Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION Sun Energy from sunlight Interdependence of living things 581 Solar prominences 523.7 Story of human energy 613.2 Sun — friend or enemy 614.8 What makes day and night 525.4 Zones iSee also Solar engines Sun baths Vitamin D 613.2 SUN— FRIEND OR ENEMY. InformationFlm 1948 5mln sd color $37.50 614.8 SUN GODS OF THE SURF. AustrlNews&Inf 1946 lOmin sd $25, rent $1.50 614.8 SUN, SEA AND SAILS (Eastin) See Spotlight sd $17.50 A silent version Is also available for $8.75 Scenes from the yachting centers of America show both large and small class boats in actual competition SUN, SEA AND SAILS. (Eastin) See Spotlight on sports Sun Valley, Idaho Snow eagles Sun Valley serenade F Winter setting SUN VALLEY SERENADE. Films 1941 QOmin sd apply F Sundew (Plant) Plant traps 581.5 SUNFISH. EBF 1942 llmin sd (Biology— Animal life ser) $45, rent $2.50 597 Sunflshes Sunfish 597 SUNKEN FLEET (RENFLOUEMENT). AF Flm 1946 lOmin sd $32.50, rent $3 627 SUNSET PASS. RKORadio 86min sd apply A Zane Grey story of banditry in the Arizona of the eighties Sunset phenomena Day is done SUNSHINE SKIING. CanPacRy 1941 12mln si color loan Produced by Associated Screen News, Montreal Scenes at one of the popular ski centers in the Canadian Rockies, Sunshine valley, just south of Banff EL SUPERSABIO. Clasa-Mohme lOlmin sd apply Produced by Posa Films The Latin American comedian, Cantinflas, follows his usual method of kidding current events. In this film he is mistaken for a scientist suspected of hiding secrets which puts a squad of gunmen and a beautiful newspaper girl on his trail SUPAI INDIAN. Coronet 1947 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 970.1 Supai Indians. See Havasupai Indians Superstition Forgotten village 917.2 Science and superstition 500 SUPERVISING WOMEN WORKERS. Castle 1944 llmin sd (Problems of supervision) $21.44 658.3 SUPERVISING WORKERS ON THE JOB. Castle 1944 lOmin sd (Problems of supervision) $20.74 658.3 Supervision. See Foremen SUPERVISION — DEVELOPING COOPERATION. Castle 14min sd $19.96 658.3 SUPERVISOR AS A LEADER— PART I. * Castle 1944 14min sd (Problems of supervision) $25.71 658.3 SUPERVISOR AS A LEADER— PART II. ♦ Castle 1944 13mln sd (Problems of supervision) $23.60 658.3 SUPPER'S READY. CanNFB 1944 lOmin sd $25, rent $1.50 Points out extra need of well-balanced diets, careful buying and preparation of food in wartime and gives suggestions along these lines Supply and demand What is business? 658 THE SUPREME COURT. Coronet 1949 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 347.9 SURFACE CONDENSER. See Magic of steam — part II: surface condenser 621.1 SURFACE GRINDER. Norton 17min sd color (Lessons in grinding) loan Shows several types of grinders used for different classes of work Surface tension. See Capillarity Surgery Chain of asepsis Cineplastlc operation on the arm stump Complete harelip and associated cleft palate 617 Freeing the kidney and ureter and suspending the kidney Lumbar puncture Lynch's simplification of the perineal operation for excision of the rectosigmoid Modern surgery 617 One against the world 921 Paravertebral thoracoplasty — under local and block anesthesia 617 Penalty of neglect Removal of pleural tumor 617 Repair of a hiatus hernia 617 Surgery in chest diseases Surgical anatomy Sutures since Lister Technique of skin grafting: Instruments and procedures 617 Vaginal hysterectomy See also Brain— Surgery; Nose— Surgery Surgery, Plastic New faces come back 617 SURGERY IN CHEST DISEASES. BIS 1945 43min sd $75, rent $5 Primarily intended for exhibition to medical audiences. It is hoped it will serve to give such audiences an indication of the scope of chest surgery and collateral services in Britain SURGICAL ANATOMY. Burke.B 60min si apply Produced by C. J. Baumgartner. Approved by the Wistar Institute SURGICAL DRESSINGS. Castle 19min sd $25.69 Produced by the U.S. Navy Shows how to prepare a dressing cart and assist the doctor in changing dressings SURGICAL GINGIVECTOMY. Scientific 1948 55mln si color $325, rent $25 Sponsored by the University of Illinois and the Colorado Dental Foundation. Distributed to professional schools and organized groups Illustrates in every detail the surgical treatment of periodontal disease (pyorrhea) as performed by Dr Balint Orban, international authority on periodontal diseases SURPRISE FOR JANIEl Kelvinator 24min sd color $150, loan Features the role of the home freezer in today's mode of living Surrealism The cage Le chien andalou The potted psalm Surveying Falkland islands 263