Educational film guide ()

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EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE TOWN RATS. BIS 1948 16mln sd J37.50, rent $2.50 Produced for the British Ministry of Food Shows the dangers of a rat infested neighborhood and describes the best methods of extermination Towns. See Cities and towns TOWNS ON NORMANDY COAST. FrancoAmerican lOmin sd (Visit to France) rent $2 Sponsored by the French Line A travelogue Toxins and antitoxins Action of staphylococcal toxin on rabbits and mice Diphtheria 616.2 TOY SHOP. Kodascope 1935 lOmin sd color rent $2 F A TOYLAND BROADCAST. TFC 9min sd color (Happy harmonies) apply Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer A cartoon review of toyland, with toys personifying well known stage and radio entertainers Toys Christmas in toyland Getting your money's worth, no. 1 Let's make toys Novelty shop A toyland broadcast Toys from odds and ends 745 Understanding children's play TOYS FROIVI ODDS AND ENDS. Brandon 1941 lOmin sd (Handicraft instructional films) $40, rent $2 745 Also available in a silent version ($30, rent $1.50) Track and field series (UWF). See United world track and field series Track athletics The broad jump (Coronet) 796.4 The broad jump (UWF) 796.4 Dashes, hurdles and relays 796.4 Decathlon champion 796.4 Discus 796.4 Distance races 796.4 Distances 796.4 The high jump (Coronet) 796.4 High jump (UWF) 796.4 Highlights of IHSAA state basketball tournament and state track meet of 1946 The hurdles 796.4 The javelin 796.4 Jumps and pole vault 796.4 Middle distances 796.4 Pole vault (UWF) 796.4 Pole vault (Coronet) 796.4 Record breaker The relays 796.4 Shot put 796.4 The sprints 796.4 Weight events 796.4 TRACKING THE SLEEPING DEATH. TFC lOmin sd (MGM miniatures) apply 616.9 TRACTOR CARE ON THE FARM FRONT. See Farm tractor care Tractors Care of a tractor 629.2 Cold facts from the northland Farm tractor care Good going for tractors Mules to motors New ways to do more with farm power 631.3 Reconditioning a two-bottom tractor plow 631.3 Trade. See Commerce Trade-marks Marks of merit Trade routes Freighter at sea 387 Trade unions Campus comes to the steelworker 374 Case of the fishermen Deadline for action 329 For the record 331.89 Marching on Millions of us 331.13 Our union Our union — story of Local 91 People's program Poverty in the valley of plenty Seed for tomorrow This is our brotherhood Great Britain Each for all TRADE WINDS. Films 105mln sd apply Louis Kornitzer's story, starring Frederic March. Joan Bennett, Sidney Blackmer and Ralph Bellamy Trades. See Occupations TRADING CENTERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST. Coronet 1947 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 917.9 Trafalgar (Cape), Battle of, 1805 Lloyds of London F TRAFFIC. TFC lOmin sd (Howe hodge podge ser) apply A study of types of transportation all over the world Traffic accidents. See Accidents — Prevention; Automobiles — Accidents Traffic regulations Arteries of the city 380 Behind the wheel 629.213 Do you walk safely? 614.8 Highway mania 629.213 How patrols operate It's up to you 629.213 Lifestream of the city Safety patrol 614.B Safety to and from school 614.8 Traffic safety films (Progressive) Night and bad weather driving 629.213 TRAFFIC WITH THE DEVIL. TFC 21min sd (Theater of life) apply 629.213 TRAIL OF THE GREAT DIVIDE. CanNatRy 20min sd color loan A trip by pony pack train in the Canadian Rockies, visiting the Valley of a thousand falls and Mt Robson TRAIL OF THE HAWK. Sack 1948 SOmin sd $125 Based on the book "The Coyote" by James Oliver Curwood TRAIL OF THE OLYMPIAN. MilwaukeeRd 23min sd color loan 385 TRAIL RIDING THROUGH THE CLOUDS. CanPacRy 24min si color loan Pictures a trip thru the Canadian Rockies TRAIL TO HEALTH. USIndlanServ 20min sd color $81.04 Film was made by the Federal government for use in Indian education Two Indian lads, Bart and Mac, discover that they have tuberculosis through a mobile X-ray unit. What they learn about the disease and how they get well Is told in a simple, interesting manner Trailers. See Automobiles — Trailers Trailside adventures (Barr) Biography of a horned owl 598.2 The cooper hawk 598.2 The kangaroo rat 591.5 The roadrunner 598.2 Wild animals — their homes and habits 591.5 Trained nurses. See Nurses and nursing TRAINING. PerryMansfield 1946 14min si color (Dance and bodv mechanics) rent $2 Shows a day in the training of a dance student at the Perry-Mansfield school, Steamboat Springs, Colorado Training of animals. See Animals — Training Training of children. See Children — Management Training of employees. See Employees, Training of 276