Educational film guide ()

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EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE SCIENCE IN RESIN DEVELOPMENT. AmCyanamidCoatingResinsDpt 1947 20min sd color loan Produced by Transfllm Corp. Portrays some of the scientific background necessary for the development of modern synthetic resins Science of life series (Bray) Produced under direction of the Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Service, with the aid of many of the leading public health agencies of America Fly as a disease carrier 595.77 How disease is spread 614.4 How the mosquito spreads disease 595.77 Interdependence of living things 581 Protoplasm — the beginning of life 593 SCIENCE OF MILK PRODUCTION. Purina 1945 40min sd apply 637 Science series (EBF) Alcohol and the human body SCIENCE SPINS A YARN. AmViscose 1946 23min sd color $250 677.4 SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO BETTER PLASTICS. SocPlasticsInd 1948 20min sd color, loan Produced by Films for Industry, Inc. Views the research in progress at Massachusetts institute of technology on the mechanical properties of plastics, and the relation of changes in chemical structure to physical structure. The project is endowed by the Plastics Materials Manufacturers Association SCIENTIFIC FLOOR MAINTENANCE. Huntington 1948 20min sd loan Designed to show the janitorial staff how to care for school floors Scientific method Science and superstition 500 Scientific researcli. See Research Scientists D'Arsonv^l Golden glory Hermits of the sky 522 Luther Burbank 921 Modest miracle 921 On to Jupiter 509 Story of Dr Carver 921 Tears of progress See also Chemists; Naturalists; Physicists SCIPIO AFRICOMIS. See Second Punic war SCORCHED EARTH. Commonwealth 60min sd $250, The story of Japanese aggression in China Scorpions Arachnlda (spiders and scorpions) 595.4 Deadly females 595.4 Killers 595.7 Scotch in Canada Peoples of Canada 917.1 Scotland British Isles 914.2 Caller herrln' 639 Children of the city 364 Crofters 630.941 Granton trawler 639 Highland doctor Killing farm rats 632.6 Land of Invention Lowlands of Scotland North east comer 914.1 Scotland: background of literature 914.1 These sporting Scots See also Edinburgh; Shetland Islands SCOTLAND: BACKGROUND OF LITERA. TURE. Coronet 1948 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 914.1 Scott, Sir Walter, bart Lady of the lake (Coronet) Lady of the lake (Ideal) SCOTTISH MAZURKA. PIC 1942 ISmin sd color rent $3 784 SCOTTISH UNIVERSITIES. BIS 1949 22min sd $47.50, rent $2.50 Produced by Data Film Unit Sponsored by Scottish Home Department For five centuries, St Andrew's Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh have served the youth of Scotland and of the world. The film tells the story of the foundation and growth of these universities, and surveys the current problems of maintaining a very high standard of learning in spite of heavy overcrowding SCRAMBLED LEGS. Official 1949 lOmIn sd (Sportbeams) $17.50 Also available in a silent version for $8.75 The camera catches the brutal blows and hilarious holds of the wrestling arena SCRAMBLED RAMBLES. Sonopix 1948 lOmin sd color $85 Produced by Dr Lamar C. Oyster Scenes in Curacao, Venezuela, Colombia and Peru SCRAPING FLAT SURFACES. Castle 1942 14min sd $25.71 621.9 Screen guild (FlmHighlights) , Bells of San Fernando Buffalo Bill rides again Bush pilot Death valley Dragnet Flight to nowhere God's country Hat box mystery Killer Dill Screen printing. See Silk screen printing Screen travelers series (Nu-Art) Along the life line of the British empire 910 Cities of North Africa — Tunis — Algiers — Rabat 916.1 Screw-cutting machines Cutting an external acme thread 621.9 Cutting an external national fine thread 621.9 Cutting an internal acme thread 621.9 Cutting an internal taper pipe thread 621.9 Cutting and threading pipe on a power machine 621.9 Precision and skill SCREW DRIVERS AND SCREW JAYS. Shell 1946 12min sd loan 629.213 Screw threads Inspection of threads 621.9 Screwdrivers Pliers and screwdrivers 680 Screws Simple machines (EBF-sd) 621.8 SCROOGE. Brandon 85min sd apply, rent |1B Rental during December Is $25 A British production released in 1938. Based on Charles Dickens' "Christmas Carol" SCRUB GAME. Modern 1944 30min sd loan 612.7 Sculptors Alexander Calder: sculpture and constructions 759.91 Direct carving in wood Henry Moore 730 Nos tallleurs des images Rodin Stone and sculptor Tree trunk to head Sculptors, Canadian Third dimension 731 Sculptors, French Aristide Malllol Sculpture Henry Moore 730 Plastic art 739 Rodin 240