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1949 EDITION Russia — Continued Russia 914.7 Russia — agriculture 630.947 Russia at war 914.7 Russian children's railway 385 Siege of Leningrad 940.534 Soviet Russia Soviet soil Young musicians See also names of cities, as Stalingrad History Alexander Nevsky 947 Chapayev 921 Industries Russia — Leningrad and industry 914.7 Politics and government Election day in the USSR 914.7 RUSSIA. Filmsets 8min si $12.50 914,7 RUSSIA— AGRICULTURE. EBF 1937 15min si $24 630.947 RUSSIA AT WAR. Forum ed MOT 1945 17min sd $55 914.7 RUSSIA— LENINGRAD AND INDUSTRY. EBF 1937 15min si $24 914.7 RUSSIA— MOSCOW. EBF 1937 15mln si $24 914.7 RUSSIAN BALLERINA. Brandon 1947 75mln sd (International film classics) apply F RUSSIAN CHILDREN'S RAILWAY. IntFlmFd 1946 7mln sd $30 385 Russian language films Adventure in Bokhara Alexander Nevsky 947 The great Glinka Gypsies 914.7 Ivan the terrible 921 Miracle of Dr Petrov F New Gulliver One hundred for one 940.534 Professor Mamlock 832 Russian ballerina F Spring Stone flower F Village teacher Russian music. See Music, Russian RUSSIAN NATIONAL CHOIR. Brandon 1944 lOmin sd $36, rent $2 784 Russian songs. See Songrs. Russian Rust. See Corrosion and anti-corrosives Rustless coatings. See Corrosion and anticorrosives Ruth Book of Ruth Ruth RUTH. UWF 1948 38min sd $200. rent $12 A J. Arthur Rank production The story of Naomi and her daughterin-law Ruth with much of the footage actually filmed in Palestine Saba (Island) People of Saba 917.29 Sabotage Don't talk 351.74 While America sleeps 351.74 Sacramento, California Sacramento 917.94 SACRAMENTO. Simmel 1945 5min sd color (Capital cities) $45 917.94 Sacramento river Rivers of the Pacific slope 917.9 Sacraments. See Baptism; Marriage; Mass SACRED ARROW CEREMONY OF THE CHEYENNE INDIANS. Okla,UPress 1934 22min si rent $2.25 970.1 SACRED GANGES. TFC lOmln sd color (Fascinating journeys) apply 915.4 Sacred music. See Church music SACRIFICE OF THE MASS. EBF 1931 30min si $48 265 SADDLE STARLETS. RKORadio 9min sd apply Shows Junior riders at the Devon, Pennsylvania horseshow SADLER'S WELLS BALLET SCHOOL. Livingston 5min sd (This is Britain) $13.50, rent $1 Produced by Merlin Films Covers the dance training at the famed British state-supported theater from the first children's classes to final graduation Into the professional companies of Sadler's Wells and Co vent Garden SAFARI ON WHEELS. Esso 45min sd loan Pictures the 11,000 mile trip of the Thaw African expedition from the sunny Mediterranean across the burning Sahara sands, thru the lush Cameroons and rank jungles of the Congo to Nairobi A SAFE HOME. See Let's be safe at home 614.8 SAFE IN PORT. Frith 1948 15min sd coloi (Harbor ser) $95 627 SAFE LIVING AT SCHOOL. Coronet 1948 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 614.8 SAFE SWIMMING. General 1947 lOmln sd $33.75: also color $67.50 797.2 SAFE USE OF TOOLS. Coronet 1941 6min sd $22.50; also color $45 614.8 SAFEGUARDING THE SPEECHWAYS. West ernElec 1938 18min sd loan 621.385 SAFEST WAY. AAA 1948 17min sd $50; also color $150, loan 614.8 SAFETY AHOY. Aetna 1946 15min sd color loan 797.1 Safety appliances Respiratory protection To live in darkness 614.8 <See also Accidents — Prevention; and subdivision Safety appliances under specific subjects, as Railroads — Safety appliances SAFETY AT HOME. EBF 1940 8mln si $12 614.8 SAFETY AT PLAY. EBF 1941 8min si $12 614.8 SAFETY AT SEA. EBF 1929 15mln si $24 Safeguarding navigation, the lighthouse, how the beacon works, the fog bell, light ships, buoys, whistling buoys, acetylene light buoys, flashing buoys, bell buoys. The coast guard, a sea patrol, iceberg warnings SAFETY BEGINS AT HOME. YoungAmerica 1946 lOmin sd $40 614.8 Safety devices and measures. See Accidents — Prevention; Safety appliances Safety education. See Accidents — Prevention; Fire prevention SAFETY FOR WELDERS. Castle 7mln sd $9.60 614.8 SAFETY GLASS. USBurMines 1938 30min si loan 666.1 SAFETY IN AIR STATIONS. Castle 1948 13min sd $16.76 Produced by the U.S. Navy Designed to impress air station employeeswith the fact that accidents can be prevented by a sensible application of safety rules SAFETY IN NAVY YARDS. CasOe 1948 15min sd $21.40 Produced by the U.S. Navy Designed to teach Navy yard workers the danger in not wearing safety shoes, helmet, goggles, etc. Stresses safety rules 235