Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION Simplified arithmetic series (Knowled&eBldrs) Multiplying fractions 511 Simple fractions 511 SIN OF OUR SKIN. GrlfHth 1948 llmln sd color $75, rent $5 Tells the history of physical therapy and how It helps keep the skin healthy. Also tells that the art of massage is the oldest therapeutic art in the world and the sun was the first medicme man SIN BAD THE SAILOR. Castle llmin sd (Famous fairytale cartoons) $17.50; also color $37.50 398 Also available in a silent version for $8 75 SIN BAD THE SAILOR. RKORadlo 117min sd color apply The adventurous story of the search for a fabulous treasure hidden away by Alexander the Great, starring Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. SINEWS OF STEEL. BethSt 45min sd loan Shows the production processes of wire rope. Drawings and close-ups explain the intricacies of wire rope engineering 6INQ A JINGLE. UWF 90min sd rent $15 Produced by Universal in 1944 Allan Jones as a radio crooner who becomes a war plant employe after being rejected by the army SING A SONG OF FRIENDSHIP. Offlcial 1949 20min sd $86, rent $10 Based on the book of songs by Irving Caesar. Produced by New World Productions for Anti-Defamation League A sequence of three songs, coordinated with animated cartoons in color, make up the film SING, AMERICA. Nu-Art 1941 lOmln sd $36. rent $2 784 SING AMERICA SING. See Familiar patriotic songs 784 Singapore Malay peninsula 915.95 Singapore 915.95 Where East meets West 915.95 SINGAPORE. Nu-Art 1940 llmin sd (De la Varre travelogues) $17.50, rent $1.50 915.95 Also available in a silent version ($8.75, rent $1) Singers Cradle song Singing and voice culture Note of praise SINGING NEEDLES. McGregor 1948 SOmIn sd color loan Pictures the manufacture of men's shirts and vocational opportunities in the needle trades SINGING PIPES. CanNFB 1945 22min sd $35 rent $2.50 786.6 SINGING WIRES. NEMA 1947 22min sd $50, loan Demonstrates to the farmer the unlimited advantages of modern electrified farming over antiquated non-electrifled methods SINGLE PHASE AND POLYPHASE CIRCUITS. Castle 17min sd $29.29 621.31 SINGLE RAM VERTICAL SURFACE BROACHING. Castle 28min sd $40.89 Produced by the U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying filmstrip $1 Shows the parts, installation and operation of the single ram vertical broaching machine SIRENS OF SAFETY. SanDlegoFlreDpt 1941 llmin sd color loan Produced in collaboration with the Visual Instruction Center of the San Diego city schools Shows the firemen cleaning apparatus, checking the fire alarm system and drilling in first aid. The use of inhalators and the rescue net is included Sister Elizabeth Kenny foundation. See Minneapolis. Sister Elizabeth Kenny foundation SISTER KENNY. RKORadio 116mln sd apply 921 Rosalind Russell portrays the life of Sister Kenny on the screen SITTIN' PRETTY. UWF 1947 22mln sd color (United world fine arts ser) $180, rent $9 757 SITTING RIGHT. Flory 1946 9min sd (Personal * guidance ser) $50, rent $2; also color $90, rent $3.50 613 SIX SLICES A DAY. CanNFB 1944 9min sd rent $1.50 641.5 SIXTEEN TO TWENTY-SIX. CanNFB 1945 17%min sd $50, rent $2.50; also color $150, rent $5 Designed for female audiences only, this film presents facts about the extent, transmission, course of infection, symptoms and treatment of gonorrhea and syphilis SIZE DESCRIPTION. McGraw 1947 16min sd * (Mechanical drawing text-film ser) apply 744 Skating Rhythm on blades Skating lady Swiss on white 796.9 See also Roller-skating SKATING LADY. RKORadlo 9min sd apply Gretchen Merrill, women's champion skater, shows what it takes to become a figure skating champion Skeleton. See Bones Sketching. See Pencil drawing SKI BELLES. RKORadlo 9min sd apply Pictures water skiing at Cypress gardens in Florida SKI CHAMPION. RKORadlo 9mln sd apply Rudolf Romlnger, three time world champion, gives a breath taking demonstration SKI CHASE. Hoffberg 1940 25min sd (Ski * time) $150, rent $15 796.9 SKI CHASE. RKORadio 9mln sd apply Shows a group of skiing champions against the beautiful background of the Utah mountains SKI FLIGHT. TFC lOmin sd apply 796.9 SKI GULLS. RKORadio 9mln sd apply America's top skiers display their form SKI HOLIDAYS. RKORadio 9min sd apply Scenes of skiing in the Swiss Alps SKI IN THE VALLEY OF THE SAINTS. CanNFB 1944 19min sd color $150, rent $5 796.9 SKI MASTER. RKORadlo 9mln sd apply Hannes Schneider and his students ski In New Hampshire SKI NOVICE. Hawley-Lord 1947 9min sd $22.50: also color $85 769.9 SKI PRO'S HOLIDAY. Telefilm 1947 16mln sd color rent $15 Produced by Olympic Productions Four professional skiers set out on a run from the ski club in Banff national park. There is no voice track on the film. The entire mood of the ascent to the top of the mountain, and then the breath taking run down across the snow fields, the canyons, back into the timber country, and finally back to the lodge that was the starting point is sustained by a fine musical score SKI SAFARI. Hawley-Lord 1947 9min sd $22.50; also color $85 796.9 247