Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION Shipbuilding — Continued Innerbottom: setting up floors and longitudinals 623.8 Installing valves in engine room systems, parts I-II 623.8 Laying off the boundary, stifCeners, vs^ater lines and buttock lines 623.8 Laying out and installing stern tube, tail shaft and propeller, parts I-IV 623.8 Ocean liners 387 Pacific coast (MOT) 917.9 Preparing and setting a keel block and bottom cradle 623.8 Shipways ^ ^ „ Side frames: sub-assembly of a web frame 623.8 See also Boatbuilding Shipping Bob learns about ocean trade 382 ■ Freighter at sea 387 Freighter in port 387 Great Lakes — highway of commerce 386 Great Lakes— their link with ocean shipping 386 Harbor highlights The longshoreman 387 Manhattan waterfront New York's waterfront Tugboats 387 Ships Boats 386 Boats of the Great Lakes 386 Freighter at sea 387 Freighter in port 387 Ocean liners 387 Sailing a square rigger 797.1 Ship that died 387 Top liner See also Boats and boating; Merchant marine; Navies; Steamboats; Warships SHIPWAYS. BethSt 40min sd loan The story of the Bethlehem shipyards Is told in chronological order from its beginning shortly before Pearl Harbor Shipwrecks Graveyard of ships Lifeboat F Swiss family Robinson F SHOCK TROOPS FOR DEFENSE. Brandon 1942 12min sd (America calling) $25, rent $1.50 Made in cooperation with the Civilian defense volunteer office of Greater New York and the Fire Department of the City of New York Portrays the nature of the training and the role of the auxiliary fire fighter SHOE SHINE. UWP 1948 88min sd (InterJ national film masterpieces) apply F Shoes. See Boots and shoes Shooting Fundamentals of rifle marksmanship 799.3 Gun play How to shoot the rifle 683 Pistol bull's-eyes 683 SHOOTING IN BASKETBALL. EBF 1946 llmin sd (Athletics ser) $45, rent $2.50 796.32 SHOOTING MOOSE WITH THE CAMERA. QueTour&PubBur 1942 28min si color loan 591.5 Shop practice. See Machine shop practice SHOP PROCEDURES. McGraw 1947 17min sd * (Mechanical drawing text-fllm ser) apply 744 Shoplifting. See Thieves Shoppers' guides. See Consumer education SHORT COURSE IN PAPER MAKING. Glatfelter 35min sd color loan 676 THE SHORTEST ROUTE. PIC 1943 lOmin sd $30, rent $1.50 Describes the training and life of Polish paratroop units in Great Britain SHORTEST WAY HOME. AssnFlm 1948 40min sd color loan 917.3 Shorthand Can you read Gregg 653 Champions write 653 SHORT'NING BREAD. See Let's all sing together, no. 2 .784 Shostakovich, DmitriT Dmitrievich Golden mountains 786.2 SHOT PUT. UWF 1947 llmin sd (United world * track and field ser) $45, rent $3 796.4 SHOW BUSINESS. RKORadio 102min sd apply An authentic story of backstage Broadway with Eddie Cantor and George Murphy SHOW HORSE. RKORadio 9min sd apply Tells how a show horse Is developed and trained SHOWER OF ROSES. Mogull 1948 TOmin sd $150, rent $15 A modern story paralleling the life of St Th6r5se SHOWN BY REQUEST. BIS 1948 20mln sd $47.50, rent $2.50 371.33 SHRINE OF A NATION— WESTMINSTER ABBEY. BIS 1947 14min sd (Pattern of Britain) $42, rent $2.50 726 SHY GUY. Coronet 1948 12min sd $56.25; also ♦ color $112.50 136.7 Shyness Shy guy 136.7 Siam Anna and the king of Siam F Byways of Bangkok 915.93 Chang 915.93 Mystic Siam 915.93 Pageant of Siam Song of Siam 915.93 Sibelius, Jean Julius Christian Concerto for violin. See Sibelius 785 Impromptu. See Sibelius 785 Scaramouche. See Sibelius 785 Biography Finlandia 921 SIBELIUS. Sterling 1947 lOmln sd $25 785 Siberia How a hunting people live 573 North of the Himalayas 915 Siberia 915.7 Village teacher SIBERIA. EBF 1937 30min si $48 915.7 Sicily Fishing 639 Sicily liberated 940.534 SICILY LIBERATED. Nu-Art 1943 14min sd (What price Italy) $24, rent $1.50 940.534 Also available in a silent version for $8.75, rent $1 Sick Out of bed into action 940.547 Wastage of human resources 371.91 SIDE FRAMES: SUB-ASSEMBLY OF A WEB FRAME. Castle 1942 17min sd $29.29 623.8 SIDEWALKS OF LONDON. Astor 1940 84mln sd $500, rent $17.50 A 16mm release of an English theatrical film starring Charles Laughton SIEGE OF LENINGRAD. Brandon 1943 62min sd (Our Russian allies) apply, rent $10 940.534 Siena, Italy Siena and Simone Martini 914.5 SIENA AND SIMONE MARTINI. Gateway 1947 8i^min sd $45, rent $3 914.5 SIERRA JOURNEY. Libra 19min sd $90; also color $175 Produced by C. M. McCoy Productions Shows the artist, Edgar Allyn Payne, sketching and painting the Sierra Nevada mountains Sierra Nevada mountains Rocky mountains 917.8 Sierra journey Ski thrills 796.9 Trout 245