFC 30min sd rent 50c Produced by Caravel Films for the Bake lite Corp. The technical and practical application of thermosetting molding plastics Production. See Industry Production credit administration. See United States — Farm credit administration PRODUCTION METHODS. Castle 1946 26min sd $32.27 Produced by the U.S. Navy. Shows successful techniques and modern production methods in the optical field PRODUCTION OF 5c PIES. AmSocBakeryBng 15min si color loan Shows the production and packaging of small pie units by means of modern machinery PRODUCTION OF FOODS. EBP 1946 llmin sd (General science ser) $45, rent $2.50 641 PRODUCTIVITY— KEY TO PLENTY. EBF 1949 20mln sd $76.50 338 PROESTROUS AND OESTROUS BEHAVIOR IN THE GUINEA PIG. Wistar 6min si apply, rent $1.50 Produced by W. C. Young, E. W. Dempsey, R. Hertz and H. L, Myers Professions. See names of special professions. as Lawyers, Physicians, etc. PROFESSOR MAMLOCK. Brandon 1938 96min sd apply, rent $25 832 PROFIL DE LA FRANCE. FrenchFlm 1948 23min sd $65, rent $5 Produced in France in 1939 by Jean Tedesco and Abel Gance. French dialog "Opening on the rocky shores of Normandy, the camera moves down to the estuary of the Seine and thence to St Malo. After this It takes a leap to the sand dunes of Gascony In the far South, and works its way back northwards into Brittany. . . No conventional travel film. Rather it Is a mosiac of images of France." Sat. rev. of lit. Profit In balance 339.2 Profit sharing In balance 339.2 PROGRESS IN PRODUCTS. Modem 1948 25min sd loan Produced by Audio Productions for National Cotton Council of America The opening scenes present a detailed sequence to show how man has discovered new methods of modifying materials to produce the many things we need for modern living. As an example of a new product employing new methods, the film then introduces a new food, margarine PROGRESS REPORT. AT&T 1947 22min sd loan Shows the behind-the-scenes operation of the telephone industry PROGRESS THROUGH ENGINEERING. GM 1945 18min sd loan Shows how modern industry coordinates the efforts of its engineering staffs in developing and improving its products Progressive education. See Education— Experimental methods PROGRESSIVE HEPATO-LENTICULAR DEGENERATION. NYU 1944 14min si $25, rent $2 Produced by Drs S. Philip Goodhart and Benjamin Harris Balser Patients are shown demonstrating the various neurological signs of entities involving brain and liver pathology PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHIES, DYSTROPHIES AND ALLIED CONDI TIONS. NYU 1944 27mln si $40, rent $3.50 Produced by Drs S. Philip Goodhart and Benjamin Harris Balser Illustrative cases are given for each of the above groups. Distinctive diagnostic features are pointed out Progressive party People's convention Projectiles Atomic bomb test — Bikini island 623.4 Operations crossroads 623.4 V-1. the film of the robot bomb 623.4 Projection Auxiliary views, parts I-II 744 Auxiliary views: double auxiliaries 744 Auxiliary views: single auxiliaries 744 Carbon arc projection Orthographic projection 744 Shape description, parts I-II 744 Projection, Map. See Map projection PROM NIGHT. Eastin 1948 120min sd (Rhythm on reels) rent $15 A full evening of dance music composed of thirty selections played by popular orchestras PROMENADE ALL— WESTERN SQUARE DANCING. Gateway 1947 llmin sd $36, also color $85, rent $4 793 3 219